Biographical note
Lifeng Zhang is a professor and the President with North China University of Technology. Lifeng was a professor and the Vice President of Yanshan University from 2019 to 2022, a professor at University of Science and Technology Beijing (2012–2019) and Norwegian University of Science and Technology (2005–2007), an associate professor at Missouri University of Science and Technology (2008–2011), a research scientist at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2001–2005), a post-doctoral fellow at Technical University of Clausthal (2000–2001) and Tohoku University (1998–2000). Lifeng’s research mainly focuses on non-metallic inclusions in steel and modeling of process metallurgy.
Ying Ren is a professor and the vice dean with Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering at University of Science and Technology Beijing. Ying Ren’s research mainly focuses on clean steel and non-metallic inclusions.