Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the Chinese Materials Congress 2014 (CMC 2014), July 4-7, 2014, Chengdu, China. The 145 papers are grouped as follows: Symposium L: Metal Matrix and Ceramic Matrix Composites; Symposium M: High Temperature/Ultra-High Temperature Structural Materials, Surface and Coating Engineering; Symposium N: High Entropy Alloys and Special High Temperature Material; Symposium O: Advanced Magnesium Alloys and Application; Symposium P: Superalloys; Symposium Q: Powder Metallurgy; Symposium R: Steel
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Selected, peer reviewed papers from the Chinese Materials Congress 2014 (CMC 2014), July 4-7, 2014, Chengdu, China
PrefaceSymposium L: Metal Matrix and Ceramic Matrix CompositesSurface Pretreatment and Fabrication Technology of Woven Carbon Fiber Cloth Aluminium Alloy Matrix CompositeImprovement of Anti-Hydrolytic Property of AlN Powder Modified by the Rare-Earth SaltsEffect of the Ball Milling on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AlN/Cu CompositeEffect of Sr and La on the In Situ A356-TiB2 Composite Fabricated via Remelting and Diluting ApproachMicrostructures and Mechanical Properties of Three-Dimensional Braided Carbon Fiber Reinforced Mullite Composites with Different Sols as Raw MaterialsInfluences of Thermal Molding Process on the Flexural Properties of SiC/SiC Composites with a New Precursor PolymerMicrostructure, Mechanical and Dielectric Properties of Si3N4-BN Composites with Different PorositiesPreparation of Al2O3/Al-Si Composites by In Situ Reaction of Fe2O3+MnO2/Al SystemMicrostructure and Tribological Properties of Ni-Base Coatings under Different Lubrication ConditionsMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of BN Nanotubes Reinforced Si3N4 Porous CompositesEffect of Infiltration Temperature on the Composition and Mechanical Property of RMI C/C-SiC CompositeInfluences of High Temperature Treatment of C/C on the Mechanical Properties of C/C-SiC CompositesEffect of BN Interphase Coating and PIP Cycles on the Mechanical Properties of VSI SiC/SiC CompositesInfluence of Yb2O3 and Y2O3 on the Mechanical Properties of Porous Si3N4 CeramicsEffect of Sample Size upon Quasi-Static Compressive Loading of Ti48Zr20Cu5Nb12Be15 Amorphous CompositesEffect of Ammonium Polyacrylate and Pre-Oxidation on Rheological Properties of Si3N4 SlurriesDouble Negative Property in Co/YIG Prepared by Low Temperature Impregnation ProcessTunable Electromagnetic Properties of Yttrium Iron Garnet CeramicsInfluence of Hot Extrusion on Microstructure and Hardness of SiC Particle Reinforced Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy Matrix CompositePreparation of Cf/HfC Composite by Reactive MeltInfiltration Using Hf-Based AlloyEffect of Curing Methods on the Mechanical Property of SiC Fiber Prepared via HydrogenationPreparation of Diamond Coatings on Alumina by Hot Filament Chemical Vapor DepositionAnomalous Strain Rate Sensitivity of Nanocrystalline Ni Induced by Rolling DeformationMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of Laminated Buckypaper/SiC CompositeFlexural Properties of T700 2D Cf/SiC Composites via Precursor Infiltration and PyrolysisInfluence of Ethyl Acetoacetate on the Structure and Thermal Stability of Alumina AerogelInfluence of Composition and Microstructure on the Mechanical Properties of SiC Ceramic FibersInterfacial Wettability and Thermal Conductivity of Diamond/Al Based Composites with Ti and B AdditionsPreparation of Graphene and Graphene/Al CompositesInfluence of Temperatures on the Formation of SiBCN Powders Prepared by CVD Using Borazine and Liquid PolycarbosilanePreparation of BN Coating on KD-II Silicon Carbide Fiber by Dip-Coating ProcessEffect of N2H4 on Electrodeposition of Ni-Graphene Composite Coatings and their Corrosion Resistance PropertyMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of TiC/Ti3AlC2In Situ Composites Prepared by Hot Pressing MethodInfluence of the Metal Particle Size and Sintering Process on the Electrical Resistivity of m-ZrO2/30%Mo CermetMicrostructure and Mechanical Property of Ti3AlC2/TiAl3 Composite Synthesized by Hot PressingSymposium M: High Temperature/Ultra-High Temperature Structural Materials, Surface and Coating EngineeringFailure Mechanism of 7YSZ Splat as Thermal Barrier CoatingPreparation, Microstructure and Properties of ZrO2 Gradient Porous Ceramics by Freeze-Casting ProcessInteraction between Nb-Silicide Based Alloys and Y2O3 CrucibleThermophysical Properties of Gd2O3 Doped SrHfO3 CeramicInfluence of Small Amounts of Si and Al on the Synthesis of Ti3SiC2 by Spark Plasma SinteringStructure of B-Modified MoSi2 Coating on C103 Alloy Prepared through Glow Plasma Deposition and HAPC Combined MethodAging Precipitation Evolving Process and its Effects on Mechanical Properties of 0Cr21Ni6Mn9N Austenitic Stainless SteelEffect of Mullite Content on the Properties of Silica-Based Ceramic CoresInvestigation on Nano-Fused Silica in Silica-Based Ceramic Cores for Investment CastingThermophysical Properties of (Sm1-xNdx)2Ce2O7 Ceramic OxidesMicrostructure and Properties of AlSn20 Coating Deposited via Magnetron SputteringMicrostructural and Mechanical Properties of TiAlN and Ti3AlN Films Deposited by Reactive Magnetron SputteringInfluences of MCrAlY Coatings and TBCs on Oxidation Behavior of a Ni-Based Single Crystal SuperalloyEffect of Al Content on Microstructure and Creep Behavior of Low Density Ni3Al-Base Single Crystal SuperalloyOptimization of Ta Content of a Third Generation Ni3Al Base Single Crystal SuperalloyInfluence of Rotating Speed on Mechanical Alloying Behavior of the Elemental Powder Blends of Nb-Ti-Si Based Alloy during Ball Milling ProcessSymposium N: High Entropy Alloys and Special High Temperature MaterialEffect of Annealing Time on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the AlCrFeNi2Ti0.5 High Entropy AlloysMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of the W-Ni-Co System Refractory High-Entropy AlloysSymposium O: Advanced Magnesium Alloys and ApplicationEffect of Yttrium Content on the Ultra-High Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Mg-Zn-Y-Zr AlloysEffect of Al-5Zr-1.1B Grain Refiner on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AZ91D Magnesium AlloyThe Effect of Casting Speed on Physical Fields of AZ80 Magnesium Alloy during DC CastingMicrostructure and Properties of Friction Stir Welded Mg-1Al-xSn-0.3Mn Magnesium AlloysEffects of Quenching Rate on the Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of the Heat Treatable Mg-4.2Y-2.3Nd-1.0Gd-0.6Zr Magnesium AlloyTensile Behavior of Mg-Nd-Zn-Zr Alloy at Medium and High TemperatureGrain Refining Behavior of Zr, Al2Y and Al4C3 Particles in Magnesium Alloys by the First-Principles CalculationsMicrostructure and Phase Transformation of Super-High Pressure Mg-Li AlloyInfluences of Tensile Temperature on the Mechanical Properties of Rolled Mg-Zn-Gd Sheets with Non-Basal TextureInvestigation on the Compound Phosphate Film Formed in Bath with Cerium Salts on the Magnesium Aluminum AlloyConstitutive Modeling of Magnesium Alloys with Distortional HardeningMicrostructural Evolution and Mechanical Behavior of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Sheets with Li AdditionMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of Submerged Friction Stir Processing Mg-Y-Nd AlloyMicrostructure of Directionally Solidified Mg-Zn Alloy with Different Growth RatesSolid–Liquid Diffusion and Phase Growth Kinetics in Mg-Ca Binary SystemProgress on Hydrothermal Synthesis of Biomedical Coatings on Magnesium AlloyEffect of Additional Shear Stress on Microstructure Evolution of AZ31 Sheet by Differential Speed RollingMicrostructures and Mechanical Properties of Extruded High-Purity MagnesiumMicrostructure Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Mg-3Zn-0.5Er-0.5Al AlloySuperplastic Instability and Damage Evolution of AZ31B Magnesium Alloy SheeInvestigation on the Physical and Chemical Grain Refinement of the Mg-10Sm AlloyEffects of Different Species of Sr Additives on as Cast Microstructure and Tensile Properties of AS31 AlloyEffective Dispersion of CNTs to Fabricate CNT/Mg NanocompositeEffect of Ce and Homogeneous Annealing on Microstructure and Deformation Performance of ZM21 AlloyInfluence of Long Period Stacking Ordered Phase on Non-Uniform Deformation in Cast Mg-Zn-Y AlloysMicrostructural Evolution of Mg-4Al-2.5Ca Alloy during SolidificationForming of the Battery Cell Packing in Extruded AZ31 Magnesium Alloys through Backward ExtrusionComparation about Refining Efficiency to Microstructure of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy for Sr Master AlloysMicrostructure and Mechanical Responses of Extruded Magnesium Alloy Sheets with Lithium AdditionSymposium P: SuperalloysInfluence of Cooling Method on the Microstructure and Stress Rupture Property of a Single Crystal SuperalloyEffect of Titanium on Solidification Behavior of IC10 Directionally Solidified SuperalloyInfluence of Thermal Exposure on the Microstructure, Surface Stability and Strength of a New Fe-Ni-Base Superalloy for A-USC ApplicationsMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of a Cobalt-Based Superalloy Used for Nuclear Power StationThermal Stability and Tensile Properties of GH984G Alloy for A-USC Power PlantsInfluence of Fe Content on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of GH984 AlloyEffect of Long-Term Aging on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Wrought Ni-Base SuperalloyCreep Behavior of a Single Crystal Nickel-Based Superalloy Containing Re/Ru at 1100°C/137MPaEffect of Hot Isostatic Pressing on the Microstructure of K417G Cast Turbine DiscsInterface Reaction between Ti3Al-based Alloy and Oxide MoldEffect of Recrystallization on Crack Initiation and Propagation during Creep in a Directionally Solidified Ni-Based SuperalloyMicrostructures and Creep Behavior of As-Cast TiAl-Nb AlloyNew-Type Co-Based Superalloys Designed by CALPHAD MethodEffect of Heat Treatment on Microstructure and High Temperature Wear Properties of High Boron Medium Carbon AlloyMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of a New Ni-Cr-Fe-W-Al Alloy for Advanced Ultra-Supercritical Power PlantsEffect of Mo Addition on the Grain Growth of IN718 AlloyEffect of Rhenium on Microstructure of Directionally Solidified Ni-Based Superalloys with High Chromium ContentMicrostructure and Element Segregation of Ni-Base Superalloy Casting with Radiation and Liquid-Metal CoolingEffects of Co on the Solidification and Precipitation Behaviors of IN 718 AlloyEffect of Deformation Conditions on Dynamic Recrystallization of As-Cast GH625 AlloyStudy of Isothermal Oxidation Behavior of FGH91 SuperalloyLow Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Several Typical Powder Metallurgy SuperalloysEffect of Hafnium on the Microstructure and Creep Property of a Hot Corrosion Resistant SuperalloyStudy on Hot Deformation Behavior of Cast-and-Homogenized Superalloy GH706Quantitative Phase Field Study on the Precipitation Dynamics of γ′ Phase in Ni-Based Superalloys with Different ConcentrationMicrostructure Characteristics of TIG Welding Joint of 740H Pipe for Ultra-Supercritical Power Plant BoilersSymposium Q: Powder MetallurgyPreparing Amorphous/Nanocrystalline TiNbZrTaFe Powder by Mechanical AlloyingStudy on Preparation of LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2 Precursor-Spherical Ni0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2(OH)2Preparation and Characterization of Amorphous Al-Based Metal FoamsEffects of Co Element on Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Fe-6.5wt%Si Magnetic Powder CoresPreparation and Electrocatalytic Activity of Nanophase WC-Co Composite Powder and WC Powder with Spherical Shell StructureCorrosion Behavior of Tungsten Copper Alloy Produced by Infiltration SinteringEffect of HA Content on Microstructure and Compression Properties of Ti-Nb-Sn/HA Composites Fabricated by Plasma Current Activated SinteringPhenomenon of Gaseous Adiabatic Compression of Powder in Explosive CompactionDouble Inhibitory Actions on WC Grains of Microwave Sintered WC-12wt%Co-VC AlloyPhase Structures and Properties of Au-Pd-M (M=Zr, Mo, Y) SystemSymposium R: SteelEffect of Pre-Quenching Process on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in a Nb-Microalloyed Low Carbon Q-P SteelEffect of Ferrite Status on Mechanical Properties of Hot-Rolled Directly Quenched and Partitioned SteelEffect of Rolling Process on Impact Toughness in High Strength Low Carbon Bainitic SteelMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of a Cold-Rolled Medium Manganese Steel with Delta FerriteMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of X70 Pipeline Steel with High H2S ResistanceEffect of Cooling Procedure on Tensile and Charpy Impact Properties of Cr-Mo Ultra-High Strength SteelSimulation of Dilatation Curve Associated with Martensitic Transformation in a Dual-Phase SteelHeat Transfer Characteristics from Single Group Slot Jet Impingement on the Strip Surface for the Hot Rolling Ultra-Fast CoolingEffect of Ni Alloying on the Corrosion Resistance of 355MPa High Weather-Resistant SteelThermodynamics of Amorphous Silicon Oxides in Sub-Rapid Solidified Low Carbon SteelDynamic Behaviors of near β-Type Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr Titanium Alloys under High Strain RateInfluence of Duplex Annealing on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti62421S Titanium Alloy PlateHot Deformation and Processing Map of C919 Aluminum Alloy
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1700 gr
240 mm
170 mm
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