This book presents full text peer-reviewed papers presented at the THERMEC 2023, the 12th International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, which took place between July 03 and July 07, 2023, in Vienna, Austria, under the co-sponsorship of TU Wien and Graz University of Technology. The Conference was also under the auspices of professional organizations from Japan, Korea, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Germany, Brazil, Austria, India, and Canada. The Conference brought together researchers and engineers/technologists working in different aspects of processing, fabrication, structure/property evaluation and applications of both, ferrous and nonferrous materials including biomaterials, smart/intelligent materials as well as advanced characterisation techniques.
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12th International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials - THERMEC 2023
PrefaceChapter 1: Metallurgy of SteelThe Application of Physical Simulation in Hot and Cold Rolling of SteelsDevelopment and Application of a Thermal Microstructure Model of Laminar Cooling of an API X70 Microalloyed SteelCharacterization and Separation of Damage Mechanisms of Extruded Case-Hardening Steel AISI 5115 under Cyclic Axial-Torsional LoadingEffect of Mo and Mo+Nb Additions on the Phase Transformation and Microstructure of a Developed Low-Carbon CrNiMnB Ultrahigh-Strength Steels with a Preceding Hot DeformationEffect of Rapid Induction Tempering on the Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Ultra-High Strength SteelEffect of Nitrogen Impurity on the Tensile Ductility and Impact Toughness of Al-Bearing DQP SteelsMicrostructural Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured Bainite Processed through High and Low Temperature Ausforming and Isothermal Holding near Ms in a Medium Carbon SteelAssessment of Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of EUROFER97 Steel after Thermo-Mechanical TreatmentsImpact of Ultra-Flash Tempering Treatment on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of High-Strength Carbon SteelPhenomenon-Based Model for Virtual Hot Strip RollingHot Stamping of Heavy-Gaged - Full Development and the Effect of Press Hardening Process on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 22MnB5 + NbMo AlloyedGrain Refinement in 441 Ferritic Stainless Steel: High Versus Low Ti/Al Ratio after Casting and Hot RollingBack-Annealing of Hot Dip Galvanised Strip Steel Microalloyed with VanadiumComparative Study of Quench and Partition Processes in High Si and High Al SteelsThermomechanical Processing of V-N Structural Plate Steels in Low Temperature AusteniteInfluence of Hot Rolling Practice and Furnace Residence Time on the Strength and Toughness of Normalised Nb-Ti-V Structural Steel PlateMedium Carbon Q&P Steel with High Product of Strength and ElongationDelamination Fracture in a Medium-Carbon Low-Alloy Steel Subjected to TempformingEffects of Pre-Strain and Tempering on Mechanical Properties in High-Strength Martensitic SteelsEffect of Pressure on High-Temperature Oxidation of Ferritic Stainless SteelsTribological Behaviour of Low Temperature Plasma Assisted Carburized 316 L Steel Produced by L-PBF TechniqueRecent Development of Hot-Rolled AHSS for Lightweight ChassisEffect of Thermomechanical Rolling on Mechanical Properties of TRIP-Aided Steel SheetPrediction of TTR Diagrams via Physically Based Creep Simulations of Martensitic 9-12% Cr-SteelsInfluence of the Holding Thickness and Process in the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Microalloyed 380 MPa Structural SteelApplication of CALPHAD for the Prediction of Matrix Phase Transformations in SteelTowards High Strength-Ductility Balance Using Double Annealing CyclesQuench and Bainite (Q&B) Thermal Cycle as an Alternative to Standard Quench and Partitioning (Q&P) Annealing to Produce AHSSImportance of through Hardening of Low-Alloy High Performance Martensitic Steels for Large Section ApplicationsEffects of Substrate Microstructure and Chemical Composition on Liquid Metal Embrittlement in Galvanized 3rd Generation AHSSDouble Soaking of Medium Manganese SteelsOn High Performance Steels for FastenersDesign and Properties of Hot Rolled Tough Carbide Free Bainitic SteelsLow Temperature Hot Press Forming of a Zinc Coated Third Generation Advanced High Strength SteelChapter 2: Structural AlloysMechanical Properties and Microstructure Evolution of an AA5083 via Introducing 0.33%Sc and CryorollingEffect of Core Hole Diameter on Tensile and Fatigue Properties of the Helically Formed Internal Thread in AlSi10MnMg Cast AlloysStudy on the Deformation Mechanism of a Nonequiatomic AlCrMnFeNi High-Entropy Alloy at Cold and Warm TemperaturesUnusual Precipitation at Grain Boundaries in Non-Equiatomic CoCrFeMnNi High Entropy AlloysManufacturing Method and Thermal Properties of Open-Cell Type Aluminum Foam by Replication Casting ProcessUltrafast Laser Fabrication of Microchannels on Aluminium Alloy SubstrateEffect of Cu on the Precipitation of α-Al(Mn,Cr)Si Dispersoids in an Al-Mg-Si-Mn-Cr AlloyEffect of Heating Rate on the Annealing Behavior of Aluminium AlloysEffect of Distributions of Low Angle Grain Boundary and Dislocation Density on Strength of Al-3mass%Mg by SPDConstitutive Model and Impact Induced Fragmentation of W-Zr AlloyMicrostructure Observation of Al-Zn-Mg Alloy with High Mg ContentEta Phase Precipitation at Equilibrium and in Strain Free ATI 718PlusFactor for Improvement of Plastic Workability in Magnesium Alloy Pipes through Processing by Torsion and Back-TorsionEffect of Process Condition and Test Environment on Tensile Properties in Cold-Rolled Al-Cu-Mg AlloysMass Production and Vast Application States of Bulk Metallic GlassesMicrostructure Based Flow Stress Modelling of Superalloy 718Crystal-Defect-Associated Transformation Strain Paths of Electric Current Pulse (ECP) Induced α to β Transformation in Cu-40%ZnDevelopments of Cost Affordable Titanium Alloys in JapanBreaks in Hall-Petch Relationship in MagnesiumMicro-Alloying Effect on the Inter-Critical Grain Coarsened Heat Affected Zone of a S355 Steel Welded JointChapter 3: Composite MaterialsHybrid Carbon Fiber Reinforced Laminates with Interlaminar NanofibersAdditive Layer Manufacturing of Carbon Fiber/PEKK Composites for Aeronautic ApplicationGraphite- and Graphene-Based Polymer Nanocomposites for Flexible Sensors and Actuators in Health Care and Soft Robotics ApplicationsPreparation, Microstructure, and Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Matrix Composite by Accumulating Roll Bonding MethodRelation between Process Parameters and Pressure during Friction Stir Forming in the Development of a Superplastic Composite Steel SheetsInfluence of Green Plantain Peel Ash and Alumina Reinforcement on the Physio-Mechanical Properties of Aluminium Matrix Hybrid CompositesChapter 4: Powder MetallurgyA Unique Hall-Petch Relation of Harmonic Structure Designed Pure NiHigh Temperature Deformation Behavior and Microstructure Evolution of Harmonic Structure Composites with WC-Co and High Speed SteelMisorientation of Grains in Fatigue of Harmonic Structured Steel Observed by Diffraction Contrast Tomography Using Ultrabright Synchrotron RadiationHigh Temperature Deformation of Harmonic Structure Designed CrMnFeCoNi High Entropy AlloyMicrostructure Evolution and Unique Deformation Behavior of a CrMnFeCoNi Harmonic Structure High Entropy Alloy at Elevated TemperaturesEffect of Hot-Pressing Pressure on the Microstructure and Thermal Conductivity of Copper/Ti-Coated Diamond CompositesChapter 5: Additive ManufacturingBuckling Mechanism Simulation for Thin-Wall Components Made by Laser Powder Bed Fusion316L-Si Austenitic Stainless Steel Elaborated by Additive Manufacturing Process: Porosity and Dislocation Density EstimationEffect of Isothermal Annealing on Residual Stresses and Fatigue Properties of LPBF 316L SteelFatigue Life and Impact Toughness of PBF-LB Manufactured Ti6Al4V and the Effect of Heat TreatmentOverview: Additive/Subtractive Hybrid Manufacturing of Heat Resisting MaterialsThe Influence of the Deposition Speed during Friction Screw Extrusion Additive Manufacturing of AA6060Production of a Ti6Al4V Automobile’s Lower Control Arm with EBMDesign Strategies towards the Optimization of 3D Additive Manufactured Lattice StructuresProcessability and Solidification Microstructure of Al-10Si-4.5Mg Alloy Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed FusionProcess Parameter Prediction in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Using an Artificial Neural NetworkAdvantages of Hybrid Neural Network Architectures to Enhance Prediction of Tensile Properties in Laser Powder Bed FusionLow-Environmental Impact Surface Treatment on SLM-Produced AlSi10Mg Aluminium AlloyFunctionally Graded Steels Obtained via Electron Beam Powder Bed FusionTowards Laser Metal Deposition of Modified PH 13-8Mo PowderTriply Periodic Minimal Surfaces Manufactured by Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion: Approaches and ChallengesHigh Temperature Tensile Properties and Microstructure of Ni20Cr Alloy Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed FusionEffect of Relative Weight on Compression Behaviour of 3D Printed Porous Structure Made of Aluminium AlloyEffective Strategies for Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing of Graded Metal Interfaces between Stainless Steel and VanadiumThemomechanical Response of an Additively Manufactured Hybrid Alloy by Means of Powder Bed FusionMechanical Behaviour of Maraging Steel Processed by Powder Bed Fusion via Laser Beam (PBF-LB) in Different Build OrientationsHigh-Throughput Simulations of Phase Precipitation in Additively Manufactured Al AlloyLaser-Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing of NiCrBSi Self-Fluxing Nickel Alloy, Material Health - Process RelationshipHigh Volume 3D Printer and Developed of High-Volume Extruders for Gelatin and LiquidsMicrostructural and Mechanical Characterization of Large Surfaces after Laser Cladding by Wavering of Nickel Coating on Cast-Iron Molds Used in Glass IndustryLaser-Based Directed Energy Deposition of Ceramic Nanoadditivated AA7075 Powder AlloysAlloy Design for AM: A Ferritic Alloy for Applications in Corrosive Alkaline EnvironmentChapter 6: Welding TechnologiesEffect of Ferrite/Austenite Phase Transformation on 475 °C Embrittlement in Duplex Stainless Steel WeldEffect of High-Temperature Tempering on Microstructure and Mechanical Strength of Laser-Welded Joints between Medium-Mn Stainless Steel and High-Strength Carbon SteelExperience in the Fabrication of Tube Grade 7CrMoVTiB10-10 with Inconel 625 Weld Overlay for Use in Steam Superheaters Exposed to Highly Corrosive EnvironmentsMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of A6061/GA980 Resistance Spot WeldHigh Energy Density Welding of IN792 Ds SuperalloyEffect of Cold Rolling on Bonding Interface of C1020/A1050 Butt Joints by Friction Stir WeldingHigh-Speed Laser Beam Welding of Magnesium Alloy AZ31 for Enhancing the Mechanical PropertiesFriction Stir Welding of Various Aluminium Alloys to TitaniumSolute Enrichment in the Fusion Zone during Resistance Spot Welding of a Third Generation Advanced High Strength SteelPremium Rail Flash-Butt Welding Process Window Based on Phase TransformationsResistance Spot Welding of QP Stainless Steels: Role of Heat Treatment and Microstructure on Joint StrengthPhase Transformations in Layered Composites Based on Zr, Nb, Ta or Ti Sheet Explosively Welded to Stainless Steel PlateEvaluation on Joint Performances of Advanced Multi-Material Dissimilar Lap Joints
In Situ TEM Observation of the Ultrasonic Bonding ProcessEvaluation of Simulated Heat Affected Zone of Molybdenum- and Niobium Alloyed Ultra-High-Strength SteelsJoining Aluminum Alloy and Steel by Friction Stir Forming from Steel SideParallel Computing of Thermo-Fluid Modeling Related to the FSW ProcessGleeble Simulation of HAZ in S690QL Steel: Microstructural and Mechanical PropertiesChapter 7: Protective Coatings and Surface EngineeringEffect of Zirconium Conversion Coating on Corrosion Resistance of Small-Defected Auto Steel SheetsOptimization of Anodizing Condition for Mg-14mass%Li-3mass%Al AlloyNumerical Modeling of In-Flight Molten Metal Droplet Dynamics and Particle Oxidation in Atmospheric Plasma SprayingMicrostructural Stability of a Metallic Thermal Barrier Coatings for Rocket EngineStrategy to Generate Oxide-Free Molten Metal Droplets for Fully Dense Corrosion-Resistant Coatings by Atmospheric Plasma SprayingOxidation Behavior of Atmospheric Plasma Sprayed NiAl Coating at High Pressure Oxygen AtmosphereCrystallographic Textures of Al and Al-Mg Alloy Formed by Shot-PeeningEffects of Shot Peening on Mechanical Properties and Microstructural Evolution of AMS 6265 Steel Surface Treated for Critical Aircraft ComponentsInvestigation of Effects of Electroplating Conditions on TEMPO-Oxidized Cellulose Nanofiber Composited Nickel Electroplated FilmsEffect of Special Plating Films on Galvanic Corrosion Behavior between Metal and CFRTPInvestigation of Deposition Conditions and Basic Properties of CNF Composite Ni Plated Film by Electroless Plating MethodElectrolytical Coating of Inhomogeneous Structures Distributed on Metallic SurfacesFormation Mechanism of Al2O3/HfO2 Eutectic Coating on SiC Substrate Using Light Focusing MethodUsing Electropulsing to Control the Surface Quality of CastsChapter 8: Materials for Radiation Protection and Nuclear ApplicationsChallenge to Performance Evaluation of Fusion Reactor Materials by Fission Neutron and Charged Particle IrradiationBoron Nitride Filled Thermoplastics for Passive Shielding of Space ElectronicsRecent Research on SiC/SiC Composites for PWRTen-Year Recycling of Vanadium Alloy in Fusion ReactorsChapter 9: Functional MaterialsSr Substitution Effect on Ca Site for 32522-Type Ca3Al2O5-yFe2As2 SuperconductorEffect of CeO2 Doped Zirconium Titanate with Various Temperatures by Solid-State Reaction MethodDevelopment of Functionally Graded Metal-Ceramic Systems by Directed Energy Deposition: A ReviewMagnetic Semiconductors from Ferromagnetic Amorphous AlloysEffects of Thermomechanical Treatments on Tensile Properties of Pure TitaniumStudy of the Phase Transition from TbCu7 Structure to ThMn12 Structure in Newly Developed ThMn12 Type Magnets Using a Numerical Analysis Method for X-Ray Diffraction PatternsDevelopment of Soft Magnetics Fe-B-C-Si Amorphous Alloys with High Magnetization and Sufficient Amorphous-Forming AbilityDevelopment of Giant Magnetostrictive Materials for an Active Noise Control System in an Ultracompact Electric VehicleRobust and Reconfigurable Waveguide Design in Valley-Topological Phononic CrystalsChapter 10: Computational Approaches to Materials Properties EvaluationWhy Do Grains Remain Roughly Equiaxed during Steady State Discontinuous Dynamic Recrystallization?Diffusion in Metallic Glass-Forming Systems: A Description of the Kink Behavior Observed in the Temperature DependenceThe Role of Grain Size in the Mechanical Properties of MetalsA New Approach for Sintering Simulation of Irregularly Shaped Powder ParticlesOn the Application of some Plasticity LawsDefects-Driven Plasticity: Rationalization Based on Notch Strengthening and Continuous Damage MechanicsA Modern Approach to the Complicated Line Integrals in Linear Elastic Dislocation TheoryChapter 11: Materials and Technologies for Hydrogen ProductionHigh-Strength PPS-Polymer Composites for Hydrogen High-Pressure ApplicationsDamage Accumulation and Recovery Involving Vacancy-Type Defects Enhanced by Hydrogen in Tempered Martensitic Steel Showing Quasi-Cleavage FractureHydrogen Embrittlement in as-Quenched Martensitic Steels - Application of Incremental Step Loading Technique with Novel Tuning-Fork TestMicrostructural Engineering of Mn-Alloyed Austenitic Steel for Hydrogen Storage and DeliveryChapter 12: Materials and Technologies for Electronics IndustryEffect of Plating Potential on Three-Dimensional Structural Plating Films and their Adhesion to Epoxy ResinFabrication of High-Temperature Solder by Zn Plating Films Containing Al ParticlesEffect of Sb Addition on Microstructure and Shear Strength of Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu Solder Ball JointsIon Trajectory Control in Processing Plasmas for Nano-FabricationOptical-Emission Properties of GaN-Based Nanopillar Light-Emitting Diodes Prepared on Non-Polished and Non-Single-Crystalline SubstratesEffect of High Temperature and Humidity on Bond Strength of Al/Resin Adhesive JointsChapter 13: Materials for Biomedical ApplicationsCarbon Dots Release from Biodegradable Coatings Deposited by Aerosol-Assisted Open-Air PlasmaPlasma Immersion Ion Implantation of a Fe-Mn-C Based Steel for Biomedical Applications: Effect of Gases and Treatment Times on the Surface PropertiesNeural Network Regressor for Designing Biomedical Low Elastic Modulus Ti-Zr-Nb-Mo Medium Entropy AlloysDevelopment and Characterisation of New Hydrogels for Medical Science EducationEffects of C Doping on the Structure and Functional Characteristics of Fe-Mn Alloys after Equal Channel Angular PressingEffect of Rotary Swaging on Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Zn-1%Mg and Zn-1%Mg-0.1%Ca AlloysImprovement of Work-Hardening Behavior of Co-Cr-W-Ni Alloy by Adding Mn/Fe for Balloon-Expandable StentsStatus and Challenges in Biomedical Applications of LDHsCan Multifunctionality of Bioresorbable BMGs be Tuned by Controlling Crystallinity?Magnesium-Based Biomedical Devices Degradation Control by Means of Multilayer CoatingsEffect of Heat Treatments on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Nitinol Prototype Stents Produced by Laser Powder Bed FusionNew Powder Metallurgy Titanium Alloys with Built-In Antibacterial CapabilityBinder Based Processing of Magnesium Alloy WE43 towards Biomedical Application Using Metal Injection Molding (MIM)Microstructure, Mechanical, and In-Vitro Characterization of a Novel Biodegradable Zinc-Based Composite Fabricated at Room TemperatureInteractive Evaluation of Interfacial Damages on Loosening Behavior of Acetabular Cup Loosening Using AE and IR MethodChapter 14: Measurement and Testing Methods and DevicesActual Stress Analysis of Welded Part Using a Quantum Beam Hybrid MethodA Unified Representation for Fundamental Equations of Various X-Ray Stress Measurement MethodsNumerical Simulation of Jominy End Quench Test Using Coupled Heat Transfer and Phase Transformation ModelMechanical Spectroscopy Investigation of Defective Structures in Metals
In Situ ALD-TEM System to Study Atomic Nucleation Phenomena - Enabled by Ultrathin Large Aspect Ratio Free-Standing Shell StructuresA Study on Inclusion Characterisation of Steel Using a Novel Inclusion Characterisation ToolDesign and Evaluation of an Automated System for the Preparation of SamplesConceptual Design of a Fluid Handling System with Dosing and Mixing for PCR ApplicationsDynamic Modulus Anomaly in Metallic Alloys Prepared by Additive ManufacturingConception of a Multi-Component Water System with Individually Adaptable Modules for Measuring Diverse Parameters and a Variability of the Purification Output QualityDevelopment of a Thermal Cycler for a Low-Cost Real-Time PCR ApplicationAssessment of Powder Solidification Structures in Tool Steels Using State-of-the-Art Microstructural Characterization TechniquesEvaluation of Interfacial Thermal Resistance of Al-Si Alloy by Using Image-Based SimulationChapter 15: Operation Research and Industrial EngineeringData Analysis of Production Data for Continuous Casting of Aluminum Rolling IngotsDetermination of the (New) Product Dimensional WindowStatistical Methods for Predicting of the Quality of Aluminum IngotsIntelligence Press Brake for Aircraft Skin BendingData Analysis and Visualization of Mechanical Properties of Aluminium Coils, Focusing on Chemical Composition, Annealing Temperatures and Holding TimeFrom Material Requirements to the Rolling Schedule - Fast Material-Oriented Roll Pass Design for Long Products with the Open Source Framework PyRolLECCC History and Value of Work Done for the Introduction and Use of Newer MaterialsProper Material Tracking for a Continuous Aluminum Production ProcessSustainability and Life Cycle Analysis of 3D Printing IndustriesHigh-Pressure Torsion: From Miniature Earthquake to the Origin of LifeThe Effect of the Artificial Sand on the Gas Emission for Aluminum Casting
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