An invaluable primer for new crew before going to sea, and a handy pocket-sized aide-memoire for experienced crew when under sail.
Yachting Life
There's lots of good advice on anchoring, picking up moorings, rafting up, and mooring to harbour walls...The MOB recovery procedure is the most succinctly explained I've ever seen.
- Dick Durham, Yachting Monthly
Will help new crew learn the ropes, and there's plenty of useful info inside for experience sailors too.
Practical Boat Owner
An ideal Christmas gift for he (or she) who must obey
Sailing Today
If you are contemplating your first sea passage on a friend's or relation's boat, then get a copy and read, learn and inwardly digest. If you are that friend or relation, give your prospective novice shipmate a copy to read before you set sail.
Cruising Association Magazine