Contents,Section I: Conditions for Educational Opportunities ,*Schooling, Achievement, and Mobility, Aaron M. Pallas ,*Tracking and Detracking Practices: Relevance for Learning, Maureen T. Hallinan ,*Parental Ties to the School and Community and Mathematics Achievement, Chandra Muller ,*Reading Reality More Carefully Than Books: A Structural Approach to Race and Class Differences in Adolescent Educational Performance, Roslyn Arlin Mickelson, Sumie Okazaki, Dunchun Zheng ,*Dropouts: Definitions, Causes, Consequences and Remedies, Gary Natriello ,*Section II: Changing Definitions of Education ,*Mapping Knowledge Perspectives in Studies of Educational Change, Rolland G. Paulston ,*Expanding Definitions of Learning and Teaching: Notes from the MI Underground, Mindy Kornhaber and Mara Krechevsky ,*Thinking Like a Fish: The Implications of the Image of School Community for Connections Between Parents and Schools, Mary Erina Driscoll ,*Neighborhoods and Corporations: Community Influence on Education Reform, Kathryn Borman and Debra A. Martinson with Louis Castenell, Karen Gallagher and Sally Kilgore ,*Schools Must Do More For Children-Child Advocacy as an Educational Responsibility, Judith H. Cohen ,*Section III: Learning and Assessment ,*The Context of Cultural Inventions: Learning and Curriculum, Ivor F. Goodson ,*The Politics of a National Curriculum, Michael W. Apple ,*The Role of Standards and Assessments in a National Model of Reform, David Stevenson ,*High School Curriculum Differentiation and Postsecondary Outcomes, Thomas B. Hoffer ,Section IV: New Strategies for Solving Educational Problems,*Policy, Knowledge and Power: Some Issues for the Study of Educational Reform, Thomas S. Popkewitz,*Can the Big-City School System be Governed, Kenneth K. Wong,*Administrative Leadership and the Crisis in the Study of Educational Administration: Technical Rationality and Its Aftermath, James G. and Hanne B. Mawhinney with the assistance of Jerald Paquette ,*Privatization: Integrating Private Services in Public Schools, Ellen B. Goldring and Anna V. Shaw Sullivan ,*Why School Choice? A Question of Values, Peter Cookson and Barbara Schneider ,Special Features*wide coverage of important topics in education policy at both federal and local levels *section introductions give succinct views of the significance of each essay
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