Biographical note
Professor Lee Tong Heng's research interests are in the areas of adaptive systems; knowledge-based control; intelligent mechatronics and computational intelligence. He currently holds Associate Editor appointments in the IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics; Control Engineering Practice (an IFAC journal); and the International Journal of Systems Science (Taylor and Francis, London). In addition, he is the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of IFAC Mechatronics journal. He has also co-authored more than five research monographs (books), and holds four patents. He was an Invited Panellist, an Invited Keynote Speaker for many international conferences. He was a recipient of the Cambridge University Charles Baker Prize in Engineering and several best conference paper prizes. He was also a multiple winner of the National University of Singapore FoE Engineering Educator Award, and is now on the Engineering Educator Honour Roll.
Dr Liang Wenyu's research interests are in the areas of robotics; mechatronics and automation; precision motion control and force control with applications in industrial and medical technologies. He has authored or co-authored over 70 publications, including are two book chapters and more than 30 journal papers. He has received several prizes and awards such as the IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Awards 2016, Young Creators; Merit Award, Tan Kah Kee Young Inventors’ Award 2016: Open Section, etc. He has organized Special Sessions related to intelligent control and motion planning in the 44th (2018) and the 45th (2019) Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON).
Professor Clarence W. De Silva's research interests are in the areas of multi-robot systems and applications including homecare; process automation; mechatronics: integrated and automated design; control sensors and actuators; automated machine monitoring, diagnosis and repair; telemedicine, environmental monitoring. He has authored 24 books and about 540 papers, approximately half of which are in journals. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, ASME, CAE, and Royal Society of Canada; as well as a Distinguished Visiting Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Mechatronic Systems and Control, a Book Review Editor of International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems and the Editorial Board of International Journal of Information Acquisition.
Professor Tan Kok Kiong's research interests are in the areas of precision motion control and instrumentation; advanced process control and auto-tuning; and general industrial automation. He has authored or co-authored more than 260 journal papers and more than 250 conference papers to date and has written over 10 books as well as holds nine patents, all resulting from research in these areas. He also mentored students to numerous awards. He has attracted research funding inexcess of S$18 million to date and has received numerous research awards and best conference paper prizes. He was an Associate Editor of several journals which include: ISA Transactions; Asian Journal of Control; Computer and Electrical Engineering; Mechatronic Systems and Control.