Has the role of rituals in medieval politics been exaggerated? Williams Nicholas Heftet / 2009 / Engelsk
Form and Content in Revived Cornish Reviews and Essays in Criticism of Kernowek Kemyn Everson Michael Heftet / 2007 / Engelsk
Aventurs Pinocchio - Whedhel Popet The Adventures of Pinocchio - The Story of a Puppet in Cornish Heftet / 2018 / Kornisk
Aventurs Alys in Pow an Anethow - Dyllans Dywyêthek Kernowek-Sowsnek Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Cornish-English Bilingual Edition Heftet / 2021 / Kornisk
Aventurs Alys in Pow an Anethow Alice's Adventures in Wonderland in Cornish Carroll Lewis Heftet / 2015 / Kornisk
Dracùla hag Ôstyas Dracùla Dracula and Dracula's Guest in Cornish Stoker Bram Heftet / 2016 / Kornisk
Der an Gweder Meras ha Myns a Gafas Alys Ena Through the Looking-Glass in Cornish Carroll Lewis Heftet / 2015 / Kornisk
Fu Genre of Imperial China Studies in the Rhapsodic Imagination Williams Nicholas Morrow Innbundet / 2019 / Engelsk
Land of Sweeping Plains Managing and Restoring the Native Grasslands of South-Eastern Australia Williams Nicholas Heftet / 2015 / Engelsk