This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Security and Privacy, ICSP 2024, held in Jamshedpur, India, during November 20–21, 2024.
The 12 full papers and 1 short paper included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 39 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Cryptanalysis and Other Attacks; Boolean Functions; Authentication and authorization, Cyber-physical systems security, Privacy-preserving technologies; Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, IoT security and privacy, Database security; Quantum Cryptography.
.- Cryptanalysis and Other Attacks.
.- SIS-Based Signature Schemes and Their Countermeasures: From Vulnerability to Vigilance.
.- On the Security of AMRIBE, Anonymous Multi-receiver Identity-based Encryption.
.- Algebraic Cryptanalysis and countermeasures of Lightweight Signature Scheme based on Multivariate Quadratic Polynomials.
.- Boolean Functions.
.- Construction of Boolean functions with 2k-valued Walsh Spectrum and High Nonlinearity.
.- On (Noisy) Simon's (Quantum) Algorithm for multi-shift Boolean Functions.
.- Authentication and authorization, Cyber-physical systems security, Privacy-preserving technologies.
.- Generation of Believable Fake Integral Equations for Cyber Deception.
.- A Security and Privacy Model For Automotive.
.- MAP-ECC: Mutual Authentication Protocol for e-Agriculture using ECC.
.- Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, IoT security and privacy, Database security.
.- Advanced Image Steganography: Leveraging SLIC and QWT for Robust Data Hiding.
.- A Secure and Decentralized EHR System Using Blockchain and IPFS.
.- SQL Injection Detection.
.- Quantum Cryptography.
.- A Quantum Public Key Cryptographic Scheme using Entangled States and Grover Operator.
.- An Efficient and Secure Quantum Group Signature with Applications to Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks.