Internet of Things: Connecting Objects puts forward the technologies and the networking architectures which make it possible to support the Internet of Things. Amongst these technologies, RFID, sensor and PLC technologies are described and a clear view on how they enable the Internet of Things is given. This book also provides a good overview of the main issues facing the Internet of Things such as the issues of privacy and security, application and usage, and standardization.
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* Offers a comprehensive overview of major existing M2M and AMI protocols * Covers the system aspects of large scale M2M and smart grid applications * Focuses on system level architecture, interworking, and nationwide use cases * Explores 3 recent emerging technologies: CoAP, ZigBee SE 2.
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Preface xi Chapter 1. Introduction to the Internet of Things 1 Hakima CHAOUCHI 1.1. Introduction 1 1.2. History of IoT 3 1.3. About objects/things in the IoT 7 1.4. The identifier in the IoT 9 1.5. Enabling technologies of IoT 13 1.6. About the Internet in IoT 21 1.7. Bibliography 32 Chapter 2. Radio Frequency Identification Technology Overview 35 Ayyangar Ranganath HARISH 2.1. Introduction 35 2.2. Principle of RFID 36 2.3. Components of an RFID system 41 2.4. Issues 48 2.5. Bibliography 52 Chapter 3. Wireless Sensor Networks: Technology Overview 53 Thomas WATTEYNE and Kristofer S.J. PISTER 3.1. History and context 53 3.2. The node 60 3.3. Connecting nodes 64 3.4. Networking nodes 70 3.5. Securing communication 88 3.6. Standards and Fora 89 3.7. Conclusion 91 3.8. Bibliography 91 Chapter 4. Power Line Communication Technology Overview 97 Xavier CARCELLE and Thomas BOURGEAU 4.1. Introduction 97 4.2. Overview of existing PLC technologies and standards 98 4.3. Architectures for home network applications 114 4.4. Internet of things using PLC technology 120 4.5. Conclusion 127 4.6. Bibliography 127 Chapter 5. RFID Applications and Related Research Issues 129 Oscar BOTERO and Hakima CHAOUCHI 5.1. Introduction 129 5.2. Concepts and terminology 129 5.3. RFID applications 139 5.4. Ongoing research projects 144 5.5. Summary and conclusions 152 5.6. Bibliography 153 Chapter 6. RFID Deployment for Location and Mobility Management on the Internet 157 Apostolia PAPAPOSTOLOU and Hakima CHAOUCHI 6.1. Introduction 157 6.2. Background and related work 159 6.3. Localization and handover management relying on RFID 169 6.4. Technology considerations 176 6.5. Performance evaluation 181 6.6. Summary and conclusions 187 6.7. Bibliography 188 Chapter 7. The Internet of Things – Setting the Standards 191 Keith MAINWARING and Lara SRIVASTAVA 7.1. Introduction 191 7.2. Standardizing the IoT 193 7.3. Exploiting the potential of RFID 196 7.4. Identification in the IoT 202 7.5. Promoting ubiquitous networking: any where, any when, any what 212 7.6. Safeguarding data and consumer privacy 217 7.7. Conclusions 220 7.8. Bibliography 220 Chapter 8. Governance of the Internet of Things 223 Rolf H. WEBER 8.1. Introduction 223 8.2. Bodies subject to governing principles 225 8.3. Substantive principles for IoT governance 233 8.4. IoT infrastructure governance 239 8.5. Further governance issues 246 8.6. Outlook 248 8.7. Bibliography 248 Conclusion 251 List of Authors 261 Index 263
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Biographical note

Olivier Hersent, Consultant, France.

David Boswarthick, ETSI, France.

Omar Elloumi, Alcatel-Lucent, France.