Biomass, Biochemicals, Biofuel: Climate Change Mitigation: Sequestration of Green House Gases is designed to not only give basic knowledge on the topics presented, but also to enlighten on conventional and advanced technologies, socioeconomic aspects, techno-economic feasibility, models and modeling tools, and detailed LCA approaches in the sequestration of GHGs for biofuel and biomaterials, including biopolymer production. These innovative technologies and novel prospective directly find applications in day-to-day practices. The book is a useful guide to politicians, researchers, teachers and waste management practitioners. It offers a treasure of knowledge to guide readers on the importance of GHGs sequestration in important areas.
The issue of climate change is gaining much more attention by researchers, public, politicians and others. Climate change is one of the most complex issues the world is facing today. It has implications across society, including in science, technology, economics, society, politics, and moral and ethical dilemmas.
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1. Understanding climate variables and dynamics of the global climate system and greenhouse gas emissions
2. Understanding climate change mitigation by adaptation practices
3. Challenges and opportunities of machine learning for sequestration of Green House Gases
4. Chemical looping mechanisms for sequestration of Green House Gases for biofuel and biomaterials
5. Prospect of biological processes and methods for sequestration of Carbon dioxide for biofuel and by-products
6. Microbiome based biological and technological methods for sequestration of methane for biofuel and biomaterials
7. Prospects and challenges for sequestration of nitrous oxide for nutrient recovery and product formation
8. Evaluation of prospects and challenges due to climate change by Life Cycle Assessment-case study
9. Soil carbon feedbacks evaluation for Green House Gases sequestration to climate change for plant productivity and biomaterials
10. Evaluation of solid waste land fill site for sequestration of Green House Gases for biofuel and biomaterials
11. Carbon-dioxide biofixation and phycoremediation of municipal wastewater for biofuel and biomaterials
12. Prospects and challenges of nitrogen and phosphorus management by GHGs mitigation in cropland soils for productivity of plants
13. Sequestration of greenhouse gas emissions of ruminants through nutritional strategies
14. Climate change, health and vulnerability due to Green House gases and involvement of factors for disease and diagnostics
15. Socio-political and economical processes and relationships evaluation for climate change damage for policy and legal formulations
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Presents comprehensive information on climate variables and dynamics surrounding the emission of GHGs and their effect on climate change and mitigation
Introduces appropriate technologies for GHG sequestration for biofuel and biomaterials production
Presents the best available technologies for climate mitigation and examples from various geographical areas
Evaluates technological systems to help users develop technically best and economically feasible projects
Offers chemical looping mechanisms for the sequestration of green house gases for biofuel and biomaterials
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Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc
Biographical note
Professor I.S. Thakur is currently professor in the School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Professor Thakur is working on bioremediation, biovalorization and detoxification of natural and organic compounds, developed bacterial consortium by genetic breeding, characterized genes and proteins, proteomics, genomics analysis for CO2 sequestration for biomass, enzymes, biodiesel, bioflocculant, bioplastic, biomaterials. He has published more than 210 research papers in peer reviewed journals, chapters in books, two text books, four patents and technologies with h index of 34, and ≥3800 citations (Google Scholar). Prof Thakur has been Visiting Scientist and Visiting Professor in Germany, Japan and France, Canada, Australia Prof. Ashok Pandey is currently Executive Director, Centre for Energy and Environmental Sustainability-India, Lucknow. His major research and technological development interests are industrial and environmental biotechnology and energy biosciences, focusing on biomass to biofuels and chemicals, waste to wealth and energy, etc.
Prof. Ngo is currently a Professor of Environmental Engineering and serving as Deputy Director of Centre for Technology in Water and Wastewater, Co-Director of Joint Research Centre for Protective Infrastructure Technology and Environmental Green Bioprocess, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology Sydney. He has been duly elected as Fellow of International Water Association (FIWA) and Fellow and Lead Researcher of the International Bioprocessing Association (FIBA and LRIBA) while serving as IBA Council Member.
Prof. Ngo is internationally well-known for his activities in the areas of advanced biological waste treatment technologies (e.g. membrane bioreactor, specific attached and/or suspended growth bioreactors, anaerobic digesters, wetland and bio-sorption) and membrane technologies. His expertise and practical experience also covers the areas of alternative resources, management and impacts assessment, and solid waste management. Currently, he is very active to work on the development of specific green bioprocessing technologies: resource recovery, water-waste- bioenergy nexus and greenhouse gas emission control.
Prof. Ngo has been listed as Highly Cited Researcher 2019 in Cross Field Category, Clarivate Analytics, Web of Science; Elsevier - World Top 3 ranking researcher 2019 in Environmental Engineering; Lead Researcher in the field of Biotechnology in Australia. He ranks #2 in the world for number of scholarly outputs in the SciVal topic ‘membrane fouling; bioreactors; membrane bioreactors (SciVal, Feb 2020). He ranks #1 in Australia for number of scholarly outputs in the SciVal topic ‘biosorption; aqueous solution; bisorption capacity; ‘antibiotics; oxytetracycline; veterinary antibiotics’, (SciVal, Feb 2020).
Prof. Ngo has published more than 500 SCI/ISI journal papers (citations >20,000), 7 books and 35 book chapters, a number of patents while receiving several highly recognized honours/awards. He has been invited to give numerous plenary/keynotes and invited talks, seminars and lecturers in the international conferences as well as the universities/research institutions.
Prof. Ngo has appointed as Editor of Bioresource Technology, Elsevier, Associate Editor of Science of the Total Environment, Elsevier, Associate Editor of Water Process Engineering and Associate Editor of Heliyon Journal, Elsevier. He is also an editorial board member/guest editor of numerous international journals such as Bioresource Technology Reports, Elsevier; Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring and Management, Elsevier; Journal of Energy and Environmental Sustainability, IJSEES, Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, EHIT, Journal of Bioengineered, Taylor & Francis. Professor Carlos Ricardo Soccol is the research group leader of DEBB (Department of Bioprocess Engineering and Biotechnology) at the Federal University of Paraná, Brazil, with twenty years of experience in biotechnological research and development of bioprocesses with industrial application. He is graduated in Chemical Engineering (UFPR, 1979), Master in Food Technology (UFPR, 1986) and Ph.D. in Genie Enzymatique, Microbiologie et Bioconversion (Université de Technologie de Compiègne,- France, 1992). Postdoctor at Institut ORSTOM/IRD (Montpellier, 1994 and 1997) and at the Université de Provence et de la Méditerranée (Marseille, 2000). He is HDR Professor at Ecole d'Ingénieurs Supériure of Luminy, Marseille-France. He has experience in the areas of Science and Food Technology, with emphasis on Agro-industrial and Agroalimentary Biotechnology, acting in the following areas: bioprocess engineering and solid state fermentation, submerged fermentation, bioseparations, industrial bioprocesses, enzyme technology, tissue culture, bio-industrial projects and bioproduction. He is currently Coordinator of Master BIODEV-UNESCO, Associate Editor of five international journals and Editor in Chief of Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology Journal. Professor Soccol received several national and international awards which include Science & Technology award of the Govt. of Paraná (1996), Scopus/Elsevier award (2009), Dr. Honoris Causa, University Blaise Pascal-France (2010), Outstanding Scientist – 5th International Conference on Industrial Bioprocesses, Taipei, Taiwan (2012), Elected Titular Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (2014). He is a technical and scientific consultant of several companies, agencies and scientific journals in Brazil and abroad. He has supervised and formed 96 Master Science students, 48 PhD students and 14 Post-Doctorate Students. He has 995 publications/communications which include 17 books, 107 book chapters, 270 original research papers, 557 research communications in international and national conferences and has registered 44 patents. His research articles until the moment were cited (Scopus DataBase) 5600 Times with Index h=36. Prof Christian Larroche is former Director of Polytech Clermont, a graduate school of engineering of University Clermont-Auvergne, France. He is also member of the research laboratory Institut Pascal and of the laboratory of excellence ImobS3 at the same university. He has strong research skills and expertise in the area of applied microbiology and biochemical engineering. He is author of about 300 documents, including ~150 articles, three patents, 16 book chapters and 35 co-editions of books or journal special issues. He is member of French Society for Process Engineering (SFGP), of the French Society of Biotechnology and of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering. He is also administrator of IBA-IFIBiop and editor of Journal of Food Sciences and Technology.