Biographical note
Yaman Abou Jieb is an electrical power engineer with a master’s degree in renewable energy engineering from Oregon Institute of Technology (OIT), which is home to the only ABET-accredited BS and MS programs in renewable energy engineering. During his master’s degree studies, he was an instructor for the electrical circuits sequence and a teaching assistant for the power and power electronics sequences for graduate students. Before joining OIT, Yaman started his own company in the Middle East that provides sustainable energy solutions by designing and installing PV off-grid applications such as water pumping, street lighting, telecommunication sites, and residential applications. Moreover, he designed commercial and utility-scale grid-tied systems and provided technical due diligence in servicing those plants. After receiving his master’s degree, Yaman occupied the position of senior service engineer at SMA America where he was responsible for providing high-level technical support for difficult and unresolved customer inquiries for utility-scale solar and energy storage inverters in North and South America. Yaman is currently an electrical power engineer at Atwell, LLC where he provides electrical supervision of utility-scale solar PV and battery storage design projects in the USA.
Dr. Eklas Hossain is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energy and an Associate Researcher with the Oregon Renewable Energy Center (OREC) at the Oregon Institute of Technology. He has been working in the area of distributed power systems and renewable energy integration for the last ten years and has published many research papers and posters in this field. He is currently involved with several research projects on renewable energy and grid-tiered microgrid systems at Oregon Tech. He received his Ph.D. from the College of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee (UWM), his MS in Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering from the International Islamic University of Malaysia, and a BS in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from Khulna University of Engineering and Technology. Dr. Hossain is a registered Professional Engineer (PE) in the state of Oregon, a Certified Energy Manager (CEM), and Renewable Energy Professional (REP), a senior member of the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE), and an Associate Editor for IEEE Access, IEEE Systems Journal, and IET Renewable Power Generation.
His research interests include modeling, analysis, design, and control of power electronic devices; energy storage systems; renewable energy sources; integration of distributed generation systems; microgrid and smart grid applications; robotics, and advanced control system. He is the author of the book Excel Crash Course for Engineers (Springer, 2021), co-author of the book Renewable Energy Crash Course: A Concise Introduction (Springer, 2021),and is working on several other book projects. He is the winner of the Rising Faculty Scholar Award in 2019 and the Faculty Achievement Award in 2020 from Oregon Tech for his outstanding contribution to academia. Dr. Hossain, with his dedicated research team, is looking forward to exploring methods to make electric power systems more sustainable, cost-effective, and secure through extensive research and analysis on energy storage, microgrid system, and renewable energy sources.