SAC 2000 was the seventh in a series of annual workshops on Selected Areas in Cryptography.PreviousworkshopswereheldatQueen'sUniversityinKingston (1994, 1996, 1998, and 1999) and at Carleton University in Ottawa (1995 and 1997). The intent of the workshops is to provide a relaxed atmosphere in which researchers in cryptography can present and discuss new work on selected areas of current interest. The themes for the SAC 2000 workshop were: - design and analysis of symmetric key cryptosystems, - primitivesforprivatekeycryptography,includingblockandstreamciphers, hash functions, and MACs, - e?cientimplementationsofcryptographicsystemsinpublicandprivatekey cryptography, - cryptographic solutions for web/internet security. Atotalof41papersweresubmittedtoSAC2000,oneofwhichwassubsequently withdrawn. After a review process that had all papers reviewed by at least 3 referees, 24 papers were accepted for presentation at the workshop. As well, we were fortunate to have the following two invited speakers at SAC 2000: - M. Bellare, UCSD (U.S.A.) "The Provable-Security Approach to Authenticated Session-Key Exchange" - D. Boneh, Stanford U. (U.S.A.) "Message Authentication in a Multicast Environment" The program committee for SAC 2000 consisted of the following members: L. Chen, H. Heys, L. Knudsen, S. Moriai, L. O'Connor, D. Stinson, S. Tavares, S. Vaudenay, A. Youssef, and R. Zuccherato. Many thanks are due to the p- gramcommitteefortheirhardwork.Also,AmrYoussefprovidedgreatassistance in making the reviewing process run smoothly. Weareappreciativeofthe?nancialsupportprovidedbyCerticomCorporation, CITO, Entrust Technologies, MITACS, and the University of Waterloo. Special thanks are due to Frances Hannigan, who was responsible for the local arran- ments, and for making sure that everything ran smoothly during the workshop.
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This text constitutes the post-proceedings of the 7th Annual International Workshop on Selected Areas in Cryptography, SAC 2000, held in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, in August 2000. Topics covered include: cryptanalysis, block ciphers: new designs, and elliptic curves and efficient implementation.
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Cryptanalysis I.- Analysis of IS-95 CDMA Voice Privacy.- Attacks on Additive Encryption of Redundant Plaintext and Implications on Internet Security.- Cryptanalysis of the “Augmented Family of Cryptographic Parity Circuits” Proposed at ISW’97.- Block Ciphers — New Designs.- Camellia: A 128-Bit Block Cipher Suitable for Multiple Platforms — Design andAnalysis.- DFCv2.- The Block Cipher Hierocrypt.- Symmetric Block Ciphers Based on Group Bases.- Elliptic Curves and Efficient Implementations.- Speeding up the Arithmetic on Koblitz Curves of Genus Two.- On Complexity of Polynomial Basis Squaring in F2m.- Security Protocols and Applications.- Dynamic Multi-threshold Metering Schemes.- Chained Stream Authentication.- A Global PMI for Electronic Content Distribution.- Block Ciphers and Hash Functions.- A Polynomial-Time Universal Security Amplifier in the Class of Block Ciphers.- Decorrelation over Infinite Domains: The Encrypted CBC-MAC Case.- HAS-V: A New Hash Function with Variable Output Length.- Boolean Functions and Stream Ciphers.- On Welch-Gong Transformation Sequence Generators.- Modes of Operation of Stream Ciphers.- LILI Keystream Generator.- Improved Upper Bound on the Nonlinearity of High Order Correlation Immune Functions.- Public Key Systems.- Towards Practical Non-interactive Public Key Cryptosystems Using Non-maximal Imaginary Quadratic Orders (Extended Abstract).- On the Implementation of Cryptosystems Based on Real Quadratic Number Fields (Extended Abstract).- Cryptanalysis II.- Root Finding Interpolation Attack.- Differential Cryptanalysis of Reduced Rounds of GOST.- Practical Security Evaluation against Differential and Linear Cryptanalyses for Feistel Ciphers with SPN Round Function.
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