This collection of very funny poems – from an acrostic poem that doesn't quite work, to a love letter to someone the poet doesn't really like – are, in many cases, hilariously uncomplimentary! ... this is a great collection of genuinely funny poems and they're refreshingly original for older primary kids, reflecting their lives and interests.
I think any reader would find it hard not only to avoid laughing, but to stop themselves reading the poems aloud – they are absolutely begging to be performed!
- Library Girl and Book Boy,
A great book for home or the classroom (and great for reducing stress whilst cooking!).
- K and O: Bonkers About Books,
There’s a wide range of contributors to this anthology, as well as some poems by Joshua Seigal himself who is a fabulous writer (and is well worth a follow on twitter if you don’t already).
- Sarah Burns, Let Them Be Small Blog
Product details
Biographical note
Joshua Seigal is an internationally renowned poet, performer and educator. His first book with Bloomsbury, I Don’t Like Poetry, was nominated for the Laugh Out Loud Award, an award Joshua has subsequently won twice. He is also a recipient of The People’s Book Prize, and has performed at schools and festivals around the world, including the Edinburgh Book Festival, the Cheltenham Literature Festival, and the Emirates Literature Festival. He is an Official Ambassador for National Poetry Day, and has been commissioned to write and perform for the BBC. He can normally be found running poetry workshops and performances in schools, either online or in real life. His website is
Tim Wesson was born somewhere in England. As a young boy he enjoyed climbing trees and drawing pictures of dogs in cars. Eventually he became an illustrator who creates children’s books. Tim doodles and paints whenever he can and likes to draw the first thing that pops into his head. He lives by the sea in Suffolk with his family.