Biographical note
Dr. Ahmed Barhoum is currently a postdoc researcher at Institut Européen des Membranes, Université de Montpellier and Lecturer (tenured) of Nanotechnology at the Chemistry Department, Helwan University. He obtained his Ph.D. and postdoc-fellow in Chemical Engineering from Vrije Universiteit Brussel and he was also previously a researcher at Grenoble Institute of Technology (France, 2012), Leibniz Universität Hannover (Germany, 2015), and Institut du Europeen Membrane (France, 2016), Université de Montpellier (France, 2018). His current research program as scientist is related to the synthesis of nanoparticles, nanofibers and thin films for applications in the fields of energy production, wastewater treatment, electrochemical biosensors, and drug delivery. His research program includes: (i) establishment of new methods for designing nanomaterials (electrospinning, atomic layer deposition, sol-gel hot injection, wet carbonation, photoreduction, UV-irradiation synthesis, microwave synthesis, ultrasonic irradiation synthesis), and (ii) use of specific morphologies (0D, 1D, and/or 2D) to give the final material new features and high performance. Dr. Barhoum has won several scientific grants and prizes for his academic excellence: Institut français d’Égypte postdoc (2018), Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) postdoc (2016), Research Foundation Flanders (FWO)-PhD (2015), Medastar Erasmus Mundus (2012), Welcome Erasmus Mundus (2012), Institut français d’Égypte and Campus France (2012), Gold Medal from the Egyptian Syndicate of Scientific Professions (2007), Gold Medal from Helwan University (2007), and many more. He is an expert evaluator for several funding organizations, e.g., National Science Center (Poland), Czech Science Foundation (Russia), Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF, Switzerland), and a reviewer for 20+ peer reviewed journals, including American Chemical Society, Elsevier, Wiley, Springer Nature, Bentham Science, MDPI, and Scientific Research. He is aneditorial board member for several peer-reviewed journals, including Research & Reviews Journal of Chemistry, Chemistry of Advanced Materials, and International Journal of Materials Science and Applications. Dr. Barhoum is also co-organizer of four conferences, editor of four handbooks published by Elsevier and Springer Nature, author and co-author of more than 70 publications, and effectively supervised 10 Ph.D. and master’s students.
Dr. Mikhael Bechelany (born in March 1979) obtained his Ph.D. in Materials Chemistry from the University of Lyon (France) in 2006. His Ph.D. work was devoted to the synthesis and characterization of silicon and boronbased 1D nanostructures (nanotubes, nanowires, and nanocables). Then, he worked as a postdoc at EMPA (Switzerland). His research included the fabrication of nanomaterials (nanoparticles and nanowires), their organization, and their nanomanipulation for applications in different fields, such as photovoltaic, robotic, chemical, and biosensing. In 2010, he became a scientist at CNRS. His current research interest in the European Institute of Membranes (UMR CNRS 5635) in Montpellier (France) focuses on novel synthesis methods for metals and ceramics nanomaterials, such as atomic layer deposition (ALD), electrospinning and/or on nanostructuring using natural lithography (nanospheres and/or membranes). His research efforts include the design of nanostructured membranes for energy (gas separation, photovoltaic, biofuel cells, and osmotic energy harvesting), environmental (water treatment, (bio) sensors and packaging), and health (DNA sensing, tissue engineering, drug delivery). Dr. Bechelany is the coordinator of several international, European, national, and industrial projects (more than 30 projects). He supervised more than 20 Ph.D. students and 6 postdocs. Dr. Bechelany is the editor of several book chapters and special issues. He is also an editorial board member for several peer-reviewed journals. At the end of 2018, he is the author and co-author of more than 175 publications, 13 book chapters, 6 patents, 25 conference papers, and 30 invited talks. He is the co-organizer of 13 conferences and the co-founder of 3 start-ups.
Professor Makhlouf has accrued 26 years’ experience working in R&D with a strong blend of industrial and academic leadership as a Professor of Materials Science, Professor of Advanced “nano-bio” Manufacturing Engineering, and Materials & Metallurgical Engineering Consultant. Responsible for providing education leadership in STEM area, maintaining a high standard of quality in graduate and undergraduate teaching, connecting R&D to industrial applications, and providing consultancy for several leading international companies, funding agencies, universities, and publishers of high profile. He is a world-renowned academician who won numerous national and international prestigious prizes and awards such as Humboldt Research Award for Experienced Scientists atMax Planck Institute, Germany; Fulbright, NSF, and Dept. of Energy Fellowships, USA; Shoman Award in Engineering Science; State Prize of Egypt in Advanced Science and Technology; and many more. He has well-established national and international reputation in five critical research areas that serve the top priority research topics (Energy, Health, Environment, Advanced manufacturing, Advanced materials) with established evidence of academic excellence. The publication list (+220) includes 17 books and handbooks for Springer and Elsevier, covers a broad and cross‐disciplinary research competence in advanced multifunctional materials, nanotechnology, smart coatings, corrosion, biomaterials, waste/water treatment, and materials for energy applications. He has a proven leading role in high-impact interdisciplinary collaborations with a broad range of academic, industrial or governmental partners. He has strong track record of winning research income from diverse sources through competitive grants, industry grants or consultancies. He developed articulation agreements for academic and research collaboration with many international institutions and coordinated several Int'l projects with USA, France, Germany. PI, Co-PI, consultant or team leader on several international grants - and NSF, DOE-funded grants. Makhlouf has proven effective management at department/college/university levels and strong leadership at the national and international levels as organizer, head speaker and chair at numerous highly prestigious conferences. Senior Editor and board member of many international journals. Advisory Editor for Elsevier Publications, USA. Reviewer for several international funding agencies in USA, Germany, UK, Qatar, Belgium, EU, Kazakhstan. Consultant/Reviewer for several international universities. He is an accessible teacher who seeks to inspire and encourage his students to succeed. Created several courses for mechanical and manufacturing engineering master students and received a very high teaching evaluation. Effectively supervised and graduated 10 PhD and master’s students, and 3 postdoctoral scientists.