<p>R. Remmert and R.B. Burckel</p>
<p><em>Theory of Complex Functions</em></p>
<p><em>"Its accessibility makes it very useful for a first graduate course on complex function theory, especially where there is an opportunity for developing an interest on the part of motivated students in the history of the subject. Historical remarks abound throughout the text. Short biographies of Abel, Cauchy, Eisenstein, Euler, Riemann and Weierstrass are given. There is an extensive bibliography of classical works on complex function theory with comments on some of them. In addition, a list of modern complex function theory texts and books on the history of the subject and of mathematics is given. Throughout the book there are numerous interesting quotations. In brief, the book affords splendid opportunities for a rich treatment of the subject."—</em>MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS</p>