’Putting the global proliferation of knowledge, interpretation, learning and expertise centre stage, this book offers novel and illuminative perspectives even to experts of globalisation. Some of the most intangible and elusive concomitants of internationalised production are exposed, which reveals how rising producers in the Southern periphery challenge the powers of maturing industries in the North.’ Martina Fromhold-Eisebith, RWTH Aachen University, Germany ’The rapid dispersion of production-related knowledge to places outside the core economies has become an important feature in the accelerating process of globalization. At the same time research and development activities by multinational companies are increasingly being located in previously peripheral regions. Martina Fuchs has produced a timely and insightful account of this fascinating process, accompanied by well-chosen, illustrative empirical examples from different parts of the world.’ Claes G. Alvstam, University of Gothenburg, Sweden ’With the persistent internationalization of business, what is happening to the knowledge necessary to manage and upgrade corporate operations? This book is a stimulating invitation to participate in drawing the complex, evolving map of corporate knowledge in the global economy. Martina Fuchs proposes a multidimensional account of knowledge and interpretation to suggest that its global dynamics eschew any simple North-South divisions and its creation and use are more entwined with local circumstances.’ Päivi Oinas, Turku School of Economics, University of Turku, Finland