On any advanced integrated circuit or "system-on-chip" there is a need for security. In many applications the actual implementation has become the weakest link in security rather than the algorithms or protocols. The purpose of the book is to give the integrated circuits and systems designer an insight into the basics of security and cryptography from the implementation point of view. As a designer of integrated circuits and systems it is important to know both the state-of-the-art attacks as well as the countermeasures. Optimizing for security is different from optimizations for speed, area, or power consumption. It is therefore difficult to attain the delicate balance between the extra cost of security measures and the added benefits.
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On any advanced integrated circuit or "system-on-chip" there is a need for security. The purpose of the book is to give the integrated circuits and systems designer an insight into the basics of security and cryptography from the implementation point of view.
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Basics.- Modular Integer Arithmetic for Public Key Cryptography.- to Side-Channel Attacks.- Cryptomodules and Arithmetic.- Secret Key Crypto Implementations.- Arithmetic for Public-Key Cryptography.- Hardware design for Hash functions.- Random Number Generators for Integrated Circuits and FPGAs.- Process Variations for Security: PUFs.- Design methods for security.- Side-Channel Resistant Circuit Styles and Associated IC Design Flow.- Counteracting Power Analysis Attacks by Masking.- Applications.- Compact Public-Key Implementations for RFID and Sensor Nodes.- Demonstrating end point security in embedded systems.- From Secure Memories to Smart Card Security.
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As information processing moves at a fast pace to small portable embedded devices, the information channels and endpoints need greater protection. Secure Integrated Circuits and Systems provides the integrated circuits designer and embedded system designer with insights into the basics of security and cryptography needed for such devices from an implementation perspective. The editor provides basic coverage of the mathematics of cryptography, basic security attack strategies, the architecture and implementation options of many security primitives and modules, and design methods for security. Applications covered include security for RFID and sensor nodes, security for FPGAs, smart-cards and flash memories. Secure Integrated Circuits and Systems is a valuable resource for those working on integrated circuits as well as for the embedded systems designer who designs for ASICs, FPGAs and small embedded processors.
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Fills a gap between the crypto community and the designers of integrated circuits and systems Gives insight into the basics of security and cryptography from the implementation viewpoint Addresses side-channel attacks that can occur due to weak implementation Includes supplementary material: sn.pub/extras
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Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
235 mm
155 mm
Research, P, 06
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