Praise for the previous edition"This new book by J.N. Reddy digests more than two decades of research by him in plate theories (specially for thick plates and laminated composites), variational methods, and finite elements into an excellent textbook, which can be used very well by beginning or advanced graduate students, or by many engineers who deal with aerospace, automotive, and civil engineering structures. That is, the material is presented carefully and reasonably thoroughly in language that is easy to follow. This is the best textbook that this reviewer has seen for understanding the most important aspects of plate theory, and containing modern, important aspects of plate theory, which Timoshenko hardly could touch upon at all (in some cases they were not yet recognized topics), especially thick plates, laminated composites, and finite elements. And yet Reddy's book accomplishes good, useful introductions to all these topics in a mere 540 pages. Theory and Analysis of Elastic Plates is a textbook that clarifies the important aspects of plate theory, emphasizing its most important modern ones. For this purpose it is the best book available, in this reviewer's experience. As such it belongs on the bookshelves of every technical library, and every graduate student or engineer seriously interested in plates, and should become a widely used textbook in graduate-level courses."
—Arthur W. Leissa, Ohio State University, Applied Mechanics Reviews