Biographical note
Shimon Y. Nof is Professor of Industrial Engineering at Purdue University and Director of the NSF and industry funded PRISM Center for Production, Robotics, and Integration Software for Manufacturing & Management. He earned his BSc and MSc in Industrial Engineering & Management from Technion, Israel Institute of Technology; his Ph.D. in Industrial & Operations Engineering from the University of Michigan.
His professional merits include experience in full-time industrial and governmental positions and visiting professorships at MIT and at universities around the world. He was Secretary General and President of the International Foundation of Production Research, and Chair within the International Federation of Automatic Control. He pioneered knowledge-based/AI robotic facility design and control models, robot ergonomics, and collaborative control theory with task-administration algorithms and protocols.As an experienced author and editor, his impressive list of publications include the Handbook of Industrial Robotics and the International Encyclopedia of Robotics and Automation. He is also the editor of the Springer Book Series on Automation, Collaboration, and E-Services.
Shimon Y. Nof is a Fellow of the Institute of Industrial Engineering, and the International Foundation of Production Research, recipient of the Joseph Engelberger Award and Medal for Robotics Education, and Member of the Inaugural Book of Great Teachers of Purdue University.