A ground-breaking book highlighting new research and revolutionary applications of computer simulation to the human condition. A new field is born.
Saikou Diallo, Old Dominion University, USA
This important book by two pioneers in the computational science of religion presents a dazzling array of social simulation models based on theoretical integration and qualitative and quantitative data to explain how religion was integral to our species' civilizational transformations. Their pathbreaking methods will challenge and inspire scholars and scientists alike who are concerned with our enigmatic past and uncertain future.
Armin W. Geertz, Emeritus Professor of Religion, Aarhus University, Denmark
This remarkably broad work is essential for those interested in answering ‘Big Picture’ questions regarding the role of religion in the transformation of societies over time. Concepts from cultural anthropology, cognitive psychology, and sociology are integrated to tackle problems of daunting complexity. The authors have demonstrated the importance of this new tool for social sciences in general.
Luke Galen, Professor of Clinical Psychology, Grand Valley State University, USA