Biographical note
Dr. Kshirod Kumar Dash is an Associate Professor and Head in the Department of Food Processing Technology, Ghani Khan Choudhury Institute of Engineering & Technology, Malda, West Bengal, India. Previously he was working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Food Engineering and Technology, Tezpur University, Assam. He has completed his B. Tech in Agricultural Engineering from College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, OUAT, Bhubaneswar. He earned his M. Tech in Dairy and Food Engineering, and PhD in Food Process Engineering from IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal, India and PostDoc from Ohio State University, USA. He has published several research papers in peer reviewed journals and participated in various national and international conferences. He has successfully handled three funded research projects by various funding agencies. Dr. Dash has received numerous awards and fellowships in recognition of his teaching and research achievements. He has been associated with e-course development program of ePG Pathshala- Inflibnet, in the capacity of paper coordinator and content writer in the subject Food Technology. He teaches Transfer process in Food Engineering, Food process design and analysis, Mass Transfer operations in food processing, and Research methodology. His current research interests are mainly focussed on Dairy Technology, Food Process Engineering, Heat and Mass transfer in Food Processing, Drying Technology and Food process modelling.
Dr. Sourav Chakraborty obtained his B.Tech. degree in Agricultural Engineering from North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology (NERIST), M.Tech. and P.hD degrees in Food Engineering and Technology from Tezpur University (a central university). He has expertise in the field of food engineering, food process modeling and simulation. He has developed innovative process units for the quality improvement of various food products. He has published various research papers in National and International Peer Reviewed Journals. He received award for his excellent research in various International Conferences. He served as Faculty in the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Assam University, Silchar. He is currently working as Faculty in the Department of Food Engineering and Technology, Tezpur University.