"...Bader has done an excellent job of creating a collection that holds together and covers a broad topic very well. At the same time, Petascale Computing remains accessible to anyone with HPC or scientific application experience. ... The end result educates and informs our journey through petascale and into exascale, while serving to motivate us to travel as fast as we can toward the goal." -John West, HPCwire "This is an exciting period for HPC and a period which promises unprecedented discoveries 'at scale', which can provide tangible benefits for both science and society. This book provides a glimpse into the challenging work of petascale's first wave of application and algorithm pioneers, and as such, provides an important context for both the present and the future." -Francine Berman, Director, San Diego Supercomputer Center, La Jolla, California, USA "This book provides a quick introduction on how the next generation of supercomputers will be used and a look into the future of large-scale scientific computing. The authors present many of the issues and challenges that face computational scientists in the effective use of the fastest computers." -Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA "The collection of articles in this book provides an excellent introduction to the state of the art in high-performance computing. Written by some of the best practitioners in the field and focused on real applications, it clearly illustrates the complex interplay between application characteristics, programming languages and libraries, and machine characteristics. Any person involved in the development of high-performance computing software will benefit from reading this timely book." -Marc Snir, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA "A milestone book on petascale computing." -Guojie Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing "There is a need for this book. Petascale systems are arriving in 2008 or so, and there will be a strong demand to demonstrate that these systems are useful. David Bader has collected an impressive list of topics and contributors. The content will be very relevant to the pursuit of effective petascale system use." -Michael A. Heroux, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA "A timely textbook for Japan's next-generation supercomputer users in nanophysics, bioscience, and technology." -Yoshio Oyanagi, Kogakuin University, Japan "...this collection represents an academic milestone in the high-performance computing industry..." -Supercomputingonline.com