<p>From the reviews of the second edition:</p>
<p>"This text is an introduction to model predictive control, a control methodology which has encountered some success in industry, but which still presents many theoretical challenges. … The book is of interest as an introduction to model predictive control, and a merit is the special presentation, connecting the subject intimately with industrial situations." (A. Akutowicz, Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 1080, 2006)</p>
<p>"It is a much more ambitious work, seeking to inform practitioners how to implement MPC while at the same time serving as an advanced student text as well as reference for control researchers. … The authors clearly see the text as a teaching aid since several chapters include exercises. … In summary, a significant contribution to this important field for control academics, and some highly experienced MPC practitioners … ." (Michael Brisk, www.tcetoday.com, February, 2008)</p>