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Utilize the Latest Supportability Tools and Methods to Design Durable and Maintainable Systems
Engineers in both the commercial and military sectors can rely on the Supportability Engineering Handbook for complete support criteria that ensure the performance of products ranging from automobiles to spacecraft. This one-of-a-kind resource offers the latest supportability tools and methods for designing complex systems that will last a long time and be easy to maintain in actual use.
World-renowned supportability and logistics expert James V. Jones shows readers how to create supportable design solutions through effective system architecting, system and design engineering, and integration. He fully analyzes reliability, maintainability, and testability, and also explores every aspect of supportability. In addition, the author presents detailed coverage of reliability-centered maintenance…safety and human factors engineering…cost of ownership…supportability assessment and testing… configuration management and control…and much more.
The Supportability Engineering Handbook features:
- Step-by-step guidelines for implementing supportability
- State-of-the-art measurement methods and tools
- A wealth of cutting-edge system design knowledge
- An expert critique of commercial off-the-shelf applications
Achieve Optimal Supportability in the Design of Complex Systems
• The Evolving Supportability Design Solution • Creating the Design Solution through System Architecting, System Engineering, Design Engineering, and Integration Engineering • Reliability, Maintainability, and Testability Engineering • Supportability Characteristics • Reliability Centered Maintenance • Safety and Human Factors Engineering • Cost of Ownership • Supportability Analysis • Supportability Assessment and Testing • Configuration Management and Control • Special Considerations: Software, Off the Shelf Items • Abbreviations and Acronyms • Glossary of TermsEngineers in both the commercial and military sectors can rely on the Supportability Engineering Handbook for complete support criteria that ensure the performance of products ranging from automobiles to spacecraft. This one-of-a-kind resource offers the latest supportability tools and methods for designing systems that will last a long time and be easy to maintain in actual use.
World-renowned supportability and logistics expert James V. Jones shows readers how to create supportable design solutions through effective system architecting, system and design engineering, and integration. He fully analyzes reliability, maintainability, and testability, and also explores every aspect of supportability. In addition, the author presents detailed coverage of reliability-centered maintenance... safety and human factors engineering... cost of ownership... supportability assessment and testing... configuration management and control... and much more. The Supportability Engineering Handbook features:
- Step-by-step guidelines for implementing supportability
- State-of-the-art measurement methods and tools
- A wealth of cutting-edge system design knowledge
- An expert critique of commercial off-the-shelf applications
Achieve Optimal Supportability in the Design of Complex Systems
* The Evolving Supportability Design Solution * Creating the Design Solution through System Architecting, System Engineering, Design Engineering, and Integration Engineering * Reliability, Maintainability, and Testability Engineering * Supportability Characteristics * Reliability Centered Maintenance * Safety and Human Factors Engineering * Cost of Ownership * Supportability Analysis * Supportability Assessment and Testing * Configuration Management and Control * Special Considerations: Software, Off the Shelf Items * Abbreviations and Acronyms * Glossary of Terms