Preface to the third edition; Chapter 1 The Purpose and Use of IC and ICD; 1.1 The background; 1.2 IC documentation; 1.3 The use of IC; 1.4 Completing the form;Chapter 2 Contracts Compared; Chapter 3 Contract Documents and Insurance; 3.1 Contract documents; 3.1.1 Types and uses; 3.1.2 Importance and priority; 3.1.3 Errors; 3.1.4 Custody and copies; 3.1.5 Limits to use; 3.1.6 Notices ; 3.2 Insurance ; 3.2.1 Indemnity; 3.2.2 Injury to persons and property; 3.2.3 Things which are the liability of the employer; 3.2.4 Insurance of the Works: alternative clauses; 3.2.5 A new building where the contractor is required to insure; 3.2.6 A new building where the employer insures; 3.2.7 Alterations or extensions to an existing building; 3.2.8 Benefits for subcontractors; 3.2.9 Joint fire code; 3.2.10 Terrorism cover; 3.3 Summary ; Chapter 4 The Architect's Authority and Duties; 4.1 Authority; 4.1.1 General; 4.1.2 Express provisions; 4.1.3 The issue of instructions: general; 4.1.4 Instructions in detail; 4.2 Duties; 4.2.1 Duties under the contract; 4.2.2 General duties; 4.3 Summary ; Chapter 5 The Contractor's Obligations; 5.1 Express and implied obligations; 5.1.1 Legal principles; 5.1.2 Execution of the Works; 5.1.3 Workmanship and materials; 5.1.4 Statutory obligations; 5.1.5 Person-in-charge; 5.1.6 Levels and setting out; 5.2 Other obligations; 5.2.1 Access to the Works and premises; 5.2.2 Drawings, details and information; 5.2.3 Compliance with architect's instructions; 5.2.4 Suspension of performance; 5.2.5 Other rights and obligations; 5.3 Summary; Chapter 6 The Employer's Powers, Duties and Rights; 6.1 Express and implied powers and duties; 6.1.1 Co-operation or non-interference; 6.2 Rights; 6.2.1 General; 6.2.2 Deferment of possession of the site; 6.2.3 Deduction/repayment of liquidated damages; 6.2.4 Employment of direct contractors; 6.2.5 Rights as to insurance; 6.3 Duties; 6.3.1 General; 6.3.2 Payment; 6.3.3 Retention; 6.3.4 Other duties; 6.4 Summary; Chapter 7 The Clerk of Works; 7.1 Appointment; 7.2 Duties; 7.3 Responsibility; 7.4 Summary; Chapter 8 Subcontractors and Suppliers; 8.1 General; 8.2 Subcontractors; 8.2.1 Assignment and subcontracting; 8.2.2 Named persons as subcontractors; 8.3 Statutory authorities; 8.4 Work not forming part of the contract; 8.5 Third part rights and collateral warranties; 8.6 Summary; Chapter 9 Possession, Practical Completion and Defects Liability; 9.1 Possession; 9.1.1 General; 9.1.2 Date for possession; 9.2 Practical completion; 9.2.1 Definition; 9.2.2 Consequences ; 9.2.3 Partial possession and sectional completion; 9.3 Rectification period; 9.3.1 Definition; 9.3.2 Defects, shrinkages or other faults; 9.3.3 Frost; 9.3.4 Procedure; 9.4 Summary; Chapter 10 Claims; 10.1 General; 10.2 Extension of time; 10.2.1 Legal principles; 10.2.2 Liquidated damages; 10.2.3 Procedure; 10.2.4 Grounds; 10.3 Loss and expense claims; 10.3.1 Definition; 10.3.2 Procedure; 10.3.3 Matters grounding a claim; 10.4 Summary; Chapter 11 Payment; 11.1 The contract sum; 11.2 Payment before practical completion; 11.2.1 Method and timing; 11.2.2 Valuation; 11.2.3 Amounts included; 11.3 Payment at practical completion; 11.4 Retention; 11.5 Final payment; 11.6 The effect of certificates; 11.7 Withholding payment; 11.8 Variations; 11.9 Valuation of contractor’s designed portion; 11.10 Fluctuations; 11.11 Summary ; Chapter 12 Termination; 12.1 Termination by the employer; 12.1.1 General; 12.1.2 Grounds (clause 8.4.1): contractor's defaults; 12.1.3 Grounds (clause 8.5): insolvency of contractor; 12.1.4 Grounds (clause 8.6): corruption; 12.1.5 Grounds (clause 8.11): neutral causes; 12.1.6 Grounds (paragraph C.4.4 of schedule 1 and clause insurance risks and terrorism cover;12.1.7 Consequences (clauses 8.5.3, 8.7 and 8.8); 12.1.8 Consequences (clauses 8.11 and paragraph C.4.4 of schedule 1); 12.2 Termination by the contractor; 12.2.1 General; 12.2.2 Grounds (clause 8.9): employer's faults; 12.2.3 Grounds (clause 8.10): insolvency; 12.2.4 Grounds (clause 8.11): neutral causes; 12.2.5 Grounds (paragraph C.4.4 of schedule 1 and clause insurance risks and terrorism cover; 12.2.6 Consequences (clause 8.12); 12.2.7 Consequences (paragraph C.4.4 of schedule 1 and clause; 12.3 Summary; Chapter 13 Contractor’s designed portion (CDP); 13.1 General; 13.2 Documents; 13.3 The contractor’s obligations; 13.4 Liability; 13.5 Variations; 13.6 Insurance; 13.7 Summary; Chapter 14 Dispute Resolution Procedures; 14.1 General; 14.2 Adjudication; 14.2.1 The contract provisions; 14.2.2 The Scheme: notice of adjudication; 14.2.3 The Scheme: appointment of the adjudicator; 14.2.4 The Scheme: procedure; 14.2.5 The Scheme: adjudicator’s powers and duties; 14.2.6 The Scheme: the adjudicator’s decision; 14.2.7 The Scheme: costs; 14.3 Arbitration; 14.3.1 General ; 14.3.2 Procedure; 14.3.3 The appointment of an arbitrator; 14.3.4 Counterclaims; 14.3.5 Powers of the arbitrator; 14.3.6 Third party procedure; 14.4 Legal proceedings; 14.5 Summary;. Appendix A Intermediate Named Sub-Contractor Tender and Agreement (ICSub/NAM/IT), (ICSub/NAM/T), (ICSub/NAM/A); Appendix B Intermediate Named Sub-Contract Conditions (ICSub/NAM/C);Appendix C Intermediate Named Sub-Contractor/Employer Agreement; (ICSub/NAM/E); Table of Cases; Clause Number Index to Text; Subject Index.
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