"This book reports on a remarkable four-year experiment in the application of scientific method to the development and delivery of software products. Participants in the experiment included seven well-reputed universities, and four industries, spanning a range of sizes, and drawn from different industrial sectors. Over 157 person-years were expended in total. This book conveys the fruits of the experience gained in the project. It gives a clear record of the successes of the project and of the challenges that remain. It should be studied by researchers who strive to advance the state of the art of programming in industry; also by innovative industries, wishing to judge the adequacy of the current state of the art to meet their future software development needs. Above all, it should be read by all who are interested in a successful model of industrial and academic collaboration, and who wish such experiments to be repeated." [Tony Hoare, Microsoft Research]<b> </b><p>"[T]his book describes a project that has made a major contribution towards bridging the gap between formalists and practitioners in software development for dependable systems. The detailed substance of the contribution lies in the specifics of what has been done; but the full value lies even more in the cooperative way in which the project has been carried out and the open-minded acknowledgment of challenges. This book will amply repay a careful and thoughtful reading by researchers and practitioners alike." [Michael Jackson, London]<b></b></p>
Biographical note
Prof. Alexander Romanovsky works in the School of Computing Science, Newcastle University; he has been working on system dependability and fault tolerance for many years, in particular on reasoning about faults and fault tolerance during early phases of system development, and he coordinated the related RODIN and DEPLOY projects.
Dr. Martyn Thomas in an industrialist who has been concerned with safety-critical and other high-dependence computer systems since the 1980s.