This volume presents a close reading of instances of Shakespearean
quotations, allusions, imagery and rhetoric found in Karl Marx’s
collected works and letters, which provides evidence that
Shakespeare’s writings exerted a formative influence on Marx and the
development of his work. Through a methodology of intertextual and
interlingual close-reading, this study provides evidence of the extent
to which Shakespeare influenced Marx and to which Marxism has
Shakespearean roots. As a child, Marx was home-schooled in Ludwig von
Westphalen’s little academy, as it were, which was Shakespeare- and
literary-focused. The group included von Westphalen’s daughter, who
later became Marx’s wife, Jenny. The influence of Shakespeare in
Marx’s writings shows up as early as his school essays and love
letters. He modelled his early journalism partly on ideas and rhetoric
found in Shakespeare’s plays. Each turn in the development of
Marx’s thought—from Romantic to Left Hegelian and then to
Communist—is achieved in part through his use of literature,
especially Shakespeare. Marx’s mature texts on history, politics and
economics—including the famous first volume of Das Kapital—are
laden with Shakespearean allusions and quotations. Marx's engagement
with Shakespeare resulted in the development of a framework of
characters and imagery he used to stand for and anchor the different
concepts in his political critique. Marx’s prose style uses a
conceit in which politics are depicted as performative. Later, the
Marx family—Marx, Jenny and their children—was central in the
late-19th-century revival of Shakespeare on the London stage, and in
the growth of academic Shakespeare scholarship. Through providing
evidence for a formative role of Shakespeare in the development of
Marxism, the present study suggests a formative role for literature in
the history of ideas.
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The Shakespearean Roots of Marxism
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