Biographical note
Professor Muneer is the co-ordinator of Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers’ Solar Data Task Group and in this capacity he has been involved in the production of the CIBSE Guides A & J for Weather and Solar Data. Professor Muneer has also been employed both by the government and industry as a consultant on a large number of engineering projects. Professor Muneer has been awarded several prestigious awards including the Royal Academy of Engineering Industrial Fellowship (2000-02), the Royal Academy of Engineering Engineers Secondment Overseas (1995), the Leverhulme Trust (1989) and the University College, Oxford/General Electric Company (1989) Research Fellowships. He is also the recipient of the Osmania University’s Karamat Jung Gold Medal (1974), CIBSE Carter Bronze Medal (1990), CIBSE Napier Shaw Bronze Medal (1999), Millennium Commission’s Fellowship Award (1999), Walsh-Weston (Society of Light & Lighting, London) Award (2002), Services to Industry Group’s Proof ofConcept award (2003) and the Scottish Green Energy, Highly Recommended Best Renewable Award (2006).Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stoyanka M. Ivanova currently is Head of the Department of Computer-Aided Engineering at the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering, and Geodesy – Sofia, Bulgaria. She does research in Solar architecture, Solar Radiance/Irradiance Models, Ecological Engineering and Computing. She is a member of the National Expert Council for nZEB. She has many years of experience in programming, works with numerous programming languages – BASIC, Pascal, Fortran, C / C++ / C#, Perl, JavaScript, VBA, VB.NET, PowerBasic, OpenGL. She has developed a variety of software – from software for sale, to software for engineering and architectural design, energy efficiency, software for websites, training software, etc. She has more than 32 years of experience in teaching programming with different languages, computer-aided engineering, three-dimensional geometric modeling for engineers, resource and energy efficiency and more.