Healthcare sector is characterized by difficulty, dynamism and variety. In 21st century, healthcare domain is surrounded by tons of challenges in terms of Disease detection, prevention, high costs, skilled technicians and better infrastructure. In order to handle these challenges, Intelligent Healthcare management technologies are required to play an effective role in improvising patient’s life. Healthcare organizations also need to continuously discover useful and actionable knowledge to gain insight from tons of data for various purposes for saving lives, reducing medical operations errors, enhancing efficiency, reducing costs and making the whole world a healthy world. Applying Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Healthcare and Drug Development is essential nowadays. The objective of this book is to highlight various Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms techniques for various medical issues in terms of Cancer Diagnosis, Brain Tumor, Diabetic Retinopathy, Heart disease as well as drug design and development. The book will act as one-stop reference for readers to think and explore Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms seriously for real-time patient diagnosis, as the book provides solutions to various complex diseases found critical for medical practitioners to diagnose in real-world. Key Features: Highlights the importance and applications of Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Healthcare industry. Elaborates Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms for Cancer Detection. In-depth coverage of computational methodologies, approaches and techniques based on Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms for detecting Brain Tumour including deep learning to optimize brain tumor diagnosis. Provides a strong foundation for Diabetic Retinopathy detection using Swarm and Evolutionary algorithms. Focuses on applying Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms for Heart Disease detection and diagnosis. Comprehensively covers the role of Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms for Drug Design and Discovery.The book will play a significant role for Researchers, Medical Practitioners, Healthcare Professionals and Industrial Healthcare Research and Development wings to conduct advanced research in Healthcare using Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms techniques.
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The book is intended towards graduates and postgraduates information technology and computer science. It will be beneficial for healthcare professionals in the area of biotechnology, general medicine and pharmacy.
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CONTENTSPreface, xiAbout the Editors, xvContributors, xixAbbreviations, xxiCHAPTER 1 ■ Swarm Intelligence and EvolutionaryAlgorithms in Disease Diagnosis—IntroductoryAspects 1BHUSHAN INJE, SANDEEP KUMAR, AND ANAND NAYYAR1.1 INTRODUCTION 11.2 TERMINOLOGIES 21.2.1 Swarm Intelligence Merits of Swarm Intelligence Classifications and Terminology 41.2.2 Evolutionary Computation 51.2.3 Evolutionary Computation Paradigms 61.3 IMPORTANCE OF SWARM INTELLIGENCE INDISEASE DIAGNOSIS 71.4 IMPORTANCE OF EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHMSIN DISEASE DIAGNOSIS 101.5 CONCLUSION 14CHAPTER 2 ■ Swarm Intelligence and EvolutionaryAlgorithms for Cancer Diagnosis 19BANDANA MAHAPATRA AND ANAND NAYYAR2.1 INTRODUCTION 192.2 CLASSIFICATION OF CANCER 212.3 CHALLENGES IN CANCER DIAGNOSIS 262.3.1 Methods of Cancer Detection 262.3.2 Issues and Challenges Faced While CancerDetection Process 272.4 APPLYING SWARM INTELLIGENCE ALGORITHMFOR CANCER DIAGNOSIS 282.4.1 SI Algorithms for Detection of Lung Cancer 292.4.2 Swarm Intelligence for Breast Cancer 302.4.3 Swarm Intelligence for Ovarian Cancer 302.4.4 SI Algorithm for Early Detection of Gastro Cancer 302.4.5 Swarm Intelligence for Treating Nano-Robots 312.5 APPLYING EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHM FORCANCER DETECTION 342.6 CONCLUSION 40CHAPTER 3 ■ Brain Tumour Diagnosis 45DHANANJAY JOSHI, NITIN CHOUBEY, AND RAJANI KUMARI3.1 INTRODUCTION 453.2 APPLYING EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHMS FORBRAIN TUMOR DIAGNOSIS 503.2.1 Evolutionary Algorithm 503.2.2 Conceptual Framework 1: Applying EvolutionaryAlgorithm for Brain Tumor Diagnosis. 523.3 APPLYING SWARM INTELLIGENCE ALGORITHMSFOR BRAIN TUMOR DIAGNOSIS 543.3.1 Swarm Intelligence (SI) - Based Algorithms 543.3.2 Self-Organization: 553.3.3 Division of Labor: 553.3.4 Particle Swarm Optimization 553.3.5 Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm 563.3.6 Conceptual Framework 2: Applying SwarmIntelligence Based Algorithm for Brain TumorDiagnosis 573.4 APPLYING SWARM INTELLIGENCE ANDEVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHMS TOGETHER FORDIAGNOSIS OF BRAIN TUMOR 583.5 APPLYING SWARM INTELLIGENCE, EVOLUTIONARYALGORITHM AND INCORPORATING TOPOLOGICALDATA ANALYSIS (TDA) FOR BRAIN TUMORDIAGNOSIS 593.5.1 Topological Data Analysis 593.6 CONCLUSION 59CHAPTER 4 ■ Swarm Intelligence and EvolutionaryAlgorithms for Diabetic RetinopathyDetection 65SACHIN BHANDARI, RADHAKRISHNA RAMBOLA, AND RAJANI KUMARI4.1 INTRODUCTION 654.1.1 Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy 664.1.2 Swarm Optimization and EvolutionaryAlgorithms 694.1.3 Objectives and Contributions 714.2 FEATURE OF DIABETIC RETINOPATHY 724.2.1 Microaneurysms 724.2.2 Haemorrhages 734.2.3 Hard Exudates 734.2.4 Soft Exudates 734.2.5 Neo-Vascularization 744.2.6 Macular Edema 744.3 DETECTION OF DIABETIC RETINOPATHY BYAPPLYING SWARM INTELLIGENCE ANDEVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHMS 744.3.1 Genetic Algorithm 754.3.2 Particle Swarm Optimization 794.3.3 Ant Colony Optimization 814.3.4 Cuckoo Search 844.3.5 Bee Colony Optimization 854.4 CONCLUSION 87CHAPTER 5 ■ Swarm Intelligence and EvolutionaryAlgorithms for Heart Disease Diagnosis 93RAJALAKSHMI KRISHNAMURTHI5.1 INTRODUCTION 935.2 PREDICTION AND CLASSIFICATION OF HEARTDISEASE USING MACHINE LEARNING/SWARMINTELLIGENCE 955.2.1 Decision Support System 955.2.2 Clinical Decision Support System 965.2.3 Heart Disease Datasets 975.3 PREDICTING HEART ATTACKS IN PATIENTSUSING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE METHODS(FUZZY LOGIC) 985.3.1 Fuzzy Logic Approach for Heart Disease Diagnosis 995.3.2 Fuzzy Rule Base 1015.3.3 Fuzzy Inference Engine 1025.3.4 Defuzzification 1025.4 PREDICTING HEART DISEASE USING GENETICALGORITHMS 1035.5 SWARM INTELLIGENCE BASED OPTIMIZATIONPROBLEM FOR HEART DISEASE DIAGNOSIS 1055.5.1 Ant Colony Optimization 1055.5.2 Particle Swarm Optimization 1065.6 HEART DISEASE PREDICTION USING DATA MININGTECHNIQUES 1085.7 PERFORMANCE METRICS 1105.8 CONCLUSION 113CHAPTER 6 ■ Swarm Intelligence and EvolutionaryAlgorithms for Drug Design andDevelopment 117BANDANA MAHAPATRA6.1 INTRODUCTION 1176.2 DRUG DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT: PAST, PRESENTAND FUTURE 1196.3 ROLE OF SWARM INTELLIGENCE IN DRUG DESIGNAND DEVELOPMENT 1236.4 ROLE OF EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHMS IN DRUGDESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT 1266.5 QSAR MODELLING USING SWARM INTELLIGENCEAND EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHMS 1286.6 PREDICTION OF MOLECULE ACTIVITY SWARMINTELLIGENCE AND EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHMS 1316.6.1 Particle Swarm Optimization 1356.7 CONCLUSION 136INDEX, 141
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Chapman & Hall/CRC
470 gr
229 mm
152 mm
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Biographical note

Sandeep Kumar, Anand Nayyar, Anand Paul