<p>"This excellent collection, Learning to Live with Datafication: Educational Case Studies and Initiatives from Across the World, emphasizes the necessity of research that focuses on situated effects, uses, and interpretations of data-driven technologies in education. It asks important questions about the experiences of living, teaching and learning in datafied systems, how datafication might evolve in the future, what should be done about it, and calls for informed critical discussion about how teaching and learning might be strengthened by datafication."</p><p>Professor Ben Williamson, <i>Chancellor’s Fellow at the Centre for Research in Digital Education, University of Edinburgh, UK</i></p>
Biographical note
Luci Pangrazio is a senior lecturer and Alfred Deakin postdoctoral research fellow at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. Her research studies personal data and privacy, the politics of digital platforms and young people’s critical understandings of digital media. She is currently researching methods for visualising and understanding digital data for educational purposes. Her book Young People’s Literacies in the Digital Age: Continuities, Conflicts and Contradictions was published in 2019 by Routledge.
Julian Sefton-Green is a Professor of New Media Education at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. He has worked as an independent scholar and has held positions at the Department of Media & Communication, London School of Economics & Political Science, and at the University of Oslo. He has researched and written widely on many aspects of media education, new technologies, creativity, digital cultures and informal learning and has authored, co-authored or edited 18 books and has spoken at over 50 conferences in over 20 countries.
Both editors are chief investigators at the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child.