Reading lists
Akademika is proud to give its customers access to quality-controlled lists containing all required and recommended titles for any given curriculum. We collect, perform quality control and prepare the lists and order the titles in question in good time before the start of term. This way you can be sure to get the titles you need, when you need them. With the lists, you will also find titles that the lecturers or Akademika's staff recommend for a given course. These are carefully selected titles we think will prove useful for you in your studies.
With a few simple clicks you can find the list you need. All you have to do is choose which university/college you go to, the name of the course and which semester it belongs in.
You can also do a quick search based on the course name to find your list.
Curriculum lists usually do not contain compendia or other material that is generally not available through bookstores.
New and updated curriculum lists are published on our website before each start of term. The lists may also be obtained by visiting one of our stores on the campus you attend. Please note that changes to lists may occur, for example in the event of a given edition being out of print, in which case Akademika will supply the substituted ISBN of that edition. Always be sure to check with your course administrator or institution for a complete overview of your curriculum. Please note an order may be delivered in several consignments.
Student benefits
Personal customer service
All of us at Akademika do our very best to satisfy our customers. We are available to you by e-mail. Please see Contact us for opening hours If you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to reach out to us. We'd love to help!
Free shipping
We have free shipping in Norway, regardless of how many shipments an order is split into.
Discounts on curriculum titles
We give good discounts on any title we are allowed to discount under Norwegian law. Newly published, norwegian professional titles may not be discounted before May 1st in the year following publication.
We have section administrators in all our stores who know your curriculum needs!