Social Change and the Coming of Post-consumer Society Theoretical Advances and Policy Implications Cohen, Maurie Heftet / 2019 / Engelsk
Social Change and the Coming of Post-consumer Society Theoretical Advances and Policy Implications Cohen, Maurie Innbundet / 2017 / Engelsk
Innovations in Sustainable Consumption New Economics, Socio-technical Transitions and Social Practices Cohen Maurie J. Innbundet / 2013 / Engelsk
Innovations in Sustainable Consumption New Economics, Socio-technical Transitions and Social Practices Cohen Maurie J. Heftet / 2014 / Engelsk
Effective Environmental Regulation Learning from Poland's Experience Angel David P. Innbundet / 2000 / Engelsk
Corporate Environmentalism in a Global Economy Societal Values in International Technology Transfer Brown Halina Szejnwald Innbundet / 1993 / Engelsk