This collection contains selected papers presented at Chinese Materials Conference 2018 (CMC 2018, Xiamen City, Fujian, China, July 12-16, 2018). The Chinese Materials Conference is the most important serial conference of Chinese Materials Research Society and is held each year since the early 1990s. Chinese Materials Conference 2018 had 35 symposia covering four fields: energy and environmental materials, advanced functional materials, high-performance structural materials, and design, preparation and characterization of materials. We hope this book will be useful and interesting for many engineers and researchers engaged in materials areas.
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Chinese Materials Conference 2018 (CMC 2018)
Selected, peer reviewed papers from the Chinese Materials Conference 2018 (CMC 2018), July 12-16, 2018, Xiamen City, Fujian, China
PrefaceChapter 1: Properties and Processing Technologies of Structural Alloys and Intermetallic CompoundsEffects of Solid Solution Temperature on Microstructure and Properties of Extruded and Forged FGH95 SuperalloysCreep Properties and Microstructural Evolution at 760°C/785MPa of a Re-Containing Single Crystal SuperalloyThoughts on High Performance Superalloy Design and Microstructural Characteristics of a Newly Designed Ni-Cr-Co-W Superalloy Applied above 850°CMicrostructure-Dependent Deform Behavior of a Polycrystalline Ni-Based Superalloy Based on Micropillar CompressionDouble Annealing Processes of Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-1Cr-1Fe Titanium AlloyThermal Deformation Behavior and Critical Conditions of Dynamic Recrystallization of QCr0.8 AlloyEffect of UDC Casting on Hot Deformation Behavior and Properties of 2A14 Aluminum AlloyNumerical Simulation of Electromagnetic Phenomena and Solidification under a Pulsed Magnetic FieldEffects of Different Mold Temperature on Dendrite Morphology of Sn-Bi Alloy in Directional SolidificationMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of TiB2/ Al-Si Composites Fabricated by TIG Wire and Arc Additive ManufacturingEffects of Hot-Rolled Process and Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-6Al-4V ELI AlloyEffect of Preparation Process on Surface Quality and Microstructure of Titanium SheetEffect of Lubrication Conditions on the Forming Limit of Deep Drawing of 6061 Aluminum Alloy SheetMulti-Scale Microstructure Regulation Technology of Near-α High Temperature Titanium AlloyEffect of Processing Techniques on the Mechanical Property of New Zirconium Alloy StripEffect of Ultrasonic Impact Treatment on the Residual Stress Distribution of Electron Beam Welded TA15/BTi-6431S Dissimilar Titanium AlloysInfluence Mechanism of Cu on High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Titanium AlloysFatigue Crack Growth Behaviors in Novel TC32 Titanium Alloy with Bimodal and Basket-Wave MicrostructuresCombustion Microstructures and Frictional Ignition Resistance of Ti-6Al-4V Titanium AlloyHigh Temperature Deformation Behavior in the Isothermal Compression of Ti-5Al-4Mo-2Cr-4Zr-2Sn-1Fe AlloyInfluence of Different Surface Treatments on Fatigue Life of 7050 Al AlloyThermodynamic Study on Equilibrium Phases in Nickel-Base Single Crystal SuperalloysNumerical Simulation of Dendrite Growth and Micro Segregation of Ni-Cu AlloyHigh Compressibility ZrTiHfV0.5Nb0.5CX Refractory High-Entropy AlloysPhase Stability and Mechanical Properties of FCC Structural CoCrCu0.5FeNi High-Entropy Alloy with Silicon or Boron AdditionInterfacial Reaction of CoCrFeNi High Entropy Alloy in Molten AlSelective Laser Melting of Multi-Principal NiCrWFeTi Alloy: Processing, Microstructure and PerformanceChapter 2: Properties and Processing Technologies of Steels and Structural MetalsInfluence of Cold Rolling Reduction on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in 204C2 Austenitic Stainless SteelEffect of Primary Annealing Temperature on Primary and Secondary Recrystallization in Strip-Cast Grain-Oriented Silicon SteelThe Effects of Current Density on Microstructure and Properties of Electrolytic Copper FoilsHigh-Precision Section Control Technology for High-Strength Yoke Steel StripEffect of Annealing Treatment on Microstructure, Mechanical and Damping Properties of Ductile IronEvolution of Grain Boundary Character Distribution in Pure Copper during Low-Strain Thermomechanical ProcessingOptimization Technology of Roll Contours during Skin-Pass Rolling Process of Hot-Rolled StripPhysical Modeling of Flow Stress during the Hot Deformation of Nb SteelsMicroscopic Failure Mechanism of Zinc Layer in Galvanized Sheet during Sheet Forming ProcessHot Ductility Behavior of 9SiCr Alloy Tool Steel by Thin Slab CastingEffect of Hot Rolling Process Parameters on Microstructure Transformation and Microstructure of 45MnSiV SteelStudy on Continuous Cooling Transformation and Microstructure of 500 Mpa Grade Steel for Railway Freight Car BodyMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of Ferritic Rolling Low Carbon SteelEffect of Process Parameters on Microstructure and Properties of 1500 MPa Grade Hot Formed Steel without Boron but Containing NiobiumCauses and Control Mechanism of Abnormal Structure in the Center of SWRH82B Wire-Rod-SteelContinuous Cooling Phase Transformation Rule of 20CrMnTi Low-Carbon Alloy SteelSolution Treatment of 20LH5 Chromium-Manganese Austenitic Stainless SteelTitanium Nitride and Niobium Carbide in the Ferritic Stainless Steel and the Influence to Casting MacrostructureSimulation Experimental Study on Ferrite Rolling Process of Low-Carbon SteelsEffect of Annealing Processes on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Medium Mn SteelAchievements of Endless Strip Production in Rizhao SteelOptimization of Quenching Process Parameters of 15CrNiMo Steel Used for Roller Bit BitsEffect of Austenitizing Temperature on the Quenching Microstructure and Properties of 51CrV4Effect of Rare Earth Elements on the Inclusion Behavior in Low Alloy Structural SteelEffect of Heat Treatment on the Precipitation Behavior and Hardness of the Second Phase of 0Cr21Mn17Mo3N0.8 High Nitrogen AlloysStudy of Helium Bubble Induced Hardening in BCC-Fe by Molecular Dynamics SimulationChapter 3: Surface Engineering and Wear Resistance of Machine PartsRelationship between Corrosion Resistance and Microstructure of Copper-Nickel Alloy Pipes in Marine EngineeringCorrosion Behavior and Mechanism of Heat-Resistant Steel T91 in High-Temperature Carbon Dioxide EnvironmentAnalysis of Transverse Cracks Forming in a Railway AxleService Temperature Evaluation of Cast K465 Superalloy Turbine Vane Based on Microstructural EvolutionEffects of Gas Film Hole on Mechanical Property and Oxidative Damage of Turbine BladesFractal Characterization of Relative Movement Modes in Simulated Friction and Wear TestsAnti-Oxidation Performance on Graphite Prepared by Plasma Electrolysis TechnologyTypical Failure Forms and Cause Analysis of High Speed Railway WheelsMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Alloy/High Strength Steel Double Beam Laser Deep Penetration Welded JointEffect of LBE Corrosion on Surface Wettability of Ti3SiC2 at 450°CEffect of Precipitate on Thermal Aging Effect of 17-4PH Martensitic Stainless Steel Used as Valve Stem in Nuclear Power PlantTechnology and Antimicrobial Properties of Cu/TiB2 Composite Coating on 304 Steel Surface Prepared by Laser CladdingCorrosion Behavior and Oxide Films of New Zirconium Cladding Corroded at Different ConditionsEffect of Final Annealing Temperature on Corrosion Resistance of SZA-6 Zirconium Alloy Cladding TubesFormation and Properties of Fe-Based Amorphous/Nanocrystalline Alloy Coating Prepared by Wire Arc Spraying ProcessChapter 4: Nanomaterials and Advanced Functional MaterialsProperties of PP Wood-Plastic Composites with Biocompatibility AdditivesPreparation and Properties of Reflective Heating Polyethylene Terephthalate FiberEffect on Properties of Corn Straw Fibers Reinforced Polypropylene CompositesCrystal Structure and Multiferroic Behaviors of Solid Solution (1-y)BiFe(1-x)MnxO3-yBaTiO3Effect of SiC Additions on Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Properties of W-Based Composite Prepared by Arc-MeltingTough Hydrogels Based on Macromicelles as Crosslinkers with pH and Ion Sensitive PropertiesContinuous Fabrication of Temperature-Responsive Hydrogel Fibers with Bilayer Structure by Microfluidic SpinningThe Bending Behavior of Porous Titanium Manufactured Using a Novel Spherical Space HolderPreparation and Characterization of pH Responsive Complex Micelles with Dynamic Boronate Cross-LinkingDeformation and Residual Stress Measurement of Alumina Ceramics after Dynamic ImpactsMicrostructures and Properties of Spinning for Silicon Carbide Particle Reinforced Aluminum CompositeLaser-MIG Hybrid Keyhole Welded 6mm Steel/Aluminum Butt JointsJoints Properties of Aluminum Foams/Aluminum Plate by Transient Liquid Phase Bonding ProcessEffect of the Gamma-Ray Irradiation on the Properties of an Epoxy EncapsulantDefect Engineering in Antimony Telluride Phase-Change MaterialsActivation Process and Mechanism of ZrCoCe Getter FilmsPreparation and Characterization of Ni/ZrCoCe Stack Getter FilmsMagnetic Anisotropy in [Pt/Co]4/MgO/[Co/Pt]2 MultilayersCharacterization and Mechanism Analysis of Growth Bands in Chemical Vapor Deposited ZnSDevelopment and Potential Application of Advanced Functional Materials in the Oil FieldPreparation of Porous CoS2 Nanostructures for Highly Efficient Electrocatalytic Hydrogen EvolutionMicromorphology and Characterization of V2O3 Nanoparticles Produced by the Liquid Phase Reduction-Heat TreatmentA Strategy to Improve O2 Gas Response of La-SnO2 Nanofibers Based Sensor through Temperature ModulationTechnical Study on Preparation of Co/C Composite Nanofibers via ElectrospinningPreparation of Pd@Gr Composite Materials and Research on Catalytic PerformanceDiffusion Phenomenon of Cathode Components in YSZ Electrolyte and Effect on Mechanical Properties of SOFCPreparation and Antibacterial Properties of Silver NanowiresPreparation of High Sphericity Li2TiO3 Tritium Breeder by Polymer Assisted Sedimentation MethodEffect of Fluorine-Containing Additive on the Electrochemical Properties of Silicon Anode for Lithium-Ion BatteriesEffect of Nickel-Modified SiC Particles on Compressive Damage of SiCp / 7075 CompositesInfluence of Calcination Temperature on Structure and Electrochemical Behavior of LiNi0.83 Co0.11Mn0.06O2 Cathodes for Lithium-Ion BatteriesA Novel Electrochemiluminscence Sensor for the Detection of Butyl Hydroxy Anisd and Gallic Acid Based on Graphene Quantum DotsBrief Analysis on Application of PVC Foam Materials in Building Material IndustryPreparation of EVA Emulsion Self-Healing Capsules for Concrete and Evaluation of Healing PropertiesChapter 5: Computational Procedures in Materials SciencePhase Field Simulation for Abnormal Growth of Grains by the In-Homogeneous Grain Boundary EnergyResearch on the Springback of Square TA18 Titanium Alloy Tube on the Numerical SimulationFirst-Principles Investigations on the Elastic Properties of Platinum Group Metals (Pt, Pd, and Ru)A Mathematical Model on Macro-Segregation Formation for Popular Bloom Continuous Casting ProcessNumerical Simulation of Stagger Spinning for D406A High-Strength SteelA Phase-Field Model for Multilayered Heterostructure MorphologyChapter 6: Materials and Technologies in Production and Exploitation of Tubular GoodsStudy of Temperature Effect on the High Performance of OCTG Used for Deep and Ultra-Deep WellDevelopment and Application of Sour Service Pipeline Steel with Low Manganese ContentCorrosion Behavior of P110S Oil Pipe in Simulated Working ConditionMechanical Properties of Girth Weld with Different Butt Materials Severed for Natural Gas StationTubing String Thread Sealing Surfaces Damage Evaluation Based on Acoustic Elasticity TheorySimulation Analysis of the Pressure Carrying Capacity of X80 Pipe with Plain DentsMicroscopic Study on Mechanical Properties of Different Microregions during In-Service WeldingEffect of Type B Steel Sleeve Rehabilitate Girth Weld Defect on the Microstructure and Property of X80 PipelineCorrosion Behavior and Safety Analysis of 80S Steel in H2S/CO2 EnvironmentPressure Capacity Study of Φ100 Reinforced Thermoplastic PipeCombination Application Strategy of Non-Metal Compound Pipe and its VerificationInfluence of Heterogeneous Reservoirs with Different Depths on Casing Deformation in Fuling AreaDeformation Stability of a Low-Cost Titanium Alloy Used for Petroleum Drilling PipeStatus and Influence of Shale Gas Well Integrity FailureHorizontal well of Shale Gas Complex Fracturing Casing Failure MechanismResearch Status and Development of Titanium Alloy Drill PipesThe Erosion-Corrosion Behaviors of the Full-Scale PFF78-70 Flat Valve and P110SS TubingExperimental Analysis on Mechanical Properties of Perforated Casing in Complex FracturingDevelopment of Characterization and Analysis Methods for Graphene Modified Coatings for TubingFailure Analysis on Leakage of the Circumferential Weld of Steel 20 Buried PipelineFracture Toughness and Application of X80 Pipeline SteelStudy on Welding Techniques of 316L Lined Bimetallic PipeTechnical and Economic Analysis on Bimetallic Clad Pipes for Sour ServiceCorrosion Strength Analysis of Casing in Offshore Thermal Recovery WellsApplication of 0.8 Design Factor in China Gas PipelineResearch on Drill Pipe’s Fatigue Life Prediction Based on ReliabilityChanges in Corrosion of X70 Steel in Water-Saturated Supercritical CO2 System Caused by ImpurityCasing Shear Deformation Analysis of Shale Gas well Based on Shale Formation Strength Reduction MethodResearch on Design of Polycrystalline Diamond Composite Pendulum Wear-Resistant BeltInfluence of the Riser Boost Line on the Thermal Stress of Riser in Deepwater DrillingCasing Shear Deformation Based on Micro Seismic DataInfluence of Casing Pressure Test on Seal Integrity of Cementing First InterfaceInfluence of the Characteristics of Cement Plug on well Integrity for Offshore AbandonmentCorrosion Behavior Research of Aluminized N80 Tubing in Water Injection WellCharacteristic Analysis of Downhole Pressure Signal while Drilling under Drillstring Washout ConditionsAnalytical Method to Evaluate Casing Stress during Multi-Fracturing for Shale Gas WellsErosion Law of Inner Drill Pipe in Reelwell Reverse Circulation Directional DrillingLow Cycle Fatigue Behavior of N80Q Steel under the Influence of Mean StrainsNitrates Induced Stress Corrosion Cracking in Tubing Connections from Oil WellProperties of CT130 Grade Coiled TubingStress Analysis and Microstructure Evolution of Titanium Alloy Pipe during Flattening ProcessingStress Analysis of Hollow Proppant Based on Finite Element MethodMechanical Properties and Microstructure of Epoxy Resin Enhanced Oil-Well Cement StoneChapter 7: Materials and Technologies for Environmental Engineering and Waste RecyclingPreparation of Non-Fluorine Glass Ceramics from Modified Molten Blast Furnace SlagAdsorption of Congo Red from Aqueous Solution Using La/MFA Composite as AdsorbentLife Cycle Assessment of Lead Production in ChinaLife Cycle Assessment of Erbium Oxide and Scandium OxideLife Cycle Assessment of Tungsten Production in ChinaFabrication of 1D Nanometer Tungsten Trioxide under Different Solvent SystemStudy on Typical Visible Light Photocatalytic Liquid under the Life Cycle AssessmentStudy of Technical Specification Development for Ready-Mixed Concrete Type III Environmental DeclarationsEffect of Chemical Composition on the Properties of Reconstructed Steel SlagEffect of Chelating Additive on Pore Structure and Mechanical Property of Mortar under Different Curing ConditionsPreparation of Regenerated Cathode Material Lithium Nickel Cobalt Oxide LiNi0.7Co0.3O2 Form Spent Lithium-Ion BatteryStudy on Movement of Particles in RF Plasma Deposition ProcessSynthesis and Preparation of Al-MCM-41 Mesoporous Materials Using Oil Shale ResidueNumerical Simulation of Internal Flow Field in Blast Furnace Slag Dry Granulating DeviceAnalysis of the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) during the Regeneration of Post-Consumed Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate) Using HS-GC-MS MethodEffect of the Cement Raw Meal Rate Value on SNCR deNOx Efficiency with NH3 as Reducing AgentInvestigation of Volatile Organic Compounds from the Manufacturing Process of Recycled PET Fibers Using TGA-DTA/MS TechniqueEffect of Warm Mix Agent on Physical and Aging Properties of Crumb Rubber Modified BitumenA Novel Approach for the Recycling and Reusing of Silicon Slurry WasteAnalysis of Mechanical Performance and Microstructure of Steel Slag Processed with Accelerated CarbonationPreparation and Properties of SBS Modified Deoiled Asphalt and Slurry BlendsResearch Status of Recovery of Indium from Indium-Tin Oxide (ITO) TargetsPhase Separation of Fe-Cu-Pb Alloy and Recycling of Mixed Metals in Waste Printed Circuit Boards
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