<p>"… [a] successful attempt to present a cohesive treatment of several important topics in classical number theory by first developing a theory of quadratic irrationals and then building on that to show how the other topics reflect different faces of this theory. … works best as a monograph for those who are already familiar with some parts of the material covered here and would like to see other approaches. … it does include a better selection of numerical examples than is found in most books, and it has a number of applications to other areas such as diophantine equations."<br />—Allen Stenger, <em>MAA Reviews</em>, January 2014</p><p>"…comprehensive text dealing with the theory of binary quadratic forms. … one of the main interests of this book is that it gathers a lot of important results which are generally strewn throughout the literature and are quite difficult to access. This text is quite clear and some exercises and examples are scattered throughout the book. I therefore think that it will find many interested readers within the international mathematical community."<br />— Olivier Bordellès, Mathematical Reviews Clippings, December 2013</p>
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Biographical note
Franz Halter-Koch retired as a professor of mathematics from the University of Graz in 2004. A member of the Austrian Academy of Science, Dr. Halter-Koch is the author/coauthor of roughly 150 scientific articles, author of Ideal Systems: An Introduction to Multiplicative Ideal Theory, and coauthor of Non-Unique Factorizations: Algebraic, Combinatorial and Analytic Theory. His research focuses on elementary and algebraic number theory, non-unique factorizations, and abstract multiplicative ideal theory.