Biographical note
Sudhir Dixit, PhD, is the Head of Network Technology, USA, in Nokia Siemens Networks. His current area of interest is broadband access. Previously, he was a research fellow and a senior research manager in Nokia Research Center, where he worked on IP/ATM, wireless, content networks, and optical networks. He has published or presented over 150 papers, published three books, and holds sixteen patents. Dr. Dixit is on the Steering Board of the Wireless World Research Forum and is also Chair of the SIG on Self-Organization of Wireless World Systems. He is a Fellow of IET and IETE and a Senior Member of IEEE.
Ramjee Prasad, PhD, is the Wireless Information Multimedia Communications Chair and Codirector of the Center for PersonKommunikation, Aalborg University, Denmark. He has published over 300 technical papers and twenty-three books. Dr. Prasad is a Fellow of IET and IETE, a Senior Member of IEEE, and a Member of NERG.