'Slot reform has been on the agenda for a long time. But with increasing congestion at more airports highlighting the need to make the best use of an ever scarcer resource, this book is a timely reminder of both the complexity of the subject and the need for practical solutions. It is likely to become a standard work of reference and source of ideas for many years.' Harry Bush, CAA, UK 'In aviation, productive assets are allocated to particular uses through a combination of price signals and quantitative rules; an example of the latter are the regulations that assign runway slots to airlines at busy airports. This book is a comprehensive collection of papers, the latest in a high-quality series from the GARS, which considers the scope to substitute price mechanisms for slot allocation rules. The papers illustrate the concern of economists that a consequence of prices being fixed is that the economy may be harmed.' Cathal Guiomard, Commissioner for Aviation Regulation, Ireland 'This book is imbued with the very best expertise on air traffic and airport slots, offering both micro- and macroeconomic approaches. It is a must-read for everyone involved in slot allocation aviation industry and transportation science.' Thomas Immelmann, Commercial Director, Hamburg Airport 'In summary, Airport Slots provides a very valuable addition to the debate on how best to accommodate airport congestion. The book's comprehensive treatment of the subject matter provides the interested reader with a "one-stop" volume to explore airport congestion and slot allocation schemes. The volume is well-organized and the chapters are plainly written, allowing the book to offer valuable insights to academics and practitioners, alike. ' Martin Dresner 'Overall, the book is a very profound and comprehensive compilation of well-written contributions. The subject is examined in great detail as well, not only from an economic point of view but also from a legal perspective. The book is th