​Values are a much-discussed topic, and not only in public. Various academic disciplines deal with values and the concept of value formation from different perspectives. Against this background, the anthology combines theoretical and methodological approaches from philosophy, education, political science, theology, communication studies, literary studies and sociology. The aim is to present inter- and transdisciplinary lines of connection and differences within research on values and value formation. The contributions in this volume offer an up-to-date overview of different theoretical traditions, but also discuss relevant empirical findings on values and value formation. Common to all approaches is the question of what can be understood by values and how and under what circumstances they emerge.This book is a translation of the original German 1st edition Werte und Wertebildung aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive by Roland Verwiebe, published by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature in 2019. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service DeepL.com). A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.
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Values and value formation from a sociological perspective.- Values and value formation from a philosophical perspective.- Value formation in schools.- Values from a literary perspective.- In search of clues: religion in the context of value formation.- Values and value formation in the context of gainful employment.- The role of organizations in value formation: the example of youth and sports clubs.- Values and value formation in political socialization.- Values and value formation in the context of new media.- Values and value formation in the migration society.- Power. Leadership. Meaning? Leadership as a place of value formation.
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Values are a much-discussed topic, and not only in public. Various academic disciplines deal with values and the concept of value formation from different perspectives. Against this background, the anthology combines theoretical and methodological approaches from philosophy, education, political science, theology, communication studies, literary studies and sociology. The aim is to present inter- and transdisciplinary lines of connection and differences within research on values and value formation. The contributions in this volume offer an up-to-date overview of different theoretical traditions, but also discuss relevant empirical findings on values and value formation. Common to all approaches is the question of what can be understood by values and how and under what circumstances they emerge.The EditorDr. Roland Verwiebe is a university professor for social structure research and quantitative methods at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Vienna.The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence. A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content.
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How do individual value attitudes develop, how do they change through formative life events? Findings from qualitative and quantitative value research Interdisciplinary perspectives and current empirical findings
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Product details

210 mm
148 mm
Research, P, 06
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Biographical note

Dr. Roland Verwiebe is a university professor for social structure research and quantitative methods at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Vienna.