Biographical note
Michel Ledoux was Professor and Vice-President at the University of Rouen, France. He was also Director of the UMR CNRS CORIA, then Regional Delegate for Research and Technology in Upper Normandy, France. Specializing in fluid mechanics and transfers, he has worked in the fields of reactive boundary layers and spraying. Currently retired, he is an adviser to the Conservatoire National des Arts et MĂ©tiers in Normandy, collaborating with the Institute of Industrial Engineering Techniques (ITII) in Vernon, France.
Abdelkhalak El Hami is Full Professor of Universities at INSA-RouenNormandie, France. He is the author/co-author of several books and is responsible for the Chair of mechanics at the Conservatoire National des Arts et MĂ©tiers in Normandy, as well as for several European pedagogical projects. He is a specialist in problems of optimization and reliability in multi-physical systems.