<p>This book can add to your understanding of the physics behind grounding and bonding of electrical systems which can help to explain the methods and reasons behind national standards. Engineers, especially power engineers who design power distribution systems will find this book to be especially useful for helping to understand the reasons behind the choices made in the national electrical standards. It provides an outstanding technical detail that clearly illustrates the physics and operation of grounding and bonding systems in general and the reader can apply their new knowledge to better understand the standards. While the author does not reference specific electrical codes, he does refer to reasons why certain things are done the way they are in the code to help the reader better understand the standards.</p><p>- <em>IEEE Electrical Insulation magazine, March/April 2021</em></p>
Biographical note
Dr. Massimo Mitolo is currently a Full Professor of Electrical Engineering at Irvine Valley College, Irvine, CA, USA, and a Senior Consultant in the matter of failure analysis and electrical safety with Engineering Systems Inc., ESi.