These are the proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials – THERMEC’2009; held during the period, August 25-29, 2006, in Berlin , Germany under the co-sponsorship of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) ,USA.This work reflects the current ensemble knowledge of world-wide researchers and engineers/technologists working on various aspects of the processing, fabrication, structure/property evaluation and applications of both ferrous and non-ferrous materials; including biomaterials and smart/intelligent materials.
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THERMEC 2009, 6th International Conference on PROCESSING & MANUFACTURING OF ADVANCED MATERIALS, Berlin, Germany, August 25-29, 2009
CommitteesCoordinators OrganizersAcknowledgementsPreface and OverviewKeynoteNext Decades’ Challenges for Terrestrial Vehicles’ Materials and Manufacturing to Reduce CO2 Emissions Evaluation of the Corrosion Protection of Ultra-Thin Plasma Fluorocarbon Film Deposited on 316L Stainless Steel for Long-Term Stable StentsAnomalous Characteristics of Ti-Nb-Ta-Zr Alloy for Biomedical ApplicationsMechanical Behaviour of Metals under Explosive LoadingEnvironmental Cracking and Impact Investigations after Short-Term Temperature Treatments: 7050-T7451 Friction Stir WeldFriction Stir Processing (FSP) of Cast Metals: Microstructure – Property Relationships in NiAl Bronze and AA5083 Friction Stir Welding of Ferrous Alloys: Current Status Creep Strain Behavior in Transient Region and Minimum Creep Rate of Tempered Martensitic 9%Cr SteelStrain Rate Effects and Hardening Mechanisms in Ni Base SuperalloysMethods for Filling Hollow Structures with Aluminium FoamFabrication of Hollow Nano Particles of Metallic Oxides through Oxidation ProcessStatus of the Development of Creep Resistant Magnesium Materials for Automotive Applications Multi Scale Random Models of Complex MicrostructuresFriction Stir Welding of Aluminium Based Composites Reinforced with Al2O3 Particles Hierarchical Structured Nanomaterial Fabricated by Nanopowder Process: Nanopowder Agglomerate SinteringMechanisms of Ultrafine Grain Formation in Severe Plastic Deformation Hydrogen Brittleness of Austenitic SteelsAdvanced Bainitic and Martensitic Steels with Carbide-Free Microstructures Containing Retained AusteniteToughness of Advanced High Strength Bainitic SteelsThe Alloy Design and Thermomechanically Controlled Processing (TMCP) of Plate for High Pressure, Large Diameter PipelinesUniversity Impact on Thermomechanical Processing in CorusNew Trends in Advanced High Strength Steel Developments for Automotive Application Surface Modification to Enhance Fatigue Performance of Steel: Applications of Deep RollingEffect of Manufacturing Process on the Final Properties of Advanced High Strength Steels for Automotive ApplicationsProblems and Promises of Metal Matrix CompositesStructure and Hardness of Martensite in Quenched Fe-C Steels Effect of Carbon and Nitrogen on the Hall-Petch Coefficient of Ferritic Iron (Review on the Hall-Petch Relation in Ferritic Iron) Lasers and Thermal SprayRecrystallization-Texture Theories in Light of Strain-Energy-Release-Maximization Modelling Study of Deformation Texture and Plastic Heterogeneity at Grain Boundaries and Triple JunctionsGrain Boundary TextureApplication of a High Magnetic Field during Thermo-Treatment of Metallic Materials as a Potential Means for Microstructure Modification Advances in Thin Film Technology through the Application of Modulated Pulse Power SputteringMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of Dissimilar Joints of AZ31 MG Alloy to Aluminium Alloys1. Aluminum Alloys & Aerospace Structural Metallic MaterialsFE Analysis of Microstructure Evolution during Ring Rolling Process of a Large-Scale Ti-6Al-4V Alloy RingMatrix Coherency Strain and Hardening of Al-Mg-SiMicrostructure and Processing Ability of β-Solidifying TNM-Based γ-TiAl AlloysThermomechanical Treatment of Aluminum Alloy Fin Stock for Heat Exchanger Produced by Twin Roll Strip Casting ProcessEffect of Material Property Changes on the Performance of Al Rolling Mills Continuous Casting and Rolling for Aluminum Alloy Wire and RodThe Effect of Deformation on the Work Hardening Behaviour after Aging of Two Commercial Al-Mg-Si Alloys Iron Removal in Aluminum Melts Containing Scrap by Electromagnetic StirringEffect of Aging Treatment on Properties and Microstructure of an Al-7.5Zn-1.3Mg-1.4Cu-0.12Zr AlloyEffect of Titanium Addition on Composite L12 Precipitates in Aluminum-Zirconium AlloyModelling the Work Hardening Behaviour of AlMgMn AlloysSuperplasticity of a Sc and Zr Modified Al-6%Cu Alloy Subjected to ECAEEffect of PFZ and Grain Boundary Precipitate on Mechanical Properties and Fracture Morphologies in Al-Zn-Mg(Ag) Alloys Applicability of Adaptive Neural Networks (ANN) in the Extrusion of Aluminum Alloys and in the Prediction of Hardness and Internal DefectsHot Deformation Behavior of Near-α Ti-Fe Alloy in (α+β) Two-Phase Region with Different Fe ContentThrough Process Prevention of Recrystallization in Hot Formed Aluminium Structural Car ComponentsPolynomial vs. Mechanism-Based Response Surface Analysis of the Thermomechanical Treatment of Al-Sn AlloysRecrystallization Behaviors of an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy during Multi-Pass Hot CompressionStrain Hardening and Damage in 6xxx Series Aluminum Alloy Friction Stir WeldsEffect of Mg Addition on the Mechanical Properties of Rapidly Solidified Al-Mn Alloys at Elevated TemperaturesEffects of Electromagnetic Purification on Properties of Al-RE Rod for Electrical PurposeAlloy Constitution Dependence of Strength and Deformation in Aluminum-Titanium-Vanadium Ternary Alloys Containing Gamma+Beta Dual Phase Microstructures Formability and Correlation between Formability Indices of Al-0.9Mg-1.0Si-0.7Cu-0.6Mn Alloy for Automotive Body SheetsAppearance of Non-Equilibrium α-Aluminum Grains in Hypereutectic Al-Si Alloy through Sono-Solidification Cutting Performance of Diamond-Like Carbon Coated Tool in Cutting of Aluminum AlloysOn the Microstructures of Spray-Deposited and Homogenized Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloys Three-Dimensional Characterization of Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior in an Aluminum Alloy Using High Resolution X-Ray MicrotomographyTEM In Situ Investigation on Non-Equilibrium Eutectics in Semicontinuous Casting Ingot of Al-6.2Zn-2.3Mg-2.3Cu Super-High Strength Aluminum AlloyThe Dual Nature of Precipitates in Al-Mg-Si AlloysRoping Phenomena in Aluminium Alloy 6016: A Microtextural InvestigationHeat Treatment Variability Effects on the Mechanical Properties of Beta Solution Treated Ti-6Al-4VOn the Plastic Flow Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy during Multi-Stand Tandem Hot Rolling Casting of Clad Strip by an Unequal Diameter Twin Roll CasterReliability Evaluation for Aerospace Anodizing Process of AluminumPhase Constitution and Heat Treatment Behavior of Titanium-Manganese Alloys Effect of Ultrasonic Melt-Treatment on the Eutectic Silicon and Iron Intermetallic Phases in Al-Si Cast AlloysNew Multi-Material Design Concepts and High Integration Light Metal Applications for Lightweight Body Structures Effect of ECAP on Al 6061 – FEA ApproachThe Mechanical Properties of AA2024 as Function of the Interrupted Ageing ConditionsEvaluation of the Heat Treatment Role for Light Aluminum Alloys Subjected to Creep and Low Cycle Fatigue Precipitation of β' Phase in a Low Cost Beta Titanium AlloyEffect of Cr and Zr Dopes on Hydrogen Behaviour in Rapidly Solidified Aluminium FoilsChange in Hardness Statistics during Isothermal Annealing of Cold-Rolled AluminumPhases and Structure Characteristics of the Near Eutectic Al-Sl-Cu Alloy Using Derivative Thermo AnalysisPrecipitate Behavior and Microstructure Characterization of An Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy Prepared by Spray Forming ProcessAnisotropy of Bending Properties in Industrial Heat-Treatable Extruded Aluminium Alloys2. Biomaterials and Materials in Biomedical ApplicationsMechanical Performance of Newly Developed Titanium and Zirconium System Alloys for Biomedical ApplicationsLamellar Surface Structures on Stainless Steel 316 LVM and their Influence on Osteoblastic CellsProliferation and Migration of Human Osteoblasts on Porous Three Dimensional ScaffoldsHaematological Performances of Carbon Coated PTFE by Plasma-Based DepositionNumerical Simulations of the Global Behaviour of Implant Supported or Retained Dental ProsthesesPolymer Surface Processing by Atmospheric Pressure DBD for Post-Discharge Grafting of Washing-Resistant Functional CoatingsPulsed Laser Deposition of Thin Coatings: Applications on BiomaterialsStructural Analysis of Sintered Materials Used for Low-Temperature Fuel Cell PlatesProtein Adsorption on Topographically Structured Surfaces: A Mesoscopic Computer Simulation for the Prediction of Prefered Adsorption Sites Cyclic Deformation Behaviour and Damage Development on Different Hierarchical Levels in Cortical Bone Crack Detection by Wavelet-Based Acoustic Emission Test In Vitro Cemented Implant Development of Titanium-Calcium Alloy Resistant to Aqueous Fluoride Solutions Use of Chitosan as a Material Stabilizer for Acidic PolysaccharidesOrientation of Biological Apatite in Rat Calvaria Analyzed by Microbeam X-Ray Diffractometer Effect of Quenching and Reheating on Isothermal Phase Transformation in Ti-15Nb-10Zr Alloy Bone Regeneration Based on Orientation of Biological Apatite (BAp) C-Axis in Osteopetrotic (op/op) MiceNeutron Diffraction Residual Stress Evaluation and Numerical Modeling of Coating Obtained by PTA ProcessA Dual Role of Copper on the Surface of Bone ImplantsHaematological Performances of Carbon Coated PTFE by Plasma-Based DepositionFrom Medicinal Chemistry to Functionalized Biomaterials: Development of Graftable RGD-Peptitomimetics for Cell Adhesion and Cell AddressingFatigue and Fretting Fatigue Behavior of Metallic BiomaterialsRecent U.S. FDA Reclassification on the Regulation of Tissue Adhesives for Skin Approximation in Clinical ApplicationsCoarse Grain Modeling for Microtubule MechanicsMechanical Properties of Ti-Cr-Sn-Zr AlloysMechanical Behavior Study of Plasma Sprayed Hydroxyapatite Coatings onto Ti6Al4V Substrates Using Scratch TestOsteoblast Sensitivity to Topographical and Chemical Features of TitaniumStructural Analysis of Hydroxyapatite Sinters with Addition of ZrO2 PhaseStress Simulation and Related Bone Ingrowth in Grooves on Implant SurfacePreparation of Silicon-Containing Poly(lactic acid)-Vaterite Hybrid MembranesComparison of the Cross Sectional Area, the Loss in Volume and the Mechanical Properties of LAE442 and MgCa0.8 as Resorbable Magnesium Alloy Implants after 12 Months Implantation DurationMorphological Analysis of Hydroxyapatite Particels Obtained by Different MethodsRelevance of Static and Dynamic Recrystallizations on Austenite Grain Refinement in Nb-Mo Microalloyed Steels In Situ Hardening Biodegradable and Malleable Polymer-Nanoapatite CompositesGas-Discharge Plasma-Assisted Functionalization of Titanium Implant SurfacesEnhanced Macro and Micro Stress Evaluation Diffraction Techniques Applied to Biomedical MaterialsStudy of Alpha-Beta Transformation in Ti-6Al-4V-ELI. Mechanical and Microstructural CharacteristicsSelenium Nanocluster Coatings: Transforming Current Orthopedic Materials into Inhibiting Bone CancerHydrothermal Modification of Titanium Surfaces for Controlling OsteointegrationDielectric Properties in Fresh Trabecular Bone Tissue from 1MHz to 1000MHz: A Fast and Non Destructive Quality Evaluation TechniqueExperimental Techniques to Evaluate In Vitro Trabecular Bone Properties and Emerging Numerical ModelComparison of the In Vivo Degradation Progress of Solid Magnesium Alloy Cylinders and Screw-Shaped Magnesium Alloy Cylinders in a Rabbit ModelSynchrotron Radiation and Neutron Diffraction Study of Hydroxyapatite in Bone at the Interface with ImplantIon Leaching from Implantable Medical DevicesValidation of a Finite Element Model by Neutron Diffraction for the Prediction of Peen Forming3. Surface Engineering / CoatingsMicrostructural and Mechanical Characterization of Gray Cast Iron and AlSi Alloy after Laser Beam HardeningStudy of the S Phases Formed on Plasma-Nitrided Austenitic and Ferritic Stainless SteelsMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of Cr-Al-B-N Coatings Prepared by Reactive D.C. and R.F. Co-SputteringElectrodeposition of Ferromagnetic Metal NanowiresSurface Protection of Magnesium Alloys via Pack Cementation Coatings with Aluminum Powder and ChloridesShot Peening of Brittle Materials - Status and OutlookCeramic Target Materials for Sputtering ApplicationsEffect of Plasma Treatment on Adhesion of DLC Layers to SteelsChange in Surface States of Amorphous Carbon Nitride Films after Exposure to Oxygen PlasmaEffects of High Magnetic Field Annealing on the Nucleation Sites for Recrystallized Nuclei with {111} Orientation in Cold-Rolled IF Steel SheetStudy on the Dimensional Changes and Residual Stresses in Carbonitrided and Ferritic Nitrocarburized SAE 1010 Plain Carbon SteelMechanism of Whisker Growth Suppression by Lead Co-Deposition on Electroplated Tin FilmProduction of Rapidly Solidified Composite Deposits Based on Iron with Vanadium Carbide Particles by Plasma SprayingWear and Corrosion Resistance of Electroless Nickel-Boron Coated Mild SteelMechanical Properties and Change in Microstructure in the Nitriding Process of Cu-Added SteelsRevisiting Carbon Based Metallic Compounds – Nanoscale Surface Science and Environmental CatalysisMicrostructure and Properties of Friction Surfaced Stainless Steel and Tool Steel CoatingsNanophase Hardfacing New Possibilities for Functional SurfacesInfluence the Thermal Process of the Removing the Varnish Coats to the Cleanness of the Surface Aluminium ScrapUnconventional Glow Discharge Nitriding of 316L Austenitic SteelControl of Polymorphism and Mass-Transfer in Al2O3 Scale on Alumina Forming AlloysInfluence of Annealing on the Microstructure and Wear Performance of Diamond/NiCrAl Composite Coating Deposited through Cold SprayingMicrostructure and Thermal Diffusivity of Micro- and Nano-Sized YSZInternal Stress in EB-PVD Thermal Barrier Coating under Heat CycleApplication of the Concept of Local Fatigue Strength after Shot Peening of Notched Components Based on Numerical Simulations4. Composites In Situ Observations of the Densification Behavior of WC-FeAl-B Composites during Liquid Phase SinteringExperimental Study on Drilling Process of CFRP Composite LaminateProperties of Small Rotary Engine Housing Fabricated by Aluminum Alloy Matrix CompositesEffect of Milling Parameters on Morphology and Grain Size of WO3 and Al Particles for Fabricating WO3/Al CompositesEvaluation of Tools and Cutting Conditions on Carbon Fibre Reinforced LaminatesEffect of Calcining Temperature of Ceramic Powders Prepared from TEOS/Boehmite Sol-Gel on Tribological Behavior of Brake Lining MaterialsEffect of Alumina Fibers on Fabrication Process and Characteristics of Alumina Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Alloy CompositesHigh Strength Natural Fibers for Improved Polymer Matrix CompositesCharacterization of Metal Matrix Composites by Synchrotron Refraction Computed TopographyFabrication of Mo-Ti3SiC2 Layered Material by Spark Plasma Sintering and its Interface Stability at 800°CMicrostructure and Sintering Behavior of Mullite-Zirconia CompositesDevelopment of a Low Cost Process for Manufacturing of Ti-MMC by Roll-Diffusion-BondingHigh Temperature Characteristics of Unidirectionally Solidified Eutectic Ceramic Composites and some Potential ApplicationsEffects of Relative Density and Material Distribution on the Elastic Properties and Yield Strength of Metallic HoneycombsNovel MEMS Fabry-Perot Interferometric Pressure Sensors5. Dynamic Behaviour of MaterialsModeling Aspects of the Dynamic Response of Heterogeneous MaterialsShear Strength of Titanium Diboride under Shock Wave and Static CompressionsRecent Developments on the Microstructural Effects Caused by Small-Charge Explosions in FCC AlloysExplosively Driven Expansion and Fragmentation Behavior for Cylinders, Spheres and Rings of 304 Stainless SteelSome Trials on Underwater Explosive Welding of Thin W Plate onto Copper Substrate Development of Compact Blast Containment Vessel for 10 kg Explosive Phase Transition Behavior of Solids under Shock CompressionInstrumentation on Impact Shock Study of Polymers and Possibility of Non-Equilibrium Shock Hugoniot Advanced Use of a Split Hopkinson Bar Setup for the Extended Characterization of Multiphase Steel Sheets Impact Behavior of Concretes Taking Account of Strain-Rate Effect, Stress-State Effect and Damage Evolution In Situ Observation of Grain Growth and Recrystallization of Steel at High Temperature 6. Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Storage TechnologiesCharacterization of Hydrogen Sorption Properties and Microstructure of Cast Mg-10wt%Ni AlloysOptimal Precipitation Hardening Conditions in Lead Base Anodes for Copper ElectrowinningInfluence of Processing Parameters on the Manufacturing of Anode-Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells by Different Wet Chemical RoutesImprovement of DMFC Electrode Kinetics by Using Nanohorns Catalyst SupportNi-Fe-LaGaO3 Based Alloy Anode Cermet for Direct Hydrocarbon Type Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Using LaGaO3 ElectrolyteImpact of Gas-Phase Reactions on SOFC Systems Operating on Diesel and Biomass-Derived FuelsAnalytical Investigation of Fuel Cells by Using In Situ and Ex Situ Diagnostic Methods Hydrogen Diffusion Coefficient, Hydrogen Solution Coefficient and Hydrogen Permeability of Nb-TiNi Eutectic AlloyElectronic Stress Tensor Study of Aluminum Nanostructures for Hydrogen Storage Micro/Nano-Structures and Hydrogen Absorption/Desorption Properties of Mg/Cu Super-LaminatesEnhanced Hydrogen Storage in MWCNTs Decorated by Electroless Nickel Nanoparticles Deposited in Supercritical CO2 BathA Study of GDC-Based Micro Tubular SOFCPhysical Characterization of Plasma Deposited Polymeric Proton Exchange Membrane Used in Fuel CellsProduction of Glucose by Starch and Cellulose Acid Hydrolysis and its Use as a Fuel in Low-Temperature Direct-Mode Fuel CellsSOFC Stacks for Mobile Applications7. Friction Stir Welding / ProcessingThe Use of Bobbin Tools for Friction Stir Welding of Aluminium AlloysStudy of the Key Issues of Friction Stir Welding of Titanium AlloyFriction Stir Processing: A Novel Approach for Microstructure Refinement of Magnesium Alloys Metallographic Study of Lapped FSW between Ductile Cast Iron and Austenite Type Stainless SteelLimitation of Distortion in Friction Stir Welded (FSW) Panels Using Needle PeeningStructure and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stirred Beads of 6082-T6 Al Alloy and Pure Copper Prediction and Measurements of Thermal Residual Stresses in AA2024-T3 Friction Stir Welds as a Function of Welding ParametersMechanical and Microstructural Characterisation of Dissimilar Friction Stir Welded AA2024-T3 and AA7075-T6 Aluminium AlloysSpot Welding between Aluminum Alloy and Steel by Friction Stirring Study and Researches about the Microhardness’s Variation of a Special S.G. Cast Iron Novel Approaches to Friction Spot Welding Thin Aluminium Automotive Sheet Friction Stir Spot Welding Phenomena in Al Alloy 6061Formability of Friction Stir Welded AZ31 Magnesium Alloy SheetsQuantifying the Usability of a Robot System for Friction Stir Welding Effects of Tool Design and Friction Stir Welding Parameters on Weld Morphology in Aluminum AlloysDevelopment of Local Reinforcement and Local Metallic Foam Using FSP8. IntermetallicsQualification of an Investment Casting Process for Production of Titanium Aluminide Components for Aerospace and Automotive ApplicationsFabrication and Processing of Gamma Titanium Aluminides - A ReviewRecrystallization Textures in Heavily Cold-Rolled Ni3Al Based Single CrystalsComparison of Different Fluorine Treatments for the Protection of TiAl-Alloys Against High Temperature OxidationHot-Workability of Gamma-Based TiAl Alloys during Severe DeformationTi-Al-Cr Based Coatings for High Temperature Oxidation Protection of γ-TiAlThe Effect of Impact on the TiAl Alloy TNBV3B Produced on Three Different Processing RoutesChange in Microstructure by Heat-Treatment and Corresponding Deformation Behavior in Ni3V Single Crystals Low Cycle Fatigue and Cyclic Deformation of TiAl AlloysMicrostrain Analysis of Titanium AluminidesTensile Ductility of Cast TiAl AlloysPhysical and Mechanical Properties of Single Crystals of Co-Al-W Based Alloys with L12 Single-Phase and L12/fcc Two-Phase MicrostructuresVarious Properties of Dual-Phase Intermetallic Compound in Ni-Al SystemForging of Titaniumaluminide PartsMicrostructure and Magnetic Properties of NdFeB Magnets Using Fluorides Nano-Coated Process The Influence of Deformation Conditions on Structure of Fe-Al Intermetallic Phase ‒ Based AlloysMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of a Cast Intermetallic Ti-46Al-8Ta Alloy Comparison of Fluorination Treatments to Improve the High Temperature Oxidation Resistance of TiAl Alloys in SO2 Containing Environments Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Zr-Co-Ni Intermetallic CompoundNon-Destructive Fluorine Depth Profiling as Quality Assurance for the Oxidation Protection of TiAl Turbine Blades Preparation of Homogeneous Nb-Al Intermetallic Compound Sheet by Multi-Layered Rolling and Subsequent Heat TreatmentMicrostructure Formation in Cast β-Solidifying γ-Titanium Aluminide AlloysSecond Phase Precipitation within a Laves Phase in the Ir-Y Binary SystemThe Effects of Heat Treatments and Tungsten Additions on Microstructures and Tensile Properties of Powder Metallurgy Ti-48Al-2Nb-2CrCrystal Growth and Characterization of FeAs-Based SuperconductorsStudy of Refined Microstructures after Two-Step Heat Treatments by Means of EBSD Technique on γ-TiAl AlloysAn Investigation of Fracture Origins in Heat-Treated Ti49Al47Cr2Nb2 Powder Compacts Fe-6.5wt.%Si High Silicon Steel Sheets Produced by Cold Rolling Growth of Crystals and Formation of C40/C11b Lamellar Structure in (Mo0.85Nb0.15)Si2Effect of Trace Boron Addition on the Microstructure and Tensile Elongation of Ti2AlNb-Based Orthorhombic Titanium Alloys9. Magnesium AlloysDSC and Microstructural Investigations of the Elektron 21 Magnesium AlloyCreation of Fine Structure in Magnesium Alloys by Electromagnetic Vibration ProcessEffect of Cooling Rate on Morphology and Crystallography of Lath Martensite in Fe-Ni AlloysCorrosion Protection and Microstructure of Magnesium Alloys Anodized by Phosphate SolutionEffect of Annealing on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in Mg-Zn-Y Alloy with Long Period Stacking Order PhaseNanocrystalline LPSO Mg-Zn-Y-Al Alloys with High Mechanical Strength and Corrosion ResistanceHigh Temperature Deformation of Wrought Zn-Containing Magnesium AlloysOptimization of Heat Treatment Conditions of Magnesium Cast AlloysModeling Environment of Friction Stir Joining for AA2017T351 Plates in Butt JointFriction Stir Welding of SiCp/Al Composite and 2024 Al AlloyImprovement of Magnesium Sheet Formability by Alloying Addition of Rare Earth ElementsImpact Properties of TIG Welded AZ31 Magnesium Alloy JointsDC Casting - Simulation and Microstructure of Mg-Zn AlloysEffect of Annealing Treatments on Strain Rate Sensitivity and Anisotropy in a Magnesium Alloy Processed by Severe RollingExtrusion of AZ31 Magnesium SheetInfluences of Rolling Conditions on Texture and Formability of Magnesium Alloy SheetsMechanical Properties of Large-Scale Extruded Mg-Zn-Y AlloysMicrostructure and Creep Properties of AJ62 and AE44 Die-Casting Magnesium AlloysCreep Behaviour of AE42 Magnesium Alloy and its Composites Using Impression Creep TechniqueEffect of Rare Earth Element on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg-Sn-Ca AlloysModeling and Simulation of Microstructure Evolution of Cast Mg AlloyFormability of AZ31 Alloys Prepared by Hot-Extrusion of their Machined ChipsInhomogeneous Deformation Observed Using High-Precision Markers Drawn by Electron Beam Lithography in a Magnesium Alloy with LPSO PhaseCross-Sectional Geometry and the Intermetallics Structure in a High Pressure Die Cast Mg-Al AlloyAtomic Scale Simulation of Deformation in Magnesium Single CrystalsFormation of Fold Defects in Permanent Mold Cast AE42 Magnesium AlloyCreep Behavior of Two Series Magnesium AlloysEffects of Stacking Faults on High Temperature Creep Behavior in Mg-Y-Zn Based AlloysMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of High Aluminum Content Magnesium Alloys Fabricated by Twin-Roll Casting ProcessRotary-Die Equal Channel Angular Pressing Method for Light Metals10. Metallic Glasses / Bulk Metallic Amorphous MaterialsViscosity of Metallic Glass Forming Liquids: Analysis Based on Bond Strength-Coordination Number FluctuationsThermal and Mechanical Properties of the (Cu36Zr48Al8Ag8)100-xSix (x = 0–1) Amorphous AlloysInhomogeneous Amorphous Structure of Bulk Metallic Glasses Examined from Structural Relaxation KineticsThe Prediction of Glass-Forming Compositions in Metallic Systems - The Development of New Bulk Metallic GlassesHigh Plastic Ti66Nb13Cu8Ni6.8Al6.2 Composites with In Situ β-Ti Phase Synthesized by Spark Plasma Sintering of Mechanically Alloyed Glassy PowdersMolecular Dynamics Study on Structural Relaxation of Metallic GlassesAnalysis of Optical Properties of GaN/AlGaN Quantum Well Ultra-Violet Laser Diode Using 6X6 HamiltonianFatigue Crack Initiation and Propagation at a Sharp Notch in Zr-Based Bulk Metallic GlassGlass Formation and Structural Study of Ti50Cu50 Alloy by Molecular DynamicsThe Role of Casting Temperature in Preparation of Bulk Metallic Glasses In Situ Observation of Solidification of Bulk Metallic Glass Forming Alloys from Supercooled Liquid by Using High Energy X-Ray Diffraction Combined with Levitation Techniques11. Nanostructured Materials, Powder Metallurgy & Metallic FoamsRoles of Hydrogen Atmospheres in Growth of Ultrananocrystalline Diamond by Pulsed Laser DepositionNanograined Size Pure Iron Elaborated by Means of Spark Plasma SinteringCarbon-Based Magnetic Nanocomposite Prepared by Arc-Evaporation of Sm/Co/C SystemPrinciples of Fabrication of Bulk Ultrafine-Grained and Nanostructured Materials by Multiple Isothermal ForgingCharacterization of FePt Nanopowder Synthesized by a Chemical Vapor Condensation (CVC) ProcessFabrication of Ultra-Fine Grained Hot Work Tool Steels by Powder Metallurgy Process through Mechanical Alloying TreatmentFabrication of Metallized Electrospun Copper Nanofiber WebsFormation of High Density Metal Silicide Nanodots on Ultrathin SiO2 for Floating Gate Memory ApplicationGrain Boundary Nanostructure and High Temperature Plastic Flow in Polycrystalline Oxide CeramicsCrystallographic Features of Ferroelectric States around the Tetragonal /Rhombohedral Phase Boundary in Pb1-xLax(Zr1-yTiy)O3Magnetic Properties, Nanostructure, and Ordering Kinetics of Nb Additive FePtCu FilmsStudy on the Nanostructure and Magnetic Properties of NdFeNbB Permanent MagnetsCharacterization and Sintering Behaviors of Fe Based Nanopowders Prepared by Arc Discharge ProcessStability of the Orbital-Modulated State in the Layered Perovskite Manganite Sr2-xRxMnO4 (R = Pr, Nd)Carbon Nanostructures Produced by an AC Arc DischargeMeasurement of Elastic Constants on Nanostructured Iron and CopperDispersion of Nano-Materials into Polymeric System for Enhanced PropertiesPreferred Orientation of Cu2O Nano-/Micro-Protrusions Grown by Ar Ion IrradiationEffects of Nano / Meso Harmonic Microstructure on Mechanical Properties in Austenitic Stainless Steel Produced by MM / HRS ProcessA Study on the Optimization of Reduction-Diffusion Process for Synthesis of Sm2Fe17Nx NanopowderEffect of Die Temperature on Mechanical Properties of Hot Pressed P/M PartsDevelopment of Powder Metallurgy High Nitrogen Stainless SteelWC-8Co-2Al (wt%) Cemented Carbides Prepared by Mechanical Milling and Spark Plasma SinteringMechanically Alloyed and Spark Plasma Sintered Aluminium/Precious Metal Oxide Composite Materials Comparison of Structure and Properties of Hard Coatings on Commercial Tool Materials Manufactured with the Pressureless Forming Method or Laser TreatmentCutting Mechanism of Resin Impregnated Sintered IronProperties of Al-Si-Fe-Cu-Mg Alloy PM Composites Obtained by Closed - Die Forging and Heat TreatmentStudy on Bending Ultrasonic Fatigue Behavior of Sinter-Hardened Fe-2Cu-2Ni-1Mo-1C Materials Prepared by Warm CompactionDevelopment of Powder Metallurgy High Speed SteelCombustion Synthesis of Titanium-Based Cemented CarbidesInvestigation of the Mechanical Properties of Lotus-Type Porous Carbon Steel Made by Continuous Zone Melting TechniqueMicro-Structural Alterations in MoM Hip ImplantsA Theoretical and Experimental Study on the Dynamic Constitutive Model of Aluminum Foams Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Sintered Metallic Fiber StructuresMicrostructure and Compression Properties of Al-Si Alloy Foams by Spark Plasma Sintering Technique 12. Severe Plastic DeformationInfluence of Annealing on Strength of Ultrafine Grained Low Carbon Steels by ECAP Recrystallization Mechanisms in Severely Deformed Dual-Phase Stainless SteelImprovement in Drawability (r Value) of an Aluminum Alloy Subjected to Groove PressingRecent Development of Equal Channel Angular Rolling (ECAR)Comparison for Thermoelectric Properties of BiTe Based Semiconductor Processed by the Mechanical Alloying and the High Pressure Torsion after Melt Grown by the Vertical Bridgman MethodAccumulative Roll Bonding of 7075 Aluminium Alloy at High TemperatureGrain Refinement of Vanadium by Low Temperature Severe Plastic DeformationNumerical Analysis of the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties Evolution during Equal Channel Angular PressingMicrostructures of Aluminum and Copper Single Crystals Processed by Equal-Channel Angular PressingMechanical Properties of an Al-Mg-Sc Alloy Subjected to Intense Plastic StrainingDislocation-Source Hardening in Nanostructured Steel Produced by Severe Plastic DeformationCharacteristics of High Temperature Creep in Pure Aluminum Processed by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing Grain Refinement Efficiency in Equal Channel Angular Extrusion of FCC Metals Inferred from Crystal Plasticity Simulations of Slip ActivitiesOn the Utilization of Plastic Instability Criterion in Ductility Assessment of Ultrafine-Grained Microalloyed SteelUltrafine Grain Evolution in Copper Alloys Induced by Mechanisms of Continuous Dynamic and Static RecrystallizationEffect of Equal Channel Angular Pressing on the Pitting Corrosion Resistance on the Aluminum Alloys with/without Anodization EBSD Characterization of Pure Iron Deformed by ECAEStructure, Chemical Stability and Properties of NiAl-Al2O3 Interface Modified by hBN and MAX-Phase Interlayers Thermo-Mechanical Problem of Torque in Beam with Annular Cross-SectionEffect of Preliminary Treatment on Grain Refinement of Medium Carbon Steel Using ECAP at Increased Temperature 13. Smart / Intelligent Materials / ProcessesSolubility Control of αTCP-HAp Functionally Graded Porous Beads in SBF for Biomaterial UseUsing Thin Film Stress for Nanoscaled Sensors A Systematic Approach to Performance Evaluation of Shape Memory Alloys as Actuator MaterialStructure and Phase Stability of NiMnGa Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys by Experimental and Ab Initio TechniquesEffect of Carbon Addition of Shape Memory Properties of TiNb Alloys Recent Advances in Microwave, Millimeter-Wave and Plasma-Assisted Processing of Materials Design of Joint Properties by Friction Powder ProcessingStress Amplitude Dependence of Internal Friction in TiNbAl Shape Memory Alloy Shape Memory Behavior of Ti-Ni-X (X= Pd, Cu) Ternary Alloy Thin Films Prepared by Triple-Source DC Magnetron SputteringClosed Cellular Materials for Smart MaterialsHeating Behaviors of Powdered Metal Silicon Compact Under Microwave Irradiation Laser Sintering of Silver Nanoparticles for Electronic UseSynthesis of New Structural and Functional Materials by SPS Processing Influence of High Melting Glasses on Selected Properties of PtRh-Alloys for Application in Glass Fiber BushingsMetal-Containing Diamond-Like Carbon Coating as a Smart Sensor Influence of Internal Pulsed Current on the Sintering Behavior of Pulsed Current Sintering Process Thermal Properties of Diamond-Particle-Dispersed Cu-Matrix-Composites Fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) Electron Beam Surface Modification of Cobalt Chrome Molybdenum Alloy Formed by a Laminate Molding MethodPreparation of Ti-Based and Zr-Based Bio-Metallic Wires by Arc-Melting Type Melt-Extraction MethodSecond Step Approach for Self Healing CeramicsProperties of New TiC/TiB2/Fe-Al Cermet AlloyAl/Ni Self-Propagating Exothermic Film for MEMS ApplicationHigh-Temperature Oxidation Resistance and Crack-Healing Function of Ni/Al2O3 Nano-Hybrid Materials (Zn,Mn)Te-Based Nanowires for Spintronic Applications: A TEM Study of Structural and Chemical Properties Fabrication of Cu-Based Functionally Graded Materials Dispersing Fine Sic Particles by a Centrifugal Mixed-Powder MethodFEM Analysis of Joint Interface Formation in Magnetic Pressure Seam Welding Microstructure and Thermoelectric Properties of Al-Doped ZnO Sintered BodyElectrochemical Characteristics of Pure Titanium Produced by MIM (Metal Injection Molding) ProcessPreparation of Lithium Sulfide-Carbon Composites Using Spark-Plasma-Sintering Process and their Electrochemical PropertiesFabrication and Two-Way Deformation of Shape Memory Composite with SMA and SMPInvestigation of Lattice Contraction in Mn3XN(X=Zn, Cu, Sn)Training Effects on Damping Capacity in Fe-Mn and Fe-Mn-Cr Alloys 14. Superalloys & Heat Resistant SteelsInfluence of Plastic Deformation on Recrystallized Microstructure of Fe-Base ODS AlloyTwo-Phase Microstructures Formed by Phase-Separation of Coherent Precipitates in Elastically Constrained Alloy SystemsMechanisms of New Grain Formation in a Ni-20%Cr Alloy during Warm to Hot Working Characterisation of the Structure of Single-Crystal Nickel-Base Superalloys Virtual Jet Engine SystemA Study on the Formation of Serrated Grain Boundaries and its Applications in Nimonic 263 Simulation of the Solidification Parameters of Single Crystal CastingRole of Rhenium in Single Crystal Ni-Based SuperalloysFabrication Process for a High Strength 9Cr-2W Steel SheetDislocation Substructure of Single Crystal Ni-Based Superalloy, CMSX-4, Crept at 1073-1273K and 250-600MPaPhase-Separation of B2 Precipitates in an Fe-Ni-Al AlloyEffects of Surface Recrystallization on the Microstructures and Creep Properties of Single Crystal Superalloy DD6Analysis of Creep Curves of Haynes 230 SuperalloyMorphology of γ' Precipitates in Second Stage High Pressure Turbine Blade of Single Crystal Nickel-Based Superalloy after ServicedNew Creep Deformation Concept Based on Creep under Lower StressesModeling Grain Boundary Mobility during Dynamic Recrystallization of Metallic AlloysCreep Behavior and Microstructure of 8Cr Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Martensitic SteelMicrostructure Evolution in a 9%Cr Heat Resistant Steel during Creep TestsDynamic Recrystallization Modeling during Hot Forging of a Nickel Based SuperalloyMetadynamic Recrystallization of the Nickel-Based Superalloy Allvac 718PlusTMEffect of Thermomechanical Processes on Σ3 Grain Boundary Distribution in a Nickel Base SuperalloyDirectional Diffusion and Effect Factors of the Elements during Creep of Nickel-Base Single Crystal SuperalloysPhase Transformation Behavior of Boron Containing 9% Cr Heat Resistant SteelsHeat Treatment and Oxidation Characteristics of Nb-20Mo-15Si-5B-20(Cr,Ti) Alloys from 700 to 1400°CDynamic Recrystallization Behavior of GH4586 Superalloy during Hot CompressionThe Precipitation Strengthening Effect of Nb, Ti and Al in Cast/Wrought Ni-Base SuperalloysStudy on the Ultrahigh Speed Grinding of Superhard Materials with Squeeze Film Damping TechnologyThe Halogen Effect for Ni-Base Superalloys – A Thermodynamic Study15. Residual Stresses & Tomographic Methods in Materials ScienceResidual Stress in PVD-Coated Carbide Cutting Inserts - Applications of the sin2ψ and the Scattering Vector MethodInfluence of Steel Grain Size on Residual Stress in Grinding ProcessingX-Ray Investigation on Strength of Thin FilmsThe Effect of Grain Size on Strain Determination Using a Neutron DiffractometerDevelopment of Twin Fractions and Microstresses of the Hot Extruded Magnesium Alloy AZ31 under Cyclic Loading ConditionsSingle Crystal Elastic Constants of the MAX Phase Ti3AlC2 Determined by Neutron DiffractionReal Time Monitoring of the Strain Evolution during Rapid Heat Treatment of Steel Samples by Means of Synchrotron X-Ray DiffractionResidual Stresses Relaxation Caused by Pulsed Electric CurrentThe X-Ray Diffraction Characteristics of Different MaterialsAnalysis of Residual Stress for Butt Welding of Thick PlateInduction of Engineered Residual Stresses Fields and Associate Surface Properties Modification by Short Pulse Laser Shock ProcessingResidual Stress Measurement by Neutron Diffraction in a Single Bead on Plate Weld - Influence of Instrument and Measurement Settings on the Scatter of the ResultsA Study on Area Detector Type Diffraction Stress Measurement and its Application to Shelling Problem in Railway TracksResidual Stress Depth-Profiling in Shot-Peened Al Alloy Components Subjected to Fatigue TestingThe New GKSS Materials Science Beamlines at DESY: Recent Results and Future OptionsTransmission Imaging and Strain Mapping in the Vicinity of Internal Crack Tip Using Synchrotron White X-RayHigh Temperature Internal Friction Behavior of Unidirectionally Solidified Al2O3/YAG EutecticA Step towards a Complete Uncertainty Analysis of Residual Stress Determination Using Neutron DiffractionIndustrial Research and Development with Synchrotron RadiationComparison of the Mechanical Properties of Hastelloy X Material after Welding by GTAW and Nd-YAG LaserHierarchical 3D/4D Characterization on Deformation Behavior of Austenitic and Pearlitic SteelsInvestigation of Sintering Processes by TomographyElectron Tomography of Nanostructured Materials – Towards a Quantitative 3D Analysis with Nanometer ResolutionThree-Dimensional Visualization and Analysis of Grain Deformation by Means of Synchrotron Radiation16. Modelling & Simulation / Multiscale Mechanical ModellingInvestigation of the Surface Characteristics for the Micro-Cutting Process with Finite Element SimulationMathematical Modeling of Microstructure Evolution of V Steels during Hot Rolling of Seamless TubesA Model of Discontinuous Dynamic Recrystallization and its Application for Nickel AlloysVariational Aspects of the Physically-Based Approach to 3D Non-Local Continuum MechanicsFractal Model for SnowMicro-Polar and Second Order Homogenization of Periodic MasonryMultiscale CAFE Modelling of Dynamic RecrystallizationThe Microstructure Change during Modeling of Conventional and Thermo-Mechanical Rolling of S355 Steel BarsSimulation of Copper Precipitation in Fe-Cu AlloysThe Analysis of the Process of Asymmetric Rolling of PlatesPhysical Simulation at Hot DeformationAnisotropic Ostwald Ripening in Silicon Nitride: On the Reaction-Controlled KineticsThe Physical Simulation of the Normalizing Rolling of the Steel Plate in Strength Category 350÷460MPaThe Analyze of Phase Transformations in Ultra Fine Grained Constructional SteelHigh-Temperature Testing of the Properties of Blast Furnace CokeCombined Discrete/Finite Element Multiscale Approach for Modelling of the Tool/Workpiece Interface during High Shear Processing: Hot Rolling and Friction Stir Welding ApplicationsThe Influence of Rolling Temperature on the Energy and Force Parameters during Normalizing Rolling of Plain Round BarsModeling the Effect of Stress and Plastic Strain on Martensite TransformationSensitivity Analysis as a Tool of Optimal Sensors Location for Solidification Parameters EstimationSimulative Accelerated Creep Test on GleebleSimulation of Evolution of Dual-Phase MicrostructureStrength of Alloyed Metal Castings Using Multiphase Models and Non-Linear FEMDesign of Process Equipment Beam Joints to Utilise Stress RelaxationNumerical Simulation of the Portevin – Le Chatelier Effect in Various Material and at Different ScalesNumerical Modeling of Casting Solidification Using Generalized Finite Difference MethodNumerical Thermo-Mechanical Modelling of Stress Fields and Residual Constraints in Metallic Targets Subject to Laser Shock ProcessingA Model for Nucleation and Growth Processes of Tin WhiskerThe Use of Model Systems Based on Fe-30%Ni for Studying the Microstructural Evolution during the Hot Deformation of AusteniteRheological Behavior of Pure Binary Ni–Nb Model AlloysThermal Behaviour of Steel Plate during Accelerated CoolingInteraction of the Precipitation Kinetics of δ And γ’ Phases in Nickel-Base Superalloy ATI Allvac® 718PlusTMHeat Transfer Coefficient Measurements (HTC) at the Metal-Mould Interface in Permanent Mould CastingModelling of Grain Boundary Stability of Materials under Severe Plastic Deformation and Experimental VerificationCalculation of Energies of Coherent Interfaces and Application to the Nucleation, Growth and Coarsening of PrecipitatesModeling and Optimization of Cross-Sectional Microstructure Distribution during Hot Rolling of HSLA Steel PlatesMultiscale Modelling of Gradual Degradation in Al2O3/ZrO2 Ceramic Composites under TensionMicrocracked Materials as Non-Simple ContinuaCoupling Continuum and Discrete Models of Materials with Microstructure: A Multiscale AlgorithmX-Ray Computed Tomography Based Modelling of Polymeric FoamsHomogenization of Out-of-Plane Loaded Random PlatesModeling of Microstructure Evolution in Process with Severe Plastic Deformation by Cellular Automata17. TextureMicrostructure and Texture Evolution in Cold Rolled Interstitial Free (IF) Steel Sheet during Annealing under AC Magnetic FieldMechanism on Heterogeneous Nucleation of the Primary Al Phase on TiAl3 of a Hot-Dip Zn-11%Al-3%Mg-0.2%Si Coating on Steel SheetEffect of Deformation Mode on Texture of Ultrafine-Grained Low Carbon Steel Processed by Warm Caliber RollingStudy on Evolution of Partial Texture of Different Grains during Grain Growth in IF SteelsPhase Alignment Based on Crystal Orientation In Mn-Sb and Al-Ni Alloys Induced by High Magnetic FieldsCrystallographic Textures Variation in Asymmetrically Rolled SteelThe Effects of Different Precipitation States on the Annealing Behaviour of AA6111Texture and Strain Experiments at OPALMicrostructure and Texture Optimization in Fe-Si Ferritic SteelsTexture and Substructure Development during Dynamic Recrystallization in Ni-30Fe AusteniteEffect of Plating Current Density and Frequency on the Crystallographic Texture of Electrodeposited CopperA Variant Selection Rule in Transformation in Steel and Prediction of Transformation TextureStructure/Property Relationship in Intergranular Corrosion of Archaeological Silver ArtefactsGrain Boundary Sliding Phenomenon and Its Effect on High Temperature Ductility of Ni-Base AlloysRelations of Initial Microstructure with Grain Boundary Character Distributions in a Cold Rolled and Annealed Lead AlloyFeatures of Highly Twinned Microstructures Produced by GBE in FCC MaterialsApplication of Laser Surface Remelting in Grain Boundary EngineeringGrain Boundary Character of 9Cr Feritic/Martensitic Heat Resistant Steels Strengthened by Nano-Sized MX Precipitates18. Thin FilmsEffects of Thermal Annealing on Electrical, Optical and Structural Properties of Ga-Doped ZnO FilmsOptical-Electrical Properties and Corrosion Behavior of Tantalum-Doped Indium Tin Oxide Films Deposited by Magnetron SputteringGrowth Stresses and Phase Development in Nanostructured Oxide Scales Formed on Iron AluminidesThin Film Depositions of CdTe Semiconductors on Amorphous and Single Crystal Substrates and Comparisons of their PropertiesSingle Crystalline a-Axis Mg Doped ZnO Thin Films Prepared by Sol-Gel Technique for Optoelectronics ApplicationsGrowth of Cubic AlN Films on Sapphire(0001) with Atomic Scale Surface Smoothness by Pulsed Laser DepositionUltrananocrystalline Diamond/Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon Films Prepared by a Coaxial Arc Plasma GunEffect of Nano-Crystallization on the Mechanical Properties of the (Zr53Cu30Ni9Al8)99.5Si0.5 Bulk Metallic GlassStructural Changes in Nickel Silicide Thin Films under the Presence of Al and GaTailoring Exchange Coupling between Magnetic Nano-Grains of High Density Magnetic Recording MediaA Study on Hydrogen in Titanium Thin Films In Situ S-Doping of Cubic Boron Nitride Thin Films by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor DepositionDoping of ZnO Thin Film with Eu Using Ion Beams19. Steels & Thin Slab and Strip CastingWork Hardening and Tensile Behaviour of an Austenitic Stainless Steel at High TemperatureInfluence of Molybdenum and Copper on the Corrosion Resistance of High Strength Austenitic SteelsPhase Transformation in Duplex Stainless Steels after Isothermal Treatments, Continuous Cooling and Cold WorkingEffects of Deformation Mode on Resistivity Curve Used for Estimating Martensite Induced in Stainless SteelMultiaxial Forging of Super Duplex SteelReasons for Formation of Twin-Precipitates in Two Phase Stainless SteelRecrystallization of Coarse-Grained Nb-Containing AISI-430 Ferritic Stainless SteelEnergy of Interatomic Bonds in Austenitic SteelsThe Activity of Nitrogen in the Liquid Fe-N-Cr Alloy Based on the Non-Random Solubility Model by Schmid - FetzerDissolution and Precipitation of Excess Phases in High-Nitrogen SteelsRecent Progress and Application of Bainite Steels for High Strength Linepipe up to X120 Mn-Series Low Carbon Air Cooling Bainitic Steels Containing NiobiumKey Factors in Grain Refinement of Martensite and BainiteFurther Corrosion Behaviors of Low Carbon Bainitic Steel in the Environment Containing Cl- after the Rust Layer DamagedCyclic Deformation and Fatigue Crack Behavior of Extruded AZ31B Magnesium AlloyDesigning Local Properties of Constructional Elements by Local Use of Ageing Effects in Multiphase SteelsEffect of Thermomechanical Processing Parameters on the Final Microstructure of Pipeline SteelsHot Forging of Ultra High-Strength TRIP-Aided SteelFormation of Martensite Austenite Constituent in Continuously Cooled Nb-Bearing Low Carbon Steels In Situ High Temperature X-Ray Studies on Bainitic Transformation of Austempered Silicon Alloyed SteelsEffect of Cold Deformation on Thermal Stability of Bainite in Nb-Bearing Microalloyed SteelsInfluence of Heat Treatment on the Microstructure of a High Chromium Steel Used for the Manufacture of Rolling Rolls Investigation of Bar-Like Carbides in HR3C Boiler SteelDesign of Modern Steels for Automotive ApplicationMelting and Solidification in the System Fe-Mn-CTechnologies of Nanomodification of Low-Carbon Low Alloyed SteelsMechanical Properties and Forming Behavior of a Type 9%Cr Steel Containing 2%W Homogenization Strategy and Material Characterization of High-Manganese TRIP and TWIP SteelsRefinement of CFB/M High Strength Steel Micro-Alloyed with NbMicrostructural Evaluation of API 5L X80 Pipeline Steels Submitted to Different Cooling Rates Hot Deformation and Ductility Analysis of Continuous Cast C40 Steel by Means of Tensile and Compression TestsAnalysis of Hot Tensile and Compression Curves to Assess the Hot Ductility of C-Mn SteelsComparative Study of Various Data Conversion Methods for Torsion Tests Applied to a HSLA SteelAnalysis of the Redundant Deformation Factor in the Axisymmetric Drawing of AISI 304 Stainless Steel Bars through Experimental TechniquesNumerical Simulation of Steel Flow and Behaviour of Non-Metallic Inclusions in the Six-Strand Tundish with Stopper Rod SystemDissolution of Precipitates in Hot Rolled Low Mn, Ti Added Pipeline SteelsMicrostructure and Cleavage Resistance of High Strength SteelsCreep Behavior of an Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Iron with Ultrafine Grain StructureEffect of Prior Heat Treatment on Hardness Profile after Nitrocarburization in Medium Carbon SteelTowards Understanding the Development of Grain Boundary Clusters in Austenitic Stainless Steel Effect of Grain Boundary Segregation of Phoshorus on the Hall-Petch Coefficient of Ferritic Iron Strengthening of Ferritic Steel by Interface Precipitated Carbides in RowsMicrostructure Evolution of C-Mn-Si-Al-Nb High-Manganese Steel during the Thermomechanical ProcessingIsothermal and Thermal Fatigue of Tool Steel AISI H11Simulation of Thermo-Mechanical Controlled Rolling and Continuous Cooling of Wire RodsMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of Cooled and Tempered Cu and Nb-Bearing Ultra-Low Carbon SteelsDependence of Yield Strength on Ferrite Grain Size in Ferrite/Cementite and Ferrite/Pearlite Structures of Medium Carbon Steel Fatigue Performance of Laser Brazes in Advanced High Strength SteelsEffect of Si on Mechanical Property of Galvannealed Dual Phase SteelMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of Ultra-High Strength Steel Plates with High DeformabilityMicrostructure and Texture Evolution in a High Manganes Austenitic Steel During Tensile TestStatic Strain Ageing in Some Austenitic Stainless SteelsStudy of the Columnar Grain Growth in IF Steels during Continuous Heat CyclesA Technical and Economic Analysis of Pig Iron ProductionAction of Displacement Control on Vacuum Free Aluminum/Copper Diffusion Liquefaction BondingBending Property of Liner Laser Irradiated Thin High Carbon SteelEffect of Martensite in Initial Structure on Bainite TransformationEffects of Manganese Content and Heat Treatment Condition on Mechanical Properties and Microstructures of Fine-Grained Low Carbon TRIP-Aided SteelsFirst-Principles Calculations and the Thermodynamics of Cementite Calculation of Stress-Strain Curve of Two-Phase Microstructure on the Basis of the Extended Secant Method Modeling of Phase Transformation and Carbon Behaviors after Holding at γ/α Region and Controlled Cooling in Low Carbon SteelsThe Effect of Cooling Rate on the Damage Micromechanisms of DP SteelsA View on the Strategy in the Processing of Hot Rolled Dual Phase SteelsEffect of Coiling Temperature on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Nb-V Microalloyed SteelA Study of the Carbides in High-Speed Steel RollsDuctility of Microalloyed Steels during Hot DeformationMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of Low Carbon Al-Killed Steels after Ultra-Rapid Annealing CyclesEffect of Retained Austenite Stability on Mechanical Properties of 590MPa Grade TRIP Sheet Steels Successful Transition from Wrought Iron to Steel in Hot Work Processing with Mechanism Differences Effects of Nb, V, Ti and Al on Recrystallisation/Precipitation Interaction in Microalloyed SteelsMonitoring Phase Transition Kinetics in Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI)Alloying Effects on Reverse Transformation to Austenite from Pearlite or Tempered Martensite Structures Grain Refinement Mechanisms of Plain C-Mn Steel by Super Short Interval Multi-Pass Rolling in Stable Austenite RegionFriction and Wear Properties of Zr and TiC-Based Cermet Specimens in a Hydrogen Gas AtmosphereInfluence of Strain Path on Microstructure Evolution of Low Carbon Steels Temperature Dependence of Austenite Nucleation Site on Reversion of Lath Martensite Influence of High-Mobility Boundaries on the Selective Growth of Goss Grain in Grain-Oriented Electrical SteelHigh Corrosion Resistance 21%Cr-0.4%Cu Ferritic Stainless Steel Contributing to Resource Conservation Microstructure and Toughness of 1000 MPa High Strength Weld MetalOIM Analysis of Microstructure and Texture of a TRIP Assisted Steel after Static and Dynamic DeformationMechanical Properties of a Medium Carbon Low Alloy Steel Processed by Two Step Austempering ProcessInfluence of V and N on Transformation Behavior and Mechanical Properties of Medium Carbon Forging SteelsLinking Crystallographic, Chemical and Nano-Mechanical Properties of Phase Constituents in DP and TRIP SteelsGenetic Alloy Design of Ultra High Strength Stainless Steels: From Thermodynamics to Quantum MechanicsInfluence of Continuous Annealing Conditions on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a C-Mn Dual Phase SteelThe Complexity of the Microstructural Changes during the Partitioning Step of the Quenching and Partitioning Process in Low Carbon SteelsPrecipitation and Precipitation Hardening Behavior of V and/or Cu Bearing Middle Carbon SteelsComparison of Grain Growth between Fine-Grained and Coarse-Grained Austenite in a Nb-V-Ti Microalloyed Steel Modeling of C-Mn Chromium Containing Steel to Produce DP600 through Thin Slab Direct RollingThe High Nb Content Microalloying Approach for Developing High Performance Structural Steel Direct Observation of the Change in Microstructure with Deformation in Ferrous Lath Martensite by Using Micro-Sized SpecimenThe Formation of Multiphase Microstructures in Low-Alloy SteelThe Influence of Deformation on Microstructure Evolution of Low Alloy TRIP SteelEvaluation of Hydrogen Embrittlement for High Strength Steel SheetsFormability of Ultrafine Grained SteelEffect of Grain Refinement on Mechanical Properties in 25Cr-1N Austenitic Steel Development of 780MPa Grade Steel Plate by Microstructural Control Containing M-A through the On-Line Heating Process Effect of Hot and Cold Rolling on Grain Size and Texture in Fe-Si Strips with Si-Content Larger than 2 wt%Control of the Austenite Recrystallization in Niobium Microalloyed SteelsPrecipitation Behavior of Steels with Various Copper during Continuous CoolingTemperature Development during Step-Wise Tensile Tests on a TRIP SteelStatic and Impact-Dynamic Characterization of Multiphase TRIP SteelsMicrostructure and its Formation Mechanism of Weld Metal of Al-Bearing TRIP SteelDiscontinuous Precipitation in a High-Nitrogen Austenitic SteelTransverse Surface Cracks in Continuously Cast Steel Slabs, Oscillation Marks and Austenite Grain Size20 Years of Experience in Thin Slab Casting and Rolling State of the Art and Future DevelopmentsHigh Temperature Deformation Mechanisms and Processing Map for Hot Working of Cast-Homogenized Mg-3Sn-2Ca AlloyRecent Developments and Future Potentials of Near Net Shape Casting Belt Casting TechnologyEffects of Casting Flux Interaction with Steel Melt on Lubrication in CC MouldsNear-Net-Shape Casting of Steel - The Belt Casting Technology20. Welding & JoiningPhysical and Chemical Mechanisms Occuring during A-TIG Welding: Comparison between Experimental Investigations and SimulationsProper Design and Fabrication of Socket Welds for Use in Sour ServiceEffect of Post-Weld Heat Treatment on Nd: YAG Laser Welded Ti-6Al-4V Alloy QualityFriction Stir Welding of Dissimilar AA 2024-T3 to AZ31B-H24 AlloysButt Joining of High Strength Steel Sheet and Dissimilar Metal Sheet by Shot PeeningWeld Pool Shaping and Microstructural Control Using Novel Computer Generated Holographic Optic Laser Welding of Steel and Stainless SteelConsideration on the Toughness Requirement to the Austenitic Weld Metal in the LNG Storage Tanks Subjected to a Partial Height Hydro TestEffect of Oxygen Content on Toughness in High Strength Weld MetalComparison of Microstructures at As Welded Zone and Reheated Zone in 9%Ni Steel Similar Composition Weld MetalResearch on High Heat Input Welding of the High Strength Electro-Gas Flux-Cored Wire Used for Large Storage TankMictrostructure and Mechanical Property Development in the Heat Affected Zone of Ultrafine Grained HSLA SteelInfluence of the Hardening Model on the Predicted Welding Distortion of DP600 Lap JointsThermomechanical Joining of Aluminium Alloys: Effects of the Shear on the Quality of the Joining In Situ Observation of Solidification Behavior during WeldingFatigue Behaviour of Friction Stir Processed Cast Aluminium and Magnesium Alloys Effect of Weld Tip Geometry on Ultrasonic Welding of Aluminum AlloyCharacteristics of Laser Welded Joints of HDT580X SteelEffect of Boron Carbide Addition on Wear Behaviour of Cobalt Based Hardfacings by Plasma Transferred Arc ProcessIntelligent Control of Arc Welding Dynamics during Robotic Welding ProcessInterfacial Behavior of Dissimilar Friction Welded Nodular Cast Irons with Low Carbon SteelsA Weldability Study of Nickel-Iron-Cobalt Hydrogen Resistant Alloys Using Weld Simulation in Parallel with Variable Restraint Testing In Situ Observation of Phase Transformations during Welding of Low Transformation Temperature Filler MaterialMicrostructure of Bonding Interface in Explosively Welded Metal/Ceramic CladFriction Welding Structures of Carburized SteelsBonding and Separation Behaviors between Ti-Sn Alloys and High Carbon SteelExperimental Setup for the Determination of Mechanical Solder Materials Properties at Elevated TemperaturesWeldability Study of Aluminum Alloys Using Weld Simulation and Complimentary Variable Restraint TestingThe Mechanism of Failure of the Axisymmetrical Welded Joint under Thermomechanical LoadingMicrostructure Evolution of Sn-2.5Ag-2.0Ni Solder Joint with Various Ni Platings on SiCp/Al Composites21. Mechanical Behaviour & FractureEffect of Plastic Anisotropy on the Predictive Capacity of Flaw Assessment Procedures Incompatibility Stresses and Elastic Energy Stored in Polycrystalline MaterialsEffect of Strain Heterogeneity on the Recrystallization Behavior of an Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Ferritic AlloyStudy on Very High Cycle Fatigue Fracture of High Strength Steel with CFB/M Complex MicrostructureFracture Toughness of a Silica-Doped Cubic Zirconia (8Y-CSZ) A Proposal for Two Characteristic Ratios of ASTM-CTOD to BS-CTODDeformation in Ti-Nb-Ta-Zr-O Alloy at Near Ideal StrengthEffect of Parameters of Notch on Fatigue Life of Shaft Based on Product Lifecycle ManagementPredication of Fatigue Life of Notched Torus under Random Scan Vibration The Structure and its Dependence on the Magnetic Properties of Ni5CoXCu95-X Alloys Produced by Mechanical Alloying and Subsequent AnnealingThermomechanical Process Innovation via Computer Modeling and Simulation Failure Analysis of a Hammer Drill Shaft under Complex Loading Paths and Severe Environmental ConditionsFracture Process of Aluminum/Aluminum Nitride Interfaces during Thermal Cycling Metallurgical Investigation on Low Ductility Failures of Cu-ETP ComponentsGrain Boundary Pinning by ParticlesOn the Effects Associated with Control Parameters Delay during Biaxial Cyclic Loading of Engineering MaterialsTools and Technologies for Hot Forming with Local Adjustment of Part Properties Simulating Phase Coarsening of Ultra-High Volume Fractions Method of Constraint Loss Correction for CTOD Fracture Toughness under Welding Residual Stress Field Evaluation of High Temperature Fatigue Behaviour of P22 by Miniature Specimen TestingCharacterization of Lanthanoid and Aluminum Based Oxide Film for Wide Bandgap SemiconductorsMicrostructural and Mechanical Studies in Al-Mg Based Alloys Obtained by Conventional and P/M Processes after Special Thermomechanical TreatmentsFriction Stir Welding of Magnesium Alloys under Different Process ParametersThe Effect of Ultrasonic Injection on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of A356 AlloySystem for Process Analysis and Hardness Prediction when Quenching Axially-Symmetrical Workpieces of any Shape in Liquid Quenchants
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