"A marvellous rhyming yarn." -- The Sun<br />"We adore this book... Fabulous for little ones who struggle with their emotions in certain situations." -- SEN Resources<br />"This is a great little book that is secretly about behaviour and anger management... Overall a great choice for a calm down box or thinking story, but still entertaining enough to stand alone for younger children." -- Lily and the Fae<br />"...perfectly designed for little ones learning to deal with temper tantrums or struggling with sharing and making friends." -- Lancashire Evening Post<br />"quirky illustrations from Ella Okstad realy [sic] set off the funny story which is perfect for anyone dealing with toddler temper tantrums." -- Parents in Touch<br />"Ella Okstad's portrayal of the capricious infant shows her ticklish temperament to great effect in an offbeat colour palette, and Caroline Crow's rhyming narrative is just right for sharing with tinies especially those of a tantrum-prone nature." -- Jill R Bennett