Biographical note
Dr. Lin Chen is a full professor at the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and jointly at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was a JST-CREST and JSPS research fellow and an assistant professor at Tohoku University, Japan. His research interests include energy resources, supercritical fluids, hydrogen energy, and advanced measurement technologies, and recently, he has focused on CO2-based energy systems concepts and large-scale demonstrations. Dr. Chen received his B.E. and Ph.D. in Mechanics (Energy and Resources Engineering) from Peking University. He has authored more than 200 well-cited international journal papers and conference presentations, 36 Plenary/Invited talks, 20 patents, seven book chapters, and three books, including the most famous one: Handbook of Research on Advancements in Supercritical Fluids Applications for Sustainable Energy Systems (2021). He received the AUTSE Young Scientist Award (2018) and the Paper Award of The Visualization Society of Japan (2022). He is the Chair/Co-Chair of more than ten international conferences. He is currently a board member of the Experts Commission of the China Energy Society, an associate editor of the ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, and an editorial board member of the Journal of Supercritical Fluids.