The 8thPrivacyEnhancing TechnologiesSymposium washeldat the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven during July 23-25,2008.This year completed the transition from workshop to symposium, with a printed proceedings published before the symposium. PETS remains a premier venue for publishing original research on privacy-enhancing technologies. PETS received 48 submissions, each of which wasreviewedbyatleastfourmembersoftheProgramCommittee.Thirteenwere accepted into the program, maintaining the selective and competitive nature of the event. The program also included a keynote address by Stuart Shapiro. A new feature this year was the HotPETs session, designed to balance the desire for rigorous scienti?c quality of the PETS program and the need for a venue to present work that is not yet fully developed. HotPETs accepted s- missions on the hottest, most exciting new ideas and put together an excellent program of presentations. PETS was once again collocated with the IAVoSS Workshop on Trustworthy Elections (WOTE 2008), with a full day of plenary sessions. In addition, three otherprivacy-relatedeventswereheldatK.U.Leuvenduring thesameweek,- abling greater exchange of ideas among the respective communities: the closing event of the Privacy and Identity Management for Europe (PRIME) project, a workshop presenting the results from the Advanced Applications for Electronic Identity Cards (ADAPID) project, and a working session of the Future of Id- tity in the Information Society (FIDIS) Workpackage 13.
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Constitutes the refereed post-proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, PET 2008, held in Leuven, Belgium, in July 2008 in conjunction with WOTE 2008, the IAVoSS Workshop on Trustworthy Elections. This work covers design and realization of privacy services for the internet and other communication networks.
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Analyzing PETs for Enterprise Operations.- Perfect Matching Disclosure Attacks.- An Indistinguishability-Based Characterization of Anonymous Channels.- On the Impact of Social Network Profiling on Anonymity.- Shining Light in Dark Places: Understanding the Tor Network.- Formalized Information-Theoretic Proofs of Privacy Using the HOL4 Theorem-Prover.- Breaking and Provably Fixing Minx.- Metrics for Security and Performance in Low-Latency Anonymity Systems.- Studying Timing Analysis on the Internet with SubRosa.- Bridging and Fingerprinting: Epistemic Attacks on Route Selection.- Chattering Laptops.- How to Bypass Two Anonymity Revocation Schemes.- Reputation Systems for Anonymous Networks.- PAR: Payment for Anonymous Routing.
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This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, PET 2008, held in Leuven, Belgium, in July 2008 in conjunction with WOTE 2008, the IAVoSS Workshop on Trustworthy Elections. The 13 revised full papers presented were carefully selected from 48 submissions during two rounds of reviewing and improvement. The papers - both from academia and industry - cover design and realization of privacy services for the internet and other communication networks and present novel research on all theoretical and practical aspects of privacy technologies, as well as experimental studies of fielded systems.  
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Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. K
235 mm
155 mm
Research, P, 06
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