<p>From the reviews:</p><p>“Hoare is one of my computer science idols. … This book was written to commemorate his 75th birthday, and contains the lectures that many of his past and present colleagues presented in honor of this occasion. … I did glean a great deal of information from the book. … the book is quite interesting … . the chapters have some connection to those areas of computing where Hoare has contributed profusely, and hence it is a fitting tribute to this extraordinary computing science visionary.” (Sandeep Shukla, ACM Computing Reviews, February, 2012)</p>

ThisvolumehasitsoriginsinameetingheldatMicrosoftResearch,Cambridge,in April2009tocelebrateTonyHoare's75thBirthday(actually11Jan2009). Allthe technicalpapersexceptforthosewrittenbyAbramsky,Jackson,JonesandMeyer arebased-sometimesclosely,sometimesnot-onpresentationsgivenatthatme- ing. TheideaforthemeetingaroseinconversationsbetweenourselvesandAndrew HerbertofMicrosoft,whohostedatrulymemorableandhappyevent. ThemeetingwasorganisedbyourselvesandKenWood,withthe?nancials- portofMicrosoftResearchandFormalSystems(Europe)Ltd,andheldovertwo days. We wouldlike to recordparticularthanksto Angela Still of Microsoftfor makingallthelocalarrangementsatCambridgeandmuchmore:themeetingwould nothavehappenedwithouther. Whilethemajorityofthepapersinthisvolumearetechnical,weaskedauthorsto re?ectonthein?uenceofHoare'sworkontheirown?eldsandtomakeappropriate remarksonit. Allthetechnicalpaperswererefereed. DiscussionswithWayneWheelerofSpringerinspiredthetwoofustowritethe scienti?cbiographyofHoarethatisthe?rstpaperinthisvolume. Thoughwehave bothknownTonywellformanyyears,wewereamazedathowmanydiscoveries abouthimwemadeduringtheprocessofwritingthisarticle. WewouldlikethankWayneandhisassistantSimonReesfortheirhelpinprep- ingthisvolumeaswellastheirpatience. Muchoftheworkingatheringthepapers, ensuringconsistencyofLaTeXstyles,etc. ,wasdonebyLucyLiofOxfordUniv- sityComputingLaboratoryandwethankherwarmly. Tragically,KenWood'swifeLisadiedafteralongillnessinSeptember2009. Wededicatethisvolumetohermemory. January2010 CliffJones BillRoscoe ix Contents 1 Insight,InspirationandCollaboration...1 C. B. JonesandA. W. Roscoe 2 FromCSPtoGameSemantics...33 SamsonAbramsky 3 OnMereologiesinComputingScience...47 DinesBjorner 4 Roles,Stacks,Histories:ATripleforHoare...71 Johannes Borgstrom, .. Andrew D. Gordon, andRiccardoPucella 5 ForwardwithHoare...101 MikeGordonandHel 'ene ' Collavizza 6 ProbabilisticProgrammingwithCoordination...123 HeJifeng 7 TheOperationalPrincipleandProblemFrames...143 MichaelJackson 8 TheRoleofAuxiliaryVariablesintheFormal DevelopmentofConcurrentPrograms...167 C. B. Jones 9 AvoidaVoid:TheEradicationofNullDereferencing...189 BertrandMeyer,AlexanderKogtenkov,andEmmanuelStapf 10 UnfoldingCSP...213 MikkelBundgaardandRobinMilner xi xii Contents 11 Quicksort:CombiningConcurrency,Recursion, andMutableDataStructures...2 29 DavidKitchin,AdrianQuark,andJayadevMisra 12 TheThousand-and-OneCryptographers...255 A. K. McIverandC. C. Morgan 13 On Process-AlgebraicExtensions of Metric TemporalLogic...283 ChristophHaase,Joel .. Ouaknine,andJamesWorrell 14 FunwithTypeFunctions...301 OlegKiselyov,SimonPeytonJones,andChung-chiehShan 15 OnCSPandtheAlgebraicTheoryofEffects...333 RobvanGlabbeekandGordonPlotkin 16 CSPisExpressiveEnoughfor ...371 A. W. Roscoe 17 TheTokeneerExperiments...405 JimWoodcock,EmineGokc .. ,eAydal,andRodChapman Chapter1 Insight,InspirationandCollaboration C. B. JonesandA. W. Roscoe Abstract TonyHoare'smanycontributionstocomputingsciencearemarkedby insightthatwasgroundedinpracticalprogramming. Manyofhispapershavehada profoundimpactontheevolutionofour?eld;theyhavemoreoverprovidedasource ofinspirationtoseveralgenerationsofresearchers. Weexaminethedevelopmentof hisworkthroughareviewofthedevelopmentofsomeofhismostin?uentialpieces ofworksuchasHoarelogic,CSPandUnifyingTheories. 1. 1 Introduction To many who know Tony Hoare only through his publications, they must often looklikepolishedgemsthatcomefromamindthatrarelymakesfalsesteps,nor evenperhapshastoworkattheircreation. Assooften,thisimpressionisafurther complimenttosomeonewhoactuallyaddstoveryhardworkandmanydiscarded attempts the ?nal polish thatmakes complexideas relatively easy for the reader tocomprehend. Asindicatedonpagexiof[HJ89],hisideastypicallygothrough manyrevisions. ThetwoauthorsofthecurrentpapereachhadthehonourofTonyHoaresuperv- ingtheirdoctoralstudiesinOxford. Theyknowat?rsthandhiskindandgenerous styleandwillcountitasanachievementifthispapercanconveysomethingofthe workingmethodsofsomeonebigenoughtoeschewcompetitionandpointscoring. Indeedit willbe apparentfromthe followingsectionshowoften,havingstarted somenewwayofthinkingorexcitingideas,hehappilyleavestheirexplorationand developmenttoothers. Wehavebothbene?tedpersonallyfromthis. C. B. Jones( ) SchoolofComputingScience,NewcastleUniversity,UK e-mail:cliff. jones@ncl. ac. uk A. W. Roscoe OxfordUniversityComputingLaboratory,UK e-mail:Bill. Roscoe@comlab. ox. ac. uk C. B. Jonesetal. (eds. ),Re?ectionsontheWorkofC. A. R.
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Written in honor of Sir Tony Hoare's 75th Birthday, this book provides a discussion of the influence of Hoare's work on current research from an international selection of expert contributors. Includes a scientific biography, listing his most influential work.
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Insight, Inspiration and Collaboration.- From CSP to Game Semantics.- On Mereologies in Computing Science.- Roles, Stacks, Histories: A Triple for Hoare.- Forward with Hoare.- Probabilistic Programming with Coordination.- The Operational Principle and Problem Frames.- The Role of Auxiliary Variables in the Formal Development of Concurrent Programs.- Avoid a Void: The Eradication of Null Dereferencing.- Unfolding CSP.- Quicksort: Combining Concurrency, Recursion, and Mutable Data Structures.- The Thousand-and-One Cryptographers.- On Process-Algebraic Extensions of Metric Temporal Logic.- Fun with Type Functions.- On CSP and the Algebraic Theory of Effects.- CSP is Expressive Enough for ?.- The Tokeneer Experiments.
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Thousands of different programming languages exist, and many more are being created each year, yet all those involved in such work must acknowledge that it is "the highest goal of programming-language design to enable good ideas to be elegantly expressed" These are the words of Sir Charles Antony Richard Hoare, or Tony Hoare to his colleagues and friends, a man who has inspired generations of researchers in computer science. His work, grounded in practical programming, has had a profound impact on the evolution of the field. This includes the development of Hoare logic and Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP). Reflections on the Work of C.A.R. Hoare presents a comprehensive edited survey of all aspects of these subjects, with original contributions by more than 30 international leaders in the field. The book, while honoring Hoare's important contributions, assembles a collection of chapters showing the state of the art in programming languages, sequential programs, concurrency, and unified theories of programming. Topics and features: Provides a scientific biography of Tony Hoare Demonstrates a principled combination of CSP and functional programming, and a CSP semantics for the π-calculus Reviews methods for proving Hoare formulae Investigates developments in game semantics and semantics based on the state monad Examines the satisfiability problem, void safety, and issues of auxiliary variables Introduces type families in Haskell and a description of Quicksort in Orc Describes an experiment using the Tokeneer archive, and a correctness proof of cryptographic protocols based on the Shadow Security model Presents a representation of CSP as a bigraphical reactive system, and shows how simple entities can be related to CSP processes Discusses the problem-frames approach, and explores algebraicproperties of the new programming combinators This accessible monograph is an ideal overview of theoretical and empirical evolution in programming logic and semantics of programming languages. It will serve as an invaluable resource for professionals, researchers, libraries, and students who are interested in broadening their knowledge in all of the areas covered.
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Written in honor of Sir Tony Hoare's 75th birthday Discusses the influence of Sir Tony Hoare's work on current research Provides a scientific biography of Sir Tony Hoare Includes supplementary material: sn.pub/extras
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235 mm
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