Worldwide Knowledge? Global Firms, Local Labour and the Region Fuchs, Martina Heftet / 2018 / Engelsk
Managing Culture and Interspace in Cross-border Investments Fuchs, Martina Digital bok / 2017 / Engelsk
Worldwide Knowledge? Global Firms, Local Labour and the Region Fuchs, Martina Innbundet / 2014 / Engelsk
Industrial Transition New Global-Local Patterns of Production, Work, and Innovation Fuchs, Martina Heftet / 2016 / Engelsk
Industrial Transition New Global-Local Patterns of Production, Work, and Innovation Fuchs, Martina Innbundet / 2012 / Engelsk
Managing Culture and Interspace in Cross-border Investments Building a Global Company Fuchs, Martina Innbundet / 2017 / Engelsk
Managing Culture and Interspace in Cross-border Investments Building a Global Company Fuchs, Martina Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk