Biographical note
Al-Sakib Khan Pathan is an assistant professor in the computer science and engineering department at BRAC University, Bangladesh. He worked as a researcher at Networking Lab, Department of Computer Engineering in Kyung Hee University, South Korea, where he received his PhD in 2009. He received his BSc degree in computer science and information technology from Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Bangladesh, in 2003. He has served as a Chair, Organizing Committee Member, and Technical Program Committee member in some international conferences/workshops such as HPCS 2010, ICA3PP 2010, WiMob’09 and 08, HPCC’09, and IDCS’09 and 08.
He is currently serving as an Area Editor of IJCNIS, Associate Editor of IASTED/ACTA Press IJCA, Guest Editor of several international journals, including Elsevier’s Mathematical and Computer Modelling, and editor of a book. He also serves as a referee of a few renowned journals such as IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE TDSC), IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (IEEE TVT), IEEE Communications Letters, Elsevier’s Computer Communications, Computer Standards and Interfaces, Computers & Electrical Engineering Journal, Journal of High Speed Networks (JHSN, IOS Press), EURASIP Journal onWireless Communications and Networking (EURASIP JWCN), International Journal of Communication Systems (IJCS,Wiley), and so on. He is a member of IEEE and several other international organizations. His research interest includes wireless sensor networks, network security, and e-services technologies.