Biographical note
Susmita Bandyopadhyay is currently teaching the Department of Business Administration of The University of Burdwan in West Bengal, India. She has done PhD in Engineering, M.Tech. in Industrial Engineering and Management, MBA in Systems Management, MCA and PG diplomas. She is the author of three other books, published under CRC Press and IGI Global. She is also an author of three book chapters published in international book series; twenty-three research papers in different international and a few national journals of repute; twenty-six research papers published different referred international conference proceedings. She is a Reviewer of a total of twenty-seven international journals belonging to databases like Elsevier, Springer. She is also an editorial assistant of an international journal. She is the best paper award winner in a few referred international conferences. She is a life member of Operational Research Society of India and a senior member of IEEE.