The main focus of this monograph will be on the Enhanced Anti-Disturbance Control and filtering theory and their applications. In fact, the classical anti-disturbance control theory only considered one "equivalent" disturbance which is merged by different unknown sources. However, it is noted that along with the development of information obtaining and processing technologies, one can get more information or knowledge about various types of disturbances.
Developments in CHADC for Systems with Multiple Disturbances. Disturbance Attenuation and Rejection for Nonlinear Systems via DOBC. Composite DOBC and H∞ Control for Continuous Models. Composite DOBC and TSM Control for Nonlinear Systems with Disturbances. Saturating Composite DOBC and H∞ Control for Discrete Time Delay Systems. Composite DOBC Plus H∞ Control for MJSs with Multiple Disturbances. Robust Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems with Time Delays and Disturbances. Hierarchical Anti-Disturbance Adaptive Controller Design. Estimation and Rejection of Unknown Sinusoidal Disturbances Using TSNO. Anti-Disturbance PD Attitude Control and Stabilization of Flexible Spacecraft. Robust Multi-Objective Initial Alignment for INS with Multiple Disturbances. Nonlinear Initial Alignment for INS with Multiple Disturbances. Robust Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Disturbance Observer. Adaptive Fault Diagnosis Based on Disturbance Observer. Anti-Disturbance FTC for Systems with Multiple Disturbances. References.