It's no longer enough to have slide after slide of text, bullets, and charts. It's not even enough to have good speaking skills if your PowerPoint slides bore your audience. Get the very most out of all that PowerPoint 2010 has to offer while also learning priceless tips and techniques for making good presentations in this new PowerPoint 2010 Bible. Well-known PowerPoint expert and author Faithe Wempen provides formatting tips; shows you how to work with drawings, tables, and SmartArt; introduces new collaboration tools; walks you through five special presentation labs; and more.
Coverage includes:
- A First Look at PowerPoint
- What Makes a Great Presentation?
- Creating and Saving Presentation Files
- Creating Slides and Text Boxes
- Working with Layouts, Themes, and Masters
- Formatting Paragraphs and Text Boxes
- Correcting and Improving Text
- Creating and Formatting Tables
- Drawing and Formatting Objects
- Creating SmartArt Diagrams
- Using and Organizing Clip Art
- Working with Photographic Images
- Working with Charts
- Incorporating Content from Other Programs
- Adding Sound Effects, Music, and Soundtracks
- Incorporating Motion Video
- Creating Animation Effects and Transitions
- Creating Support Materials
- Preparing for a Live Presentation
- Designing User-Interactive or Self-Running Presentations
- Preparing a Presentation for Mass Distribution
- Sharing and Collaborating
- Customizing PowerPoint
- Presenting Content Without Bulleted Lists
- Adding Sound and Movement to a Presentation
- Creating a Menu-Based Navigation System
- Creating a Classroom Game
It's the book you need to succeed with PowerPoint 2010 and your next live presentation!
Preface xxix
Part I: Building Your Presentation 1
Chapter 1: A First Look at PowerPoint 3
Chapter 2:What Makes a Great Presentation? 37
Chapter 3: Creating and Saving Presentation Files 57
Chapter 4: Creating Slides and Text Boxes 89
Chapter 5: Working with Layouts, Themes, and Masters 115
Chapter 6: Formatting Text 151
Chapter 7: Formatting Paragraphs and Text Boxes 187
Chapter 8: Correcting and Improving Text 213
Chapter 9: Creating and Formatting Tables 235
Part II: Using Graphics and Multimedia Content 261
Chapter 10: Drawing and Formatting Objects 263
Chapter 11: Creating SmartArt Diagrams 311
Chapter 12: Using and Organizing Clip Art 331
Chapter 13: Working with Photographic Images 353
Chapter 14: Working with Charts 387
Chapter 15: Incorporating Content from Other Programs 421
Chapter 16: Adding Sound Effects, Music, and Soundtracks 437
Chapter 17: Incorporating Motion Video 463
Chapter 18: Creating Animation Effects and Transitions 491
Part III: Interfacing with Your Audience 521
Chapter 19: Creating Support Materials 523
Chapter 20: Preparing for a Live Presentation 545
Chapter 21: Designing User-Interactive or Self-Running Presentations 577
Chapter 22: Preparing a Presentation for Mass Distribution 607
Chapter 23: Sharing and Collaborating 629
Chapter 24: Customizing PowerPoint 649
Part IV: Project Labs 673
Lab 1: Presenting Content without Bulleted Lists 675
Lab 2: Adding Sound and Movement to a Presentation 691
Lab 3: Creating a Menu-Based Navigation System 709
Lab 4: Creating a Classroom Game 729
Appendix: What’s on the CD-ROM? 749
Index 753
Make a splash with these presentation tips and techniques
Anyone can create a presentation, but it takes more than bullet lists to make an impact. In this power-packed book, you'll learn how to create professional-quality slides that will captivate an audience with photographs, charts, and sophisticated transition and animation effects. You'll also learn how to deliver a first-rate presentation experience to your audience, whether you are speaking live at a podium, delivering content online, or distributing self-running DVDs. In this book, you'll learn how to:
Customize slide layouts, themes, and masters
Integrate charts, photos, clip art, and more
Engage an audience with music and narration
Create handouts and speaker notes
Build custom slide shows with optional hidden content
Save slide shows in digital video format
Broadcast or publish presentations on the Web
Use eye-catching animation effects
Easily apply color correction to photos
Create information-rich graphic objects with SmartArt
What's on the CD-ROM?
Find more than 500 professionally-designed PowerPoint templates and backgrounds that you can use in your own presentations.
See the CD Appendix in the book for details and complete system requirements.
Also in the Book
Four special project labs highlight complete presentations that show a variety of ways to create content. These labs include:
Presenting Content without Bulleted Lists
Adding Sound and Movement to a Presentation
Creating a Menu-Based Navigation System
Creating a Classroom Game
Discover what makes a great presentation
Add eye-popping graphics and multimedia
Make a connection with your audience