As the papers cover a number of different concepts and industrial applications, there are bound to be several chapters that will interest every reader...the book stimulates thought as to how what may be an abstract subject to some may actually be practicable in the real world. - Engineering Management Journal; ...there is much good material in the book. And the structure of the book allows for easy dipping-in. - Manufacturing Engineer; ...a valuable source of up-to-date information on BPR...a serious book, rich in content and providing both the novice and the more advanced reader with significant insights into modern business. - Studies in Informatics and Control; It appears that this book has achieved its objective of presenting engineering system approaches to the system designers. As such, it is a good book with easy reading for professionals; it discreetly provides some general information on how one would think of re-engineering a business system in a practical situation. - Bhaba R Sarker, Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Louisiana State University, USA